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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for September 2008

Joe Biden Rocks Sarasota – Townhall, 09-03-08

I had the pleasure of volunteering at a Joe Biden event last night here in Sarasota.  In Booker Highschool’s gymnasium (the school Syesha attended, for you Idol fans), a standing-room only crowd gathered.  My team of folks helped the elderly and disabled in and took care of them, two elderly ladies had a hard time with the heat and it was my honor to walk them into the gym and fuss over them with water and attention.


Senator Biden showed up just about on time, not bad for having done three previous events yesterday.  He gave a twenty minute speech that was very well delivered and very well received, followed by an hour of question and answer.  

Under the Fallujah Sun – A poem and the thoughts behind it.

This poem was written during the Fallujah campaign in 2005. It is also listed on the Poets Against the War web site.  

under the fallujah sun

The body lies there,

bloating in the heat.

Down the street,

the battered street,

lies another.

A lonely figure,

sprawled in death.

No one near.

No loved ones.

No friends.

Only the body,

lying in the gutter.

The marines,

in their body armor,

crabwalk past the body.

Eyes constantly moving,

spying every tiny movement.

The scrap of paper,

blown by the wind,

draws instant attention.

As does the dust devil,

swirling near the mouth of the alley.

The only thing beneath the notice

of the constantly vigilant eyes

is the unmoving body of the woman,

slowly rotting

beneath the searing Fallujah sun.

John McCain – biggest flip-flopper ever?

Back in 2000, I actually thought John McCain might make a good president, not that I would have voted for him. However, I did think he would surely be better than George W. Bush.

When the Rove attack machine turned on McCain in South Carolina, I was outraged and expected McCain to turn against Bush even more. It wasn’t long before I discovered just how wrong I was about McCain. He not only forgave Bush for the smears about his adopted daughter, he actually embraced Bush. If it had been me, I would have punched him.

Over the last eight years, McCain has shown that he will do and say anything to have the title of President of the United States of America. He has flip-flopped on nearly every important issue. He has embraced people he would have once shunned and reached out for support from people he has condemned. Does this man have any principles left?

He said the war would be quick and easy and then flipped and said that he had always claimed it would be a long hard war.

more after the break, plus videos

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1.  Personal attacks will not be tolerated. If someone says something with which you disagree you should attack the argument, not the person who made it. Persistent harassment of another user will also be judged as a personal attack.

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The following may result in immediate banning.

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Getting a warning every few months is no big deal, good people can make mistakes, but if a member cannot operate within our rules we will act to maintain the purpose of the site. We have no willingness to allow open Republican trolls or other obvious agitators to derail useful conversations and Moderators will act accordingly to stop the bleeding.

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The Motley Moose ActBlue Fundraising page

Contribute to Candidates through the Motley Moose ActBlue page –…

One of our candidates is Ronnie Musgrove of Mississippi. Here’s a little about him.

Democrats have a great chance to wrest one of the Mississippi Senate seats away from the Republicans. The Democratic candidate, Ronnie Musgrove, is an ex-governor of Mississippi. He is a fiscal conservative with liberal social beliefs. He is pro-education, pro-family, and pro-women’s rights. If elected, Ronnie will be far from the most liberal member of the Senate. However, he is far to the left of his opponent. Roger Wicker, the Republican candidate, is one of the most conservative members of the Senate. Putting Ronnie Musgrove in office will be a huge net benefit for the Democratic Party.

Get to know Ronnie Musgrove.

From the Biography page on Ronnie Musgrove’s Senate campaign web site:

Ronnie Musgrove has dedicated his life to serving the people of Mississippi. For over two decades, he’s taken a leading role in the State to improve education, expand economic development, and ensure that government lives within its means.

Now, he’s running for the U.S. Senate to change the way Washington works and restore honesty and integrity to our government.

Gov. Musgrove’s Family During Ronnie Musgrove’s tenure as Governor of Mississippi, he helped create over 52,000 new jobs, brought more than $14 billion in new investments to the state, invested in creating rural jobs, and brought Nissan to Mississippi, which was the largest economic development project in state history.

Anne K in Alaska – Wisdom from Wasilla

You have all read the diary about the note written by Anne K in Alaska, or seen other articles about it.  Anne lives in Wassilla, has known Sarah Palin for many years and has an experienced opinion of Gov. Palin’s history that she wanted to share.  She had asked that her thoughts be forwarded with her name attached – she did not want to hide from the responsibility of speaking her mind – though she asked that they not be posted on websites: “there are too many kooks out there…” (you know who you are… ;~).


Somewhere along the way someone posted the email in its entirety as a comment on the Washington Independent.  Since that moment, articles and diaries have popped up all over the web (and here’s another: curious critters, ain’t we?).

There has been discussion about this comment, some of it along the lines of: “Gee, I dunno, I think this may not be real…”  So instead of just bantering about the veracity of Anne’s words amongst those of us who were reading them second and fifth-hand, I decided to give Anne a call.

Dear, dear God,

Dear, dear God,

I know that I was just the itsy bitsyist upset with you in the letter I wrote you the other day, but Praise Be, You do know best! I now realize that this little hurricane might just be the best darn thing that ever happened to the God Fearing Republican Party this year.

While I am so disappointed not to see President Bush and Vice President Cheny at our convention in person this week, (I do understand that these good men are not well thought of in our nation right now). I just know they will both be seen as heroes in the future, as we know that even Jesus was scorned in his time. So I understand that we really dodged the bird doo doo here, because he needs to help out THOSE pitiful people in the Gulf, from the safety of Texas of course.  

Now I Know why Liberals Always Lose

Frankly, I’m amazed. Having heard for so many months that the Obama campaign doesn’t fight back against republicans, and having countered endless ad hominems about Rezko, Michelle, Ayers, Elitism, and Columns, I’m now being admonished by liberals throughout the blogosphere not to pick on McCain’s VP choice, and the contradictions in her family morality

Fine then. Hamstring yourselves. The republicans use Palin’s family values politically, as a key part of her appeal to an evangelical anti-contraception base. If those same advertised family values prove to be illusory and wrong, let’s ignore that  because we’re better than that…

Come on. We all know this argument sucks…

We Apologize, Governor Palin

Crossposted at MyDD and DailyKos

Guys, please Rec this one up!

Governor Palin, we would like to apologize.  Some of us among the Netroots have been, shall we say, overzealous in looking for ways to turn your nomination into a liability for your party.  It seems the world has no shortage of wood-be Woodwards and Bernsteins.  The saner among us have been hitherto unable to restrain those wanted to believe in these scurrilous rumors.

If we have hurt your family we are truly sorry.  We are better people than these stories would have you believe.  We wish you and your family nothing but good health and good times.  Alaska is a great place for a family, no?

Again, the families of the candidates should be off-limits.  What they do, where they pray, and how they relate have nothing to do with us, and should certainly never be used for the purpose of an attack.