This rumor has been out there for a couple of days …
….and it seems to be gaining some traction.
Update X 3 (props to trustno1): Obama “officialy” offers position to Hillary?
President-elect Barack Obama offered Sen. Hillary Clinton the position of Secretary of State during their meeting Thursday in Chicago, according to two senior Democratic officials. She requested time to consider the offer, the officials said.
Spiff says (if the rumors are true) :
These are serious and difficult times–the usual rules may not apply.
There is a window of opportunity here where the world is unsettled.
The USA can play a huge role in reshaping things at a global level.
Shaping them in a way advantageous to the US and positive for the world.
This IS a defining moment in history.
This is NOT the time for payback and political posturing.
We need to bring all the heavy hitters into the game now and put them into play.
Love or hate her–Hillary is a player.
I say bring her on .