Greetings Moose. Let me first wish all of you, and all of yours, Happy Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus/New Year/Birthday (I’m sure I’ve missed several) and the best of wishes for many more. 2011 was an interesting year for my family…both the highs and the lows will mark it as a memorable one.
I am beyond excited to be here in 2012…not only because even numbered years are my friend, but because we get to work to see Obama to another term. Thus far, it seems to me that the Republicans vying to be his opponent are helping further our cause more than anyone or anything else. Have you ever seen such a circus??
Despite the boost that Obama and the Democrats have gotten from the Republican antics of late, we WILL have to fight to see that Obama is a two term President.
It was during the 2008 battle to see a Democrat elected to the Presidency that most of us met…and I hope to find many ‘old-timers’ resurfacing to take up the fight again.
I want to see Old Moose and New Moose (and Lurker Moose!) engaged in the battle. I want to hear about ‘feet on the ground’, phone banking, door knocking, yard signs, and bumperstickers. I want to hear about donations and voter registration drives. I want to hear about the discussions held around the family dinner table. I want to hear what Moose feel is worth fighting for…and what is worth fighting against.
We have less than a year before we find ourselves in the voting booth again…I want to be pulling the lever (er, touching the screen?) with the confidence that I did everything possible to see an Obama victory.
I want us ALL to have that confidence.
And I want every step…every action…every frustration…every happy moment…and, ultimately, the joy of victory…to be shared here.
Any takers?