… therefore, PUMA is a political force to be reckoned with.
No, really. You’ll forgive me for not linking to the Den of Cognitive Dissonance, but our good friends at PUMA PAC found a “brilliant” article from Dick Morris to justify this incredible flight of fancy. You remember Dick Morris, right? The guy who posited, three weeks before the election, that the electoral college map looked like this:
Sadly, I can’t find the one from September 18th, where he suggested Iowa was “Strong McCain”, Pennsylvania and Michigan as “Lean McCain”, and New Jersey and Washington as “tossup”, leaving McCain with 290 electoral votes to Obama’s 172. Nonetheless, of course, in a desperate attempt to claim some sort of relevance, the PUMA folks are claiming they had the power to change the election:
Bottom line: Puma Democrats really DID vote in numbers large enough to change the outcome. If not for ACORN and the Race Card and BAD gotv by the Republican Party, we would have won. Stupid thing to say, I know – “we would have won.” Yeah, we would have won if we hadn’t LOST, but it’s not so stupid as it might sound (seriously). Because the numbers tell an instructive story. The DONC played the Race Card to get their Chosen One in office. Let’s not forget that while the CRACKLE meisters furiously re-write history. White women feel politcially HOMELESS in LARGE numbers. And the GOP needs an ACORN of their own. Well, good luck to them on that. That’s their problem. But numbers one and two are OUR problem, or opportunity as I like to put it.
Ahh, if only, right? Of course, that’s ignoring the demographic numbers for Obama. But then again, statistics have a well-known Obama bias. To wit:
– Obama increased his share of the female vote over Kerry from 51% to 56%, which is an increase of 9.8%.
– Obama increased his share of the male vote, from 44% Kerry to 49% Obama, for an extra 11.3%.
– Obama increased his share of the white male vote, from 37% Kerry to 41% Obama, for a difference of 10.8% (noting that a 41% voting rate from white men is 4% points higher than the rate Bill Clinton got from white males in his 1996 re-election campaign!)
– For voters making more than 100k, the figure is 42% Kerry, 48% Obama, an increase of 14%.
– For those making more than 50k, the numbers are 43% Kerry to 49% Obama, for a 13.9% increase.
– Most impressive is the figures for Latino voters, which Obama increased from 53% Kerry to 67% Obama, for a staggering 26% increase over Kerry’s already impressive numers. Remember, of course, the adomishment of the PUMAs during the primaries suggested Latinos wouldn’t vote for anyone but Senator Clinton; looks like they fell into the same race-first trap that so many others have…
– And I almost forgot- among African-American voters, Obama’s numbers only increase from 88% Kerry to 95% Obama, which represents a 7.9% gain- the worst gain among any of these demographics.
But wait! This belies all the reasoning the PUMAs put down! And we all know they’re a force to be reckoned with- their reasoning and judgement are sound! They weren’t a myth perpetuated by the Obama campaign to force McCain into a perfectly-executed trap, no, sir!
Only one thing to say to that: