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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for January 2009

The accomplishments of George W. Bush

The list of George W. Bush’s accomplishments is breathtaking.  As we bid him farewell, we should spend some time reflecting on what he has done on our behalf.  

Please feel free to add your memorials in the comments.

It's Official

You can skip all the states that start with "A." The best part comes at about the 24 minute mark as Cheney is forced to give the results. 🙂

Tubing Through a Few Rapids **Updated for Blasky**

I am afraid my usual tubey wit is diminished. Sorry. I have been sick for five long weeks. My current and extremely annoying illness started off as a wicked cold the day before my birthday, and seems to have turned into a nasty case of pneumonia over the past couple of weeks. Bummer. Bummer, bummer, bummer. With that warning, I promise you will not catch anything reading and watching the following.

Wednesday January 7, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Say a little prayer for the latest casualty of the ‘lil shrub’s war on terror. I pray he gets what he deserves.

The Lounge: Creepy Crawlies & Other Follies From a Flawed Blogger.

Today something creepy happened to me…  But I’ll get to that in a minute – but first I guess I should give a bit of context.  Since I began blogging in the spring, I have generally been quite private and a bit of a recluse when it has come to sharing personal information.  Call me paranoid, but it just one of my ‘things.’

Anyway – this brings me to the creepy crawlies.  Today, someone at another blog cut out a snippet of one of my comments here and posted it at another blog.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, but part of that comment included a bit of personal information that I felt quite uncomfortable sharing elsewhere.

So I have decided to share some information about me. I:

my foot

-Have a serious affinity for lower case


-Eat way, way to much candy

-Drive an Volvo SUV

-Spend way too much time blogging

-Can be ditzy

-Love trashy TV

There’s more of course but since I’m private… Well…

Which I guess the point for me is that the Moose is my safe place.  So for those of you, the charter, long-time and new users – lurkers:  Look for me in the corner with a martini and a french pedi.

The Argument We SHOULD Be Making About Gaza

People on all sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including committed Zionists, have expressed horror at the carnage and humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza.  Among democrats and progressives, debates are taking place in an attempt to put history in context and assign responsibility.  Others argue about whether President-elect Obama should or could be more involved at this point.  

But there is, I think, one thing upon which we can agree: what is happening now highlights another horrific failure of the Bush administration.  And though that might make it a moot point with regard to debate in this forum, it does not diminish the importance of broadcasting it.

"Hot Sarah Palin Calendar Just Released"

Newsflash from Human Events doh’t com.  And, yes, that is the actual subject line of today’s Newsmax spam.


So glad to see the Far Right evolving.  Way to honor the office of the Governor of Alaska that you respected so deeply only a few months ago.

Burrisitus, Reidyness, Mucus, and Other Ailments of a Ranting Madwoman

I feel like going on a rant. Just a warning, the following is an uninformed crabfest, of which I expect fully half of what I say to be incorrect. And I do not care. I am quite certain I will care later, when I must hang my head in shame for the dumbass things I am about to say. However, right now, I do not care.

First of all and probably the main reason for this sour diatribe; I have been sick for five long weeks. I have other long term health issues that are difficult to live with, but I have no other choice than to deal with them the best I am able. My current and extremely annoying illness started off as a wicked cold the day before my birthday and seems to have turned into a nasty case of pneumonia. Bummer. Bummer, bummer, bummer.

I have not had a cold for a very long time (or pneumonia ever), as the homeopathic remedy I normally use, has kept me sniffle and cough free for over six years. I ran out this last month and now must endure the unpleasant consequences. Word of advice, do not wait to start taking the medicine until you begin sleeping for days on end. This, I am told, is a very bad sign.

Broken Telephone in the Hyper Media-Age.

Throughout the day today I was reminded of my junior kindergarten days.  Namely of playing broken telephone. Remember the game?  Well basically –  the first player whispers a phrase or sentence to the next player. Each player successively whispers what that player believes he or she heard to the next. The last player announces the statement to the entire group. Errors typically accumulate in the retellings, so the statement announced by the last player differs significantly, and often amusingly from the one uttered by the first.

Which brings us to today, first people around the internet, and specifically in the blogosphere were shrieking from the rafters that Israel was using Depleted Uranium in Gaza then later this became accusations of Phosphorus Gas.  So I decided to investigate this further.

Here is what I found: