Pizza – what style is best? NY style, Deep dish Chicago, or something else? What is your favorite pizza place?
Are you an early adopter of new technology, or do you let it get thoroughly tested and vetted before you will invest in it?
When on escalators, do you follow escalator etiquette (stand to the right, walk to the left)?
The Twitter Emitter
President Nugent, back in 1980, when you wrote Wango Tango, did you ever envision this America?
— Kevin Depew (@kevindepew) February 25, 2014
The best things in life are cheese or cheese-adjacent.
— JerryThomas (@JerryThomas) February 25, 2014
If you're hallucinating I hope you see a doctor.
— Dave (@gneicco) February 25, 2014
The "Got Milk" ad campaign is ending after 20 years. Oh no. Now how will people hear about milk?
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) February 25, 2014
Give a man a fish, he smells like carp.
— David Lubar (@davidlubar) February 25, 2014
It must be hard to make up your mind when you don't have one. #JanBrewer
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) February 25, 2014
Judging by commercials, I'm not yet infirm enough to watch network evening news.
— Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) February 25, 2014
Never quite gotten how same groups (CPAC) that idolize Ayn Rand can't stand atheists. I mean, hello.
— Hunter (@HunterDK) February 25, 2014
In the late 70s, the super-rich got together and said "To hell with the great society, let's get rid of our taxes & reinstate feudalism."
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) February 26, 2014
Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll add to the global overdepletion of the oceans. So just give him the fish.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) February 26, 2014