Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for February 2009

Is This the "Stimulus Bill" or "Bipartisan Bill"?

(Proudly cross-posted at C4O Democrats)

Really. President Obama needs to make a choice, and we need to push him to make the right choice. I’ve had enough of the “bipartisan” BS and the corporate media idiots chattering on about how success will be mesaured by whether or not John McCain likes the bill. Shouldn’t we mesaure success on how many people are saved from financial catastrophe?

Sessions: Republicans model themselves on the Taliban

Pete Sessions, a Republican from Tennessee, has said that the Congressional Republicans are using a an extreme Islamic terrorist group, the Taliban, as their model for how to behave.  In an interview with Hotline, Sessions said the Republicans are following the Taliban’s strategy:

“Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban . . . . I’m saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with.”



How did we get here?

When we were very young

The Motley Moose was born from the ashes of the 2008 Democratic primary
wars. The site was a joint effort by twenty-five active political
bloggers (a healthy mix of long-time Obama supporters, ‘Clintonistas’, centrists and even a couple former Republicans).The idea was to build a Post-Primary Democratic site that could move forward instead of looking back.

We tired of the incessant fighting and trollery on other political blogs

Photobucket The constant dramz was detracting from constructive discussion.

Photobucket Here at the Moose, we value well reasoned discourse and have a fondness for snark and dry wit.

Photobucket The
Moose promotes Progressive Democratic values and believes that fighting
for their institution will pave the way to a stronger more united

Photobucket We chose Purple as our primary site color to express our support of Obama’s wish to move away from Red states and Blue states.

We have grown far beyond those original 25 bloggers, and they have blended into the Herd as the Moose Community has expanded. Motley Moose has found a niche in the political blog world and is earning a reputation for both well researched diaries and hard hitting snark. The focus on Community has allowed an informative yet funloving atmosphere to develop and we hope to continue to foster this as we move forward.

Diaries on the way to 1000

The Moose who write diaries for Motley Moose are a varied bunch. As such, the diaries they gift us with run the gamut. We have had diaries on the Election (before, during, after) and Obama, the Military, LGBT Rights and Women’s Issues to name but a few of the topics covered. We have also had lots and lots and lots of Snark filled writing from The Lounge.

Here are few blasts from the past that are Moose favorites.

Photobucket Obama


PhotobucketLGBT Rights

Women’s IssuesPhotobucket

Photobucket The Lounge


PhotobucketHi lurkers, we know you’re out there.


We have an amazing community of regular diarists and commenters, but we know that there are so many of you out there yearning to join the Moose Herd. Sign up! Motley Mooses don’t bite, in fact, we LOVE new Moose.

Photobucket  Come out Lurkers…even if it is to taunt and naysay from the sidelines like Statler and Waldorf. We love that!

Come to the Moooooose….Come to the Mooooooose….

Where we want to go from here?Photobucket
Discuss Quality
  Discuss Community
  Discuss Fun

We will soon be starting MA meetings. Photobucket




Photobucket We believe that one blog, one blogger, can make a difference. The ripple from one tossed pebble can a tsunami make.

Thank you all for making the first 6 months a smashing success!

-Motley Moose


~~Motley Moose…Progress Through Politics.

Come join the Herd!




You Tummy Aching Tubes *Small Update*

I knew this would happen. The excitement of the primaries and the GE and the inauguration have succumbed to the swamp in our nations capital. I had hoped that President Obama would be more prepared for this.

Sometimes it just makes me want to watch Tila Tequila.

Or Jerry Springer. Is he still around or has he been elected to something?

Lounge: Save the World and Recycle Some Old Flames

Hot on the heels of two excellent Flashbackgate diaries by Sricki on the Primary Wars, I thought that, in the spirit of sustainability, I would ask you to try to recall the best putdowns, comebacks and flames of those tumultuous times.

Why in the spirit of sustainability? Given the anger and insults that seem to dominate most of the liberal blogosphere in the last two weeks, a lot of these can and have been recycled. Especially the Kool Aid quips. So join in. Recycle some old flames. Come up with something better. All manner of logical fallacies and advanced banter over the flip…


Nothing to see here, folks.

Absolutely nothing.

This is it.

Well, “nothing” is not allowed, so let me add a little content, so I don’t get banned.

First off, I’d like to thank all of you for joining me.  As you can see from the diary title, I couldn’t think of a damn thing to write about today.

Pretty lame…you can follow me after the fold, if you’re that bored.


First, I’d like to thank all of you for joining me today.  As you can see from the diary title, I couldn’t think of a damn thing to write about.

Absolutely nothing.

This is it.

Pretty lame…oh,well you can follow me after the fold, if you’re that bored.

font test

Here is a size 5 font

This text is red

This text is white

"Change You Can Download" – Wikileaks Releases 6,780 CRS Reports.

Wikileaks just notified people that they are releasing over $1 billion dollars’ worth of reports gathered by the Congressional Research Services (CRS).  These reports are provided to members of the US Congress and are legally in the public domain.  However, they are only released to the public with the permission of Congress in a complex system of permissions and protocols and ass-covering politicians.  Needless to say, attempts to free this information from the ‘red tape’ that keeps it from actually being released to the public have been met with resistance.Well, leave it to Wikileaks to strike a blow for transparency.

Cross-posted at The National Gadfly

Why I Hate the War on Terror

Forbes Magazine recently described being Liberal as, in part, having “a certain queasiness about the war on terror”.  This coalesced a train of thought that has been circling around in my head for about seven and a half years.

I hate the “War on Terror”.

As the Forbes article demonstrates, it is obvious that many of my fellow citizens – particularly those on the right – equate hating the War on Terror with “sympathizing with terrorists”.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, supporting the War on Terror is in many ways aligning yourself with the goals of the particular terrorists that the War on Terror is supposed to be opposing.