Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are |
Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are |
It’s National Fortune Cookie Day. What’s the best fortune you ever got? Give an example of the sort of fortunes you would put inside fortune cookies for your friends and family.
Do you think you could get a song stuck in other people’s heads? What song?
How far have you ever walked in one day?
Did you ever train an animal to do anything?
The Twitter Emitter
If we evolved from apes, why are there still creationists?
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) July 19, 2013
"When was Obama profiled?" — People who three years ago were demanding Obama show his papers
— AdamSerwer (@AdamSerwer) July 19, 2013
Calling Reagan a "small government conservative" is like calling Jerry Sandusky a good role model to children #TCOT #P2
— jimmy streich (@streicher187) July 20, 2013
The #GOP loves to remind you that #Lincoln freed the slaves-in part because it was the last time a #Republican helped out African Americans.
— Eric Wolfson (@ericwolfson) July 20, 2013
Hey everybody, a little space for GZim in this difficult time. After all, there's nothing more unnerving than being watched and followed.
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) July 20, 2013
Your daily reminder: people of color did not create racism, so ending it is not their job.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) July 21, 2013
Ernest Hemingway was born on this day in 1899. He would have composed some fantastic tweets.
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) July 21, 2013
Seriously, why doesn't Texas just make it a crime for any woman of menstruating age to not be pregnant? #p2 #tcot
— Laura Goodwin (@ToolPackinMama) July 21, 2013
Nice guys don't confuse life with a contest.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) July 21, 2013
.@KenCuccinelli maybe if you tweeted a Geraldo-style selfie, you could end oral sex without involving the courts
— Gen JC Christian (@JC_Christian) July 21, 2013
Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome. |
Here’s today’s Motley Monday Shot of the Week. I took this at Catoctin, MD last weekend.
Add yet another reason that Antonin Scalia has made himself an embarrassment to the office he holds, along with any other person that possesses one, small, iota of basic human decency. Speaking before the Utah Bar Association, Scalia reportedly said:
Scalia opened his talk with a reference to the Holocaust, which happened to occur in a society that was, at the time, “the most advanced country in the world.” One of the many mistakes that Germany made in the 1930s was that judges began to interpret the law in ways that reflected “the spirit of the age.” When judges accept this sort of moral authority, as Scalia claims they’re doing now in the U.S., they get themselves and society into trouble.
How many more times will the greatest crime in Jewish history be used to score cheap political points? Scalia is hardly the first person to so misappropriate the Holocaust to make such points and I doubt he will be the last.
While Scalia is known for vitriol directed against many groups he does not like, this case is particularly egregious. It makes me wonder what evil he will not blame on those that he deems ‘activist judges.’ Of course, this is only made all the more egregious by his hypocrisy when it comes to ‘judicial activism.’ It seems that the only ‘judicial activism’ he dislikes are those cases of ‘judicial activism’ that affirm the rights of unpopular groups from tyranny of the majority. He is also willing to use any evidence, no matter how offensive and wrong, to prove his ‘point.’
I post a weekly diary of historical notes, arts & science items, foreign news (often receiving little notice in the US) and whimsical pieces from the outside world that I often feature in “Cheers & Jeers”. For example …..
DIRECT DESCENDANTS? – two noted English actors: Boris Karloff and Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons.
OK, you’ve been warned – here is this week’s tomfoolery material that I posted.
I’ve been thinking of other examples of civil protest since the Zimmerman trial’s verdict. How they were perceived at the time, and if they were welcomed by all the members of the group they were fighting for. An incident I feel would be interesting to compare was the 1943 March of the Rabbis in Washington D.C
Make sure you let your peeps
know where to find you!
PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary! Recs on the Weather Critter Comment are still welcome. |
Following a link I saw in a Tweet tonight I was led to an unbelievable POS at Talk Left.
TL is supposedly “The Online Magazine with Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news” Bullshit.
It was like reading a Fox News report, but worse.
On President Obama’s speech yesterday:
The most objectionable part of his comments: Not once did he express any empathy for George Zimmerman, the man who was acquitted who spent the past 16 months under the cloud of criminal charges, and who continues to have a target on his back.
emphasis mine
Empathy for a man who murdered an unarmed 17 year old?
I thought it couldn’t get worse than that but it does.
More below the fold.
A famous Supreme Court case of 50 years ago …. and the surprising story of the attorney who lost the case 9-0, after the jump ….
A beautiful resistance movement is happening in Florida.
Led by mostly black and brown young people, youths and oldsters of all colors are sitting in in the Florida state capitol.
Since Tuesday morning (7/16) Dream Defenders have maintained a presence at the Capitol for an extended stay to apply pressure and demand that Governor Rick Scott call for a special session of legislature to address issues related to the environment in Florida that led to this tragedy and injustice. Dream Defenders are pushing for what they are calling the ‘Trayvon Martin Act’ which addresses the repeal of Stand Your Ground, racial profiling, and the war on the youth.
Check out the Dream Defenders facebook page, and homepage
I was proud to see this quote from Ella Baker prominently displayed:
“Awake youth of the land and accept this noble challenge of salvaging the strong ship of civilization by the anchors of right, justice, and love…”
-Ella Baker
because I know how much she strongly supported young people and our involvement in the movement, back when I was one of those young people.
Meanwhile, today, in over 100 cities across the nation, the National Action Network will be holding “Justice for Trayvon” vigils. They are joined by The Million Hoodies Movement for Justice,#HoodiesUp, and many other grassroots organizations.
Follow me below the fold for a list of scheduled cities