Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for September 2011

Troy Davis – Last Minute Action Alert!

Kay asked me to post this over here.  There’s fuller diary and links over at the Critical Mass Progress diary on the subject.

In the meantime, you can email/fax letters to the GA Board of Pardons & Paroles before Monday morning. Use the salutation “Dear Board Members.”

Email: and Fax: +1 404 651 8502.  

No telephone calls will be accepted, so don’t waste time trying to call.  

Huffington Post reports Troy Davis Clemency, Religious Leaders Rally for Support

Faitful America also has a petition

So does Amnesty International (editor)

A Moose Memo "pony pwogwessives"


This is a comment turned into a diary in response to a comment:

You make a valid point, but I’m a bit bothered by some of these comments. I hope that the “pony pwogwessives” type comments are not too prevalent here


I am going to be as honest as I can here. At 63 and having been involved with Democratic politics and liberal activism either as an observer or participant since the late 60s. I was heavily involved in student activism against the Vietnam War. I was involved in the civil rights movement, worked for a women’s right to choose before Roe v Wade. And had a strong belief in gay rights since my days as a theater major and working in theater in the 60s and 70s. When LGBT’s are your close friends you quickly understand they are people deserving of your respect and the same rights.

I am going to tell you what I believe ( please notice this is my opinion and mine alone I do not presume to speak for all progressives let alone all Moose ).

Progressives, liberal, Democrats whatever label you choose to use, are very good at focussing on a single target when out of the White House. We tend not to be very good when we do gain the White House. The circular firing squads start  popping up right after the inauguration.

At the first sign that the Democratic President, I don’t care who it is, isn’t adhering to some progressive ideal the desertions from his or her camp begin and the verbal fist fights start amongst our own. Now some of this comes from the fact the Democrats really are a big tent party. You cannot invite the Hatfields and McCoys to the party and not expect some punches being thrown. I can live with this and I can understand it. What I do not get is the failure by some to look at the big picture. What I do not understand is the epistemic closure that is just as prevalent on the left as it is on the right.

Thoughts on the End of the Boycott

1. It succeeded. Page counts.

2. I’m not sure I’ll go back. Avoid meta, hiddens. Too toxic

3. Most people will welcome you back. Missed you. A tiny If we’re met with a wall of hostility. Make this clear

I might cross post. The main thing will be: the Boycott was a success. No one thought so many lurkers would follow. It highlighted an issue graphically. I will write to those who don’t want to return: I completely understand. Once you’re out of the hate, you feel like your life is revived. The air is clearer.

For those going back; the majority who believe in diverse debate will welcome you back. If you are met with hostility from some, then they aren’t progressives or really liberals. What liberal or progressive jeers at strikers when they return to work, or marchers when they leave their sit in?  Progressives support collective action, even if they don’t join in a particular demo.

If you’re met with hostility and sneers, these people are defining themselves as non inclusive, as anti progressive, as people who don’t believe in a broad tent and group organisation. These people are doing you a favour. They are revealing their true motives. And that’s the great thing about collective struggle, Realities are made clea

We long time Moosers may have supported the boycott, but did so spontaneously last Sunday. None of us planned it. All of us were amazed how many of you came over to the Moose. But we’re not in competition with Kos, a small homely blog like this could be any kind of replacement.

Final note: many cross post, including a senior DKos front pager, criticise the tone of debate in recent months, but not the site itself.

One comment a whole conspiracy among hundreds of Moosers to destroy DKos. I believe the comment was misconstrued and misrepresented. Anyone can read this public blog and see it’s total tosh. I’ll just repeat

So have a good return those of you who venture back. I hope you’ll always consider the Moose your  home in the countryside, somewhere you can come and meet friends down the local pub, and always have a civil and interesting debate. If you don’t come back, we’ll understand but miss ya. If you do, we’ll welcome you with open arms.

Thanks for this week. It’s been a ball.  


OK, so, like, you know I’m dirkster42.  I’ve been here maybe a day or two, and I’m liking it here.

I’m another one of the people who supported the boycott over at DK.  Not sure if I’ll drift back on Monday, but enough about that.

So, who is this “dirkster42?” you ask.  OK, maybe you didn’t ask, too bad.  I will tell you anyway.

WAYBACK MACHINE: On Liberty and Self Censorship

Forgive me for reprinting this diary from December 08, but it’s just to start a conversation about what the Moose stands for – especially now we have plenty of new members.

We’re a diverse bunch, politically:  we don’t form any kind of faction or clique within any political party. We come from all wings of the Dem Party, many Independents, and several ‘Dang Furrners’. But we’ve united under the banner of ‘progress through politics‘ and therefore consider ourselves progressives with an eye to getting things done, and the world improved. This has led to us coming out in support of your current President on most occasions, but we’re far from uncritical. And of course the values we share will outlive any particular politician.

