Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Open Thread: Local Moose Does Good!

A very Motley congratulations to one of our favorite Moose!

DeniseVelez (Deoliver47 on dKos) has been named as the first dKos ‘Class of 2011’ Frontpager.


Kos himself announced the welcomed news just a bit ago…the reaction thus far has been OVERWHELMINGLY supportive and appreciative…a decision worthy of a bit of celebration!

A Child In Every Pot

A child in every pot and a body under every garage!

Meet Michelle Bachmann’s new campaign pledge. Rest easy Republicans…your newest Great White Hope for the Presidency shares John Wayne (Gacy’s) vision for America!

Rep Bachmann’s Dream for the Nation: John Wayne’s America

A more hysterical campaign gaffe could not have been written.

Follow me below the fold for comedy gold.  

Open Thread: Starring Rand Paul

Rand Paul wins the “WTF?” award for the week with his vile take on Universal Health Care. Speaking at a Senate  Health, Education, and Labor Committee hearing on May 11th, Senator Paul the Lesser artfully disgustingly compared the right to health care to slavery.




Follow me below the fold to see what this clown had to say.

(I hope everyone is seated…it truly is astounding)

Huckabee's Cartoon History of America

I caught a glimpse of something silly on Hardball a few minutes ago and decided to see if I could make any sense of it. I only caught the very tail end of a cartoon…a bizarre cartoon. It was almost like one of those Japanese anime renderings of our tabloid fodder.

It took some digging, mainly because the clip in question is marked on Youtube as:

This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it.

I’ve never seen that before. An unlisted video..only available to those with the secret link?

What is Mr. Huckabee up to?


I’m glad I stuck with my hunt, though, because I am still laughing at the absurdity.

Open Thread: Have We Already Won?

With more than a year and a half until we pull a lever for President…has Obama already won?

When you look at the pool of possible Republican contenders, I can’t help but think the answer is yes. I felt as such before the events of this past week.

Before Obama graciously assisted in the application of egg to face by providing his long form birth certificate.

Before his masterful comic delivery at the correspondents dinner.

Before he put to rest any hope of labeling him as weak on the ‘War On Terror’ with the neatly wrapped body of Osama Bin Laden deposited on the bottom of the ocean.

While it is true that anything can happen….and November 2012 is a lifetime away politically…I just can’t shake the belief that Obama has already won the hard part of the battle.


He has won RESPECT.

Walker Walking Back In Wisconsin

Governor Walker is beginning to walk back on his refusal to negotiate over his draconian union busting attempts.


New emails and conversations have come to light unveiling the first attempts at compromise from Walker over his stance on collective bargaining…possibly a good first step, but, is it enough?


President Obama has declared the DOMA unconstitutional and ordered Eric Holder and the DOJ to cease and desist in their legal defenses of it.


After careful consideration, including a review of my recommendation, the President has concluded that given a number of factors, including a documented history of discrimination, classifications based on sexual orientation should be subject to a more heightened standard of scrutiny.  

The President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional.   Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the statute in such cases.  

I fully concur with the President’s determination.

Attorney General Eric Holder

Get Your Geek On

I wanted to share a bit of news I came across today, but, could not find a thread to drop it in. Since I thought other Moose might have off-topic things in their heads as well…Open Thread!


Join me below the fold, my fellow Geeks.

(oh, come on, I know most of you Moose are Geeks…don’t try to deny it)

When Politics is Personal…Really, Really Personal

Thursday night, Democratic Representative Jackie Speier of California delivered an extremely personal speech on the House floor. Although her words were poignant and powerful, they were words which she shouldn’t have had to speak… words which revealed personal information she ought not have felt the need to divulge. It speaks to the callous, unfeeling nature of politics, particularly Republican politics, that Rep. Speier felt she needed to bring a bit of humanity — and in this case, her own humanity — to the table on the fly, in order to make a political point.


Her emotional words on Republican Rep. Mike Pence’s plan to de-fund Planned Parenthood came after another Republican representative finished reading graphic passages from a controversial book by an anti-abortion activist. What she had to say ought to have shamed many in attendance…emPHAsis on ‘ought’.