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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for August 2008

Florida and Michigan have full voting-rights secured

Really. That about says it all.

Democratic delegates from Michigan and Florida were awarded full voting rights at the national convention Sunday, despite holding early primaries against party rules.

The convention credentials committee voted unanimously to restore the voting privileges at the behest of Barack Obama, the party’s presumptive nominee for president. The states were initially stripped of delegates for holding primaries before Feb. 5. The party’s rules committee restored the delegates in May, but gave them only half votes.

Lounge – Navy Insults (and other bits of Humor)


As promised, here are a few of the better insults that I remember from the Navy:

“I’d say that you were dumber than a bag of hammers, but that would be an insult to a useful tool.”

“You’re holdin’ up the whole Navy, Midshipman David!”  (That one is burned into my memory).

“You’re the kind of person that would go looking for the batteries for the “sound-powered” phones, aren’t ya’?” (Can be alternated with a variation: “You’re the kind of person that would go looking for relative bearing grease, aren’t ya’?”)

One of the harshest that I remember is one that I picked up in 1985:

Hey, Let’s Channel Some of That Energy…

Over the last two days, I’ve noticed that MyDD has been full of a very vigorous debate over the VP selection.

While it is apparent that this discussion has much pent up energy behind it…I’d like to make a proposal:

Let’s channel that energy, right here, on motley moose.

This is not meant as a guilt trip at all.  It’s just a proposal, as an exercise.

The McCain Strategy: Divide and Conquer

Cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama.

Many on our side of the blogosphere, this Clintonista included, have expressed some concerns as the polls have tightened over the last few weeks.  In an analysis of polling data released on Friday, Gallup argued that the most important factor in the tight polling is weak support for Obama among Democrats.

During this election cycle, in part because of the excitement over the historic Democratic primary and in part because of President Bush’s unpopularity, more voters are identifying themselves as Democrats than Republicans, giving Democrats a 7 point advantage nationwide.


If independents are asked toward which party they lean, the lead expands to nine points.

Mormons Dismissed by McCain and the GOP

“The McCain camp has again chosen to ignore the needs of the Mormon community by failing to reach out to the supporters of Mitt Romney.  Mormons throughout American history have been persecuted by the established powers of the government.  The Governor of Missouri issued the infamous “Extermination Order” in the 1800s in which he declared: “the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State”, resulting in the slaughter by US soldiers of Mormon men and young boys.  Even in withdrawing to Utah under the leadership of Bigham Young to seek refuge from the murder and persecution they suffered, the Mormons were hunted by the established powers in Washington.  Despite this relentless persecution, the generosity of the Mormon people continued to be demonstrated again and again, including the selfless action of bringing food to the very soldiers who were sent to kill them as they lay trapped and freezing at Guardsmen’s Pass.

“Washington is again duping the gentle Mormon people of this country, assuming they will meekly follow John McCain and cast their votes for him despite the vile lies used against him during the Republican primaries.  Has John McCain and the Republican party even acknowledged the concerns of the Mormon population?  Has he done anything to earn the votes of the patriotic Americans, or does he like all past Republican politicians assume they will blindly continue to give him their votes?

“Mitt Romney is a dedicated father, a loyal American and a faithful representative of the Mormon people and their way of life.  His treatment at the hands of the party that so blithely takes the support of these hardworking people should not be forgotten come November.”

Looks broken in IE 7 on my laptop

The top looks all wrong in IE 7. I’ve been looking at it in Firefox and only now took a look in IE. I know better than to assume it looks right in both browsers. Let me know if you see something that doesn’t look right.

Lounge Diary – Cussin’ is Patriotic!

July 6, 1984

My first day in the Navy.  

I was 17 years old, and had to actually get a special note from my parents to be able to show up for Induction Day, (this is an even larger story in itself, which I’ll probably post about later).

The grounds of the Naval Academy were like nowhere else, in my experience.  I grew up in Arizona and Colorado, so the East Coast was a mystery to me.  Some of the buildings were very old, (including parts of Bancroft Hall, the dorm building that houses all ~4,500 midshipmen at once), and all the red brick paths were covered in a greenish mold/moss.  I’d never been to a place so humid in my life.

It was strange, exciting, and terrifying all at once.  

It also marked my entry into the beautiful world of “Sentence Enhancers,” what some would call “Cussin’.

Silver Haze

I just found out this blog was up and running 15 minutes ago.

I read that the Moosefather was working on it but I barely understood the discussion that was going on most threads.

I’m a “Millenial” ( Gen X? Gen Y? )but the Boomers are way ahead of me on the technological front. I put my generation to shame.

On another note!

This place looks great. Love the colors, love the design, love that my peeps are here with me.

Love the fact that I get to check out the new blog while puffing on some delicious Silver Haze and downing some whiskey on the rocks. Couldn’t of scripted it better.

Here’s some bud in my pipe and a whiskey toast to the Motley Moose.

Spiffy ( I’m resigned to being called that) out!

Biden is VP?

Well, is it true?

If CNN says so, can it possibly be wrong?

Blue Pagans at the DNC

Crossposted with permission from Blue Pagans

“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.” -Today’s fortune cookie. No joke.

Almost eight years have passed since the (s)election of our president. Through those years, we have seen the trust America puts in herself dismantled. What isn’t often spoken of is the fact that the percentage of people who support George W. Bush are in direct correlation to those of us who trust our country, and in particular, our government. The remainder, for the most part, have lost faith in government.


Ed and Rita on their way to Denver.