So please use the ramblings below to put your points of view across. The new comment thread starts here

Still recovering from this last amazing year, I’ve been reading the works of the original progressive blogfather. No I don’t mean the proprietor of MYDD, but the guy who effectively coined the term ‘Progressive‘. He was a Brit too – naturellement – one of the earliest and most vocal proponents of feminism and female equality, and also a bit of a looker.

HylasBrook – RIP

This will be very short.  I know that many people who participate in the pootie diaries at the GOS also are boycotting.  

HylasBrook has pass away very suddenly last Friday according to yesterday’s pootie diary and I thought some of the people here would want to know.  Apparently there will be a funeral service and according to KelleyRN, there will be flowers sent.  

She was diagnosed with endometrial cancer around August 16th and was scheduled for surgery, but beyond that there are very few details.  I did not know her well, and only through the pootie diaries, but I thought there might be some here that are boycotting that might want to know.

I pray that all of her beloved pets had met her at the Rainbow Bridge and say a prayer for comfort to all those who loved her.


Wayback Machine: Happy Birthday, Karl Lutze!

This was originally posted on Tue Jun 22, 2010. I just thought I would bring it out for our new guests because Karl is someone everyone should know. Karl is 91 now, still writing and still a better man than I.

I am very happily in Valparaiso, Indiana for my step father’s 90th birthday party.

Karl Lutze was born in 1920 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.  As a boy he watched his father and his uncle pull up in the Automobile his father had ordered, picked up at the train station, read the operators manual and driven home.  During WWII Karl studied to be a wartime pastor, but by the time he finished seminary school the war was over.  Instead of going overseas, Karl was assigned to a poor black parish in Muskogee, Oklahoma.  The rest of Karl’s life was cast at that moment.

Happy Birthday, Karl.  And thank you.

Insomniacs Venthole with Craig Ferguson: Mighty Moose Edition

Please read and follow instructions before opening.  Or consult your physician.

SPOILER WARNING: A latenight gathering for non-serious palaver that does not speak of that night’s show. Posting a spoiler will get you brollywhacked. You don’t want that to happen to you.


This vent-hole (hereinafter known as IVH), if lost or stolen will not be replaced or purchase price refunded. Violation of IVH rules will result in expulsion without refund. A copy of IVH rules can be obtained from one or more members wearing tie-dyed oxford shirts after written requests.

Admission to certain functions within the IVH may require additional innuendo, enter at your own risk. Frivolity and silliness are highly recommended for all riders. Flamewars are expressly forbidden and political ranting is strongly discouraged.

Please consult your counselor, magistrate or religious functionary before usage. Comment below if you agree with said terms.

Who let the dogs out?

This is what I want to do to Tea Partiers –

Funny cat pictures

This is what I want to do to people who disagree with me –

Funny cat pictures

This is what I want to do to other people who disagree with me –

Funny cat pictures

This is who my husband wants to do besides me –

Pamela Anderson

This is who I’d do besides my husband –

George Clooney

And this is our woozle – Truman


And this is who Truman would do – LMAO

My dogs are lesbian cowboys

A quick introduction


I’m yet another newbie to Motley Moose who is coming here to get a way from DailyKos. I’m hoping that indeed there is discussion here without the meanness and pettiness that has taken over at GOS.

What has caused me to leave after many years there? I was close to completely leaving at several points during the last year. I had at one point decided to leave, but was cajoled by the people in Kosability to remain and just hang out in the community.

That worked for a while, but two events in the last couple of weeks changed my mind. The first is, of course, the purge and the resultant call for the boycott. Second, I was really offended when front pager Joan wrote a hair-on-fire front page article about how Obama is out to destroy SSI and that a congressional report proves it. When it was pointed out that the report actually presented the opposite conclusion to the one she had made, nothing happened except more diaries that followed that still had that glaring error. No acknowledgement was made to the many comments that pointed out the error, no apologies for her error, nothing. I ended up sending a message to her, but when nothing happened from that, and the results of the purge became evident, it was time to get out. Not only am I not providing the clicks to the site, but I was a subscriber and finally gave up on that.

What is strange is that somehow I still have five bars of mojo, I assume because I had a couple of diaries at the end that indicated my displeasure with the site and my support of the proposed boycott.

Due to a post at ThePeoplesView today, I did make one last trip over to DK, where I verified my mojo but also verified the negativity and all the isms that have been plaguing the site of late. While I may occasionally wander over to continue to read Kosability, I just can’t deal with so much of what is happening there any more.

Sorry that this isn’t as quick an introduction as I’d planned, but I guess it is important for the Moose to understand where I’m coming from. I’m happy to see so many familiar names here today as I found this site. I hope that I can contribute something to the site as well.