Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for July 2013

Good News

I just got a message from the Heart Center. I was asleep and couldn’t get to the phone in time but according to the message the results today were normal. I am so relieved. Thank you all for your good wishes. They helped.

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 7/25/13


How would you like your hot fudge sundae?

What’s your favorite carousel?

Who makes the best chili dogs?

When in your life have you ever had to wear a uniform? (School, work, teams, organizations?) Did you look good in your uniform?

If you played sports in school, what was your uniform number? Got pictures?

What’s better, electric or acoustic Dylan?

The Twitter Emitter

A List of Female Dictators

By: inoljt,

One of the phenomenons of the twentieth century has been the rise  of the dictator. Dictators rule countries undemocratically and usually  until death, crushing the opposition. Unlike the kings or emperors of  old, these men generally don’t have any family linkage with previous  rulers.

Notice the gender-specific word ”men.” All dictators have been male,  without exception. A woman has never ordered the army to crush nascent  protests against her authoritarianism. Nor has a woman ever led a coup  to overthrow a democratically elected government, replacing its rule by  her own.

More below.

A Volcano in my Backyard

                                        Mount Baker (July 3, 2013)

As the snow melted sufficiently for the snow cats and plows to cut through, one of the most scenic spots in the North cascades, Artist Point was opened recently and afforded us its  dramatic 360 degree view. At an elevation of 5,100 feet, Artist Point is situated between Mt. Baker, the live volcano and its neighbor, Mt. Shuksan, a non-volcanic, faulted behemoth. This area is rich in geologic history and features and as the authors of Hiking Washington’s Geology state:

“Standing in the parking lot at Artists Point, you can see as much geology in the 360 degree sweep as in almost any other location in the world.”

This 360 degree sweep from Artist Point is amateurishly illustrated in this iphone video. Standing in the parking lot at Artist Point, the sweep begins at Mt. Shuksan, moves to just seeing the top of Baker, then to Table Mountain, then to the north toward Canada, and finally back to Shuksan:

I was unable to imbed the video but here is URL on You tube)  I will try to embed the video in a comment.

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday, 7/24/13


Have you ever done any mountain climbing (not hiking)? If so, where?

Who is your favorite living comedian?  What’s your favorite routine?

Who is your favorite dead comedian? What’s your favorite routine?

Are you close to all of your cousins?

Do you have any relatives that you avoid at all costs?

The Twitter Emitter

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

 photo Moosewateringhole_zpsfce12127.jpg

Can we talk about incarceration?

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This is not going to be a long commentary.

Someone recently sent me a link to a news item, from Ohio.

Ohio Prisons Shut Off Electricity In Exchange For Payments

This was during a time period when I was sweating and uncomfortable in an extended heat wave in my part of the Northeast, and since I don’t have air-conditioning I was jumping into the shower several times a day to cool off.

If you are locked up, and they shut off air, cooling systems, during a heat wave-how many folks on the outside give a damn?


Senator McConnell’s Progressive Liberal voting record, his absolute iron fisted rule over the Republican Party in Kentucky and his willingness to roll over and cede power to President Obama and the Liberals in Washington, prove that he is no friend to the American people or the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


over the rainbow for some rolling and ceding…

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 7/23/13


What do you like on your hot dog/smart dog?

What words would you like to ban?

Do you have a junk drawer? What’s in it?

Have you ever served on a jury? If yes, did you feel pressured to vote a certain way? Do you think the process was fair?

The Twitter Emitter