Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Best Defense is Offensive

The McCain campaign is now accusing fired Alaskan Public Safety Director Walt Monegan of “insubordination”, according to papers filed Monday by would-be President Puti…, sorry – “Palin”.


“Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally – 150% the Size of Pro-Palin Rally

Mudflats, a blog by Alaskan AKMuckraker has an article today about a rally – organized by eight women over coffee – held to counter the event welcoming Gov. Palin home from her ordeal answering questions for the first time since being nominated by the GOP for President (er: *Vice* President).  The turnout dwarfed the Pