How far from where you grew up have you ended up? If you still live nearby, did you ever live far away?
Have you ever littered? Have you ever picked up after litterers?
Have you ever gotten revenge on anyone? Can you tell us about it?
The Twitter Emitter
If weed was a gateway drug, crack would be more popular than Starbucks.
— Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 3, 2014
BREAKING: Apple forced to deny rumors that Siri is pregnant
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 3, 2014
Republicans can't decide. Is Russia our biggest foe or is Putin the dreamiest?
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 3, 2014
Putin hates gays and loves foreign interventionism. He should be speaking at CPAC.
— Hunter (@HunterDK) March 3, 2014
imagine if Obama had previously announced he'd looked into Putin's soul and seen goodness? i think Fox would've collapse into itself by now
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) March 4, 2014
gop has alpha male issues. "talk tough" is all they demand, don't use your brain because god forbid.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) March 4, 2014
You know what makes America look weak? Cowardly Republican asshats sniping at the President during foreign policy crises.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) March 4, 2014
Review: Osama dead. Diplomacy used as a successful tool repeatedly. The drumbeat for war from #GOP after 48 hours because? #tcot
— Erin Kotecki Vest (@QueenofSpain) March 4, 2014