Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for January 2013

Roll Call Please! Orange/Purple, Orange to Purple. Updated.

My head is spinning!  So many orange/purple peeps!

But, some have the same names there as here, some not.  I am not always sure who is who.

So, would you sign in with your orange name and then your purple one?

So, I’m nannyboz there and here.  And you?


Thank you so much to the Moose.  You’ve welcomed we refugees, made it easy to acclimate.  You’ve provided us with TU status to ease our way.  You’ve provided “teh roolz” here, basically one… be respectful of one another.

Thank you.  We’re so happy to be in this lovely and warm place.

Edie Windsor's Supreme Court challenge to DOMA begins next week

The first briefs will be filed in Edith Windsor’s challenge to Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), United States v. Windsor, on January 22 and 24. Edith “Edie” Windsor is an 83 year old widow from New York. She met Thea Spyer more than 40 years ago; they started dating after two years and got engaged shortly thereafter. During that time there was no possibility of two women marrying: it was during the era of the Stonewall riots, and right around the time that two men attempted to get married in Minnesota, only to have their case, Baker v. Nelson, reach the Supreme Court and earn a one-sentence summary dismissal before any arguments or briefing.

~much more below the fold~

The Quilt

I just received the quilt that the Daily Kos community had Sarah and Anne make for me. It is so beautiful. I can not even begin to express how much it means to me.

 photo Quilt_zps23bb9c55.jpg

Happee Caturdai Pootie Diary

NOTE: I’m posting this for triciawyse, who has ‘puter problems. If I weren’t so lazy I would remove the rules that aren’t necessary here because we’re all wonderful, but I AM lazy. Please just ignore them and enjoy your Caturday!

Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We  moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Princess Ashley; however I grew up with both cats & dogs and I love both. I do not discriminate against any animal & love animal photos of all kinds. Please enjoy the following and add any photos that you think the community would like to see. Now, enjoy the photos & have some fun.


Of course, the usual rules apply:

1. Be nice to each other

2. No trolling the diary

3. If you hate pootie diaries, leave now.

4. Share any and all pootie/woozle photos or issues that you would like to. When it comes to problems, we may just have someone with experience who can help.

5. Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. DO NOT SHIT-STIR IN HERE! Shit stirring will be dealt with the same way we deal with trolls.

6. Also, there is no such thing as stealing a photo around here, all are offered with love and may be borrowed with just as much love.

So I Went to Visit My Old House Today



Hello Mooz. This is a repost of a favorite diary, I hope you don’t mind. I thought it would be a semi-introduction as well as a sample of my sometimes, stream of conciousness writing style and maybe a mid winter pick me up.

If it’s ok, I’d like to resume my self adopted role as a diversion, an interlude from the difficult stuff we sometimes have to wade through. Writing helps me cope a little better, I hope reading my work helps you as well.

Please note that there are unintentionally ‘linked’ paragraphs throughout. The coding in the preceding pic produced it, but as hard as I tried, I couldn’t remove it. Sorry.







 There is no way for me to prove, regretting now I never kept a journal of my 22 winters here in Chicago so I could point to a notation on a page, yes, this is definitely the earliest I’ve ever seen bees. It was March 7th when I muddied my knees to take this photo. The ground still not frozen and no crusty inches of dirty snow creating havoc for crocus shoots struggling to make their stand, instead in full bloom now in swaths across front yard lawns everywhere.

 So many purple and orange reasons to be cheerful under clear blue skies after weeks of uninterrupted sun incubating their arrival, stirring expectations of long lazy days that start warm and end warmer. A short sleeve shirt and moist sweaty skin a prescription for anything that ails me. The six month unwelcome and emotionally debilitating hibernation of winter as I experience it and have learned to dread, the sunless skies, the grey after clouded over grey never came to be this year. My body and psyche so grateful for the unexpected reprieve.  

Leicester and the Staffordshire Potteries: A Photo Diary

Last week blue jersey dad and I traveled to Leicester, UK to attend the annual meetings of the Society for Historical Archaeology. I was part of a panel on animals in the urban environment, and dad’s former boss and a colleague were presenting a paper on their work at Valley Forge. (Dad was co-director of a major excavation project at Valley Forge between 2000 and 2003).

While we were at the meetings, we had an opportunity to see some of the historic town of Leicester and to visit the Gladstone potteries museum. Leicester has been in the news recently since local archaeologists have discovered a skeleton that appears to the the remains of Richard III aka Crick-Back Dick.

Please follow me below.

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 1/19

Happy Sat– Cat– Fat? urday! (I always have a massive breakfast on Saturdays, so the latter certainly applies here.)

My nosiness knows no bounds! Today’s questions: Boxers or briefs or boxer briefs? Or for women: Granny panties, bikini briefs, butt floss, or one of those other fits? Who was the first live musical act you ever saw? What was the first play you ever saw (school plays don’t count)? What is your favorite Shakespeare play? What is your favorite cocktail? Whose poster did you have on the wall when you were a kid?

From the Twitterverse:

Now, on to the history lesson!

Talkin' Filibuster — shifting the burden

 photo Mrsmith_zps34c3e4b5.jpg  I admit it – I am a romantic.  I grew up with my view of the Senate of the United States colored by Frank Capra's tale (and Jimmy Stewart's portrayal) of the trials and tribulation of Jefferson Smith in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.  This holds especially true for my view of the filibuster. Filibusters should look like what Jeff Smith did — one man, standing up in the well of the Senate for what they believe in.  But, that hasn't been the case for, at a minimum, the past 4-6 years.   As the Brennan Center report on Filibuster Abuse  (PDF) demonstrates:

Filibuster Abuse is Rampant:      As of October 2012, the current Congress has enacted 196 public laws, the lowest output of any Congress since at least World War II. This is not purely the result of divided party control of chambers. Control of the House and Senate was also divided from 1981 to 1987 and 2001 to 2003.     The current Senate passed a record-low 2.8 percent of bills introduced in that chamber, a 66 percent decrease from 2005-2006, and a 90 percent decrease from the high in 1955-1956.     Cloture motions — the only way to forcibly end a filibuster — have skyrocketed since 2006, creating a de facto 60-vote requirement for all Senate business.     In the last three Congresses, the percentage of Senate floor activity devoted to cloture votes has been more than 50 percent greater than any other time since at least World War II, leaving less time for consideration of substantive measures.     On average, it has taken 188 days to confirm a judicial nominee during the current Congress, creating 32 “judicial emergencies,” as designated by the Office of U.S. Courts. Only at the end of the congressional term in 1992 and 2010 have there been more judicial emergencies.

 I'm not going to pretend to look at the issue in all its complexity here, but I do wish to look at one aspect of reform efforts that many have fixed upon — the talking filibuster — and contrast that with the proposal towards which, according to Politico , Harry Reid is leaning.