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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Friday September 18, 2009: The Day in Tubes

Yeah I know. It is not Friday. I have been bad. And lazy. You know who is none of the above? First Lady Michelle Obama.

How many of you think Mrs. Obama will be considered the greatest First Lady, the United States of America has ever had?

The Onion reveals another growing problem in the US.

Isn’t there any place where bigotry won’t raise its ugly, ugly head?

Thursday September 17, 2009: The Day in Tubes (Oh no, it's not really Thursday?!)

I am afraid I got a bit goofy Thursday and ended up with an all toon set of tubes. Then Ani and I ended up spending a bit of quality time together after a very tough week, so I missed my own deadline.

However, I liked the tubes so much I decided to post them anyway, even though they are a couple of days late. Please forgive my tardiness, but decided time spent with one’s girlfriend takes priority:~D

First off, Headzup exposes Lumpybag’s views on racism.

All republicans should be sooooo proud of their de facto leader!

Headzup caught a bit of news I missed.

Oh Nancy, say it ain’t so…

Back to making fun of republicans. This is one of the more extraordinary commercials I have ever seen.

Jesus hates me because I am a Democrat? Oh noes..

Daily Tubes for September 15 & 16, 2009

Headzup landed an exclusive interview with President Obama. I was so pleased that they were able to get him to really open up.

Oh don’t I wish he could actually go there.

The Onion has breaking international news!

OMFG. I just totally offended myself! WTF is wrong with me? I actually adore Hillary Clinton. And yet I still found the bit pretty funny. I wonder why?

President Carter has some thoughts on the tea baggers and anti Obama protesters.

I do believe that racism is a strong undercurrent flowing through the freak show we have been witnessing over these past several months.

For those who are not racist, you shame yourselves by allowing these nut bags a place in your movement.

Monday September 14, 2009: The Day in Tubes

I e-mailed Versusplus about two weeks ago.

Dear Marcy,

I might be a pest, but I wrote an email and posted on your YouTube comments that I would love to see a new song about the freakshow anti health care reform. In the mean time, would it be possible to re-post “Heartless” and “It’s a Bird” on YouTube. They seem ever so relevant today.

Best wishes on your continued success,


Much to my pleasure, “Heartless” was posted again on YouTube today. Is this because of my letter? Hell yes!!!;~P Ok, maybe not, but I am so happy to post this here for all of you.

My pleasure (and rage) grew even more when I saw this posted by BraveNewFilms. In my honest opinion, Cigna is downright evil. Suffice it to say, they have done their best to ruin my life for profit. Yes, this is personal.

Hey, it is all about me, right;~?

Friday September 11, 2009: The Day in Tubes

Warning! I am sick and irreverent. I wonder how many times I will need to post that warning? Knowing me, rather often I am certain.

That being said, the Onion has a unique idea of how to commemorate 9/11.

An Onion a day helps keeps the blindness away.

I have seen this tube before, and did not realize that it had been censored on YouTube. It seems appropriate to revisit today.

REPOST. Original description by creator/copyrightowner PUPPETGOV.:

“*CENSORED By You Tube. This video was listed as #22 on YT’s All Time News/Politics Video and was pulled and erased from that standing overnight.

So What Are You Going To Do About It?

Song:’All the things that I have done’



I am still angry at the bush pseudo administration for almost destroying the United States of America and our Constitution.

It may take (a duly elected and actual) President Obama a while to fix the mess the bushies created.  

September 7 through September 10, 2009: The Week in Tubes (so far)

My apologies for not posting the Day this week. I have been busy and lazy. I think I am also pretty depressed that TPMtv has stopped posting the Day in 100 seconds 🙁

Headzup is back though, and has revealed the secret pug strategy for 2012.

If he doesn’t make it, there are always these guys:

My oh my, the repugs have such a fertile field of possibilities;~J

Wait a minute, it looks like the Congressman has apologized to the President.

Wow. That sounded sincere. Britethorn has an appropriate response for Mr Wilson.

I hope she washed his mouth with soap.


I just watched President Obama’s speech to the AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was live blogging on btchakir’s Some Thoughts on Labor Day, hoping to inspire some discussion. I am going to post my comments and post a tube of the speech as soon as one is available. I may continue to work on this, if there is interest.

So far the President is giving a rousing speech  

and letting Labor know how they have changed America for the better.

And he just started talking about how he has improved things over the past 7 months.

And is reminding us of the bad ole days…

Good god, I want him to kick some ass!!!

He is taking a few good swipes

at the loony toon freakshow.

Ok here it is

He is launching into health care..

Oh yeah

you are the Man!

To the lunatics who are fear mongering. What are you gonna do?


He just said

a public option will help improve bringing down cost.

could have been stronger.

But he addressing every single criticism from the anti health care reform idiots.  

*[new] He left it as a teaser

Will reveal more on Wednesday about health care reform.

He is doing well in my opinion. He has a fire in his belly today!

Daily Tubes for September 3 & 4, 2009

Health care is the only issue right now. President Obama may be willing to stake his Presidency on health care reform. If Congress doesn’t do it’s job, there is a good chance we will be looking at significant Democratic losses in 2010. members and R.E.M. speak out for health care reform. We need a public option now.

Call Congress now. Let them know their jobs are on the line.

I have noticed a couple of pro health care reformers giving republicans a rough time lately on the tv machine. They don’t seem to handle it as well as many Democratic legislators I have seen in similar situations. I saw a clip on MSNBC earlier this week, where one republican lawmaker (sorry cannot remember the name and have been unable to find the clip) left his town hall 47 seconds after it started, when challenged by pro health care reform citizens. And then there is Michael Steele earlier this week.

They can dish it out, but they can’t seem to take it directed at them. Do we really want these idiots in power again?

Fighting Dirty

Growing up, I was taught to do the right thing. Don’t steal, or lie, and never ever hurt or judge others. Although it sounds as if I was raised in a christian home, I was not. In fact I grew up with a certain amount of disdain for organized religion.

We were Episcopalian, but then one day Father Van Sly (really) visited my mother when she was eight and one half months pregnant with me. He was very concerned that my mother had not been to church recently and told her if she missed another Sunday he would excommunicate her.

She did not flip him the bird to his face, but I heard the story many times over my life. My parents quit the church soon after this incident.