Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Obama did 11 points better among white men and 4 points better among white women than Kerry…

… therefore, PUMA is a political force to be reckoned with.

No, really. You’ll forgive me for not linking to the Den of Cognitive Dissonance, but our good friends at PUMA PAC found a “brilliant” article from Dick Morris to justify this incredible flight of fancy. You remember Dick Morris, right? The guy who posited, three weeks before the election, that the electoral college map looked like this:

Obama’s key to success? He needs to speechificate more like Bush

Sometimes, cognitive dissonance can be so bad it hurts. From Powerline’s John Hinderaker:

   Obama thinks he is a good talker, but he is often undisciplined when he speaks. He needs to understand that as President, his words will be scrutinized and will have impact whether he intends it or not. In this regard, President Bush is an excellent model; Obama should take a lesson from his example. Bush never gets sloppy when he is speaking publicly.

   He chooses his words with care and precision, which is why his style sometimes seems halting. In the eight years he has been President, it is remarkable how few gaffes or verbal blunders he has committed. If Obama doesn’t raise his standards, he will exceed Bush’s total before he is inaugurated.

Of course, the Author’s not been noted as a neutral sane observer of these situations, as demonstrated by:

It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.

Yes, that’s exactly right. Bush is like Leonardo-friggin’-Da Vinci.

We need your help in VA-05! VOTER CAGING! Help keep our house races up!

The closest contested election in the country right now is hinging on your help.

Right now, we’re in the middle of doing final checks on the counts done last night for the race in VA-05. Sound familiar? The home of the xenophobic Virgil Goode. Currently, he’s ahead by six votes… but the word is that all absentee ballots are in, and almost none of the provisional ballots cast have been counted yet. Granny Doc and I both reside in this district, and we can tell you- Virgil needs to GO! Already, Virgil is assembling a team of lawyers, ready to throw out as many “unlawful” provisional votes as he needs to remain in the lead.

Today’s Voting Results

We will have reports this evening of voting numbers as they come in, from all levels of races (President, Senate, House, Governor). Virginia and Indiana’s results will be the first to post. Virginia has provided this nifty little device that will display up-to-date totals as they come in:

Pre-results actions starts this evening around 5PM EST. We’ll try and keep everyone as up-to-date as possible; we’re hoping to have a few different diaries up and running on various races, so you can easily keep track of the races important to you.

Here we go, folks… this is the day we’ve been waiting for.

I Voted Open Thread

The lines stretched down the block when I got there at 6AM; there wasa traffic jam getting in and I had a sick baby not thrilled about being up so early. But I got in and got it done:

How about you guys?

Evening News Roundup, WAAAAHHH!!! Edition

This evening news roundup is brought to you by the Republican Party:

The New York Post whines that Joe Biden gets away with saying “stupid” things because he doesn’t have an “R” after his name. No, see, Biden gets away with saying stupid things because the Obama campaign chuckles about it and then chastises Biden or repudiates what he says. They don’t, generally, try to deny reality. The McCain campaign, on the other hand, try to dismiss Palin’s boneheaded comments as gotcha journalism or a trap or they try to spin what she says as the complete opposite of what she said.

NRO sniffles and says if Public financing is broke, Barack Obama is the one who broke it. Don’t tell me the campaign finance system is broken- Obama is winning because the market has demanded it. Isn’t that what the NRO gets starbursts over? Free market capitalism? Or is it just Sarah Palin?

Speaking of Sarah Palin, Wonkette reports, whoops! Sarah Palin is going to have to pay income taxes on that spiffy $150,000 wardrobe!. Gosh sakes, now, then, hopefully she can afford that since she’s just a plain-old working American, don’tcha know?

Last but not least, Jonah Goldberg Jonah claims that “In Alaska, the people OWN the oil,” so those $1,200 checks to each citizen aren’t socialism- hell, they’re downright patriotic!

So, in summation:

State of the Race- Just Two Weeks To Go!

A month ago, when we brought you the first edition of State of the Race, here’s what the map looked like (as always, thanks to

A squeaker, by any means, but a win- 282 Obama, 256 McCain. And that was with the leaners pushed! At that time, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Colorado were all swing states, some definately in McCain’s favor.

How things have changed!

Overnight Open Thread and News Roundup

What’s on your mind tonight, guys and dolls?

Here’s some of the news roundup, sponsored in part by

Obama follows up 100,000 in St. Louis with a quiet rally at night – 75,000 in Kansas City. Actually, though, it turns out The Decemberists were happening to have a concert in both places just coincidentally at the same time.

OPEC to slash oil production because prices are too low to keep up with the rampant inflation in the hooker and blow market.

File this one under fail- McCain: “Obama wants to give you tax credits. That is evil socialism welfare. I, on the other hand, want to give you a tax credit.”

Those “funny” emails about Republicans voting on November 4th and Democrats voting on November 5th are making the rounds again.

And a note- we’re adding Elwyn Tinklenberg to our Motley Moose ActBlue page, in honor of Congresswoman Bachmann. Review our list and throw the candidates on there a few dollars, if you can spare ’em.

Nightly Openthread- Chrisblask: A Wrong Choice, or a Dangerous One?

Chrisblask says he’s for Motley Moose- but is he really?

The prospects of him being elected Supreme Bloglord? “It should disturb you.”

Even Chrisblask admits he knows a thing or two about the “abuse of power”.

And he’s been known to consort with foreign nationals that describe Americans as “lying, baiting, erratic and nasty…”

Lying? Nasty? Really, Chris?

Chrisblask. Wrong for Motley Moose, Wrong for America.

This political advertisement sponsored by Primary War Veterans for Truth, and is afiliated with no Netroots party and/or organization.

Overnight Open Thread

A lot happened today. What’s on your mind, folks?

And here’s our new Rich Lowry Memorial Starburst Map, once again thanks to our good friends at the magic number is 402. New additions include Montana (M+5), Georgia (M+3), and North Dakota, where the latest news seems to indicate the race has tightened back down. Can we do it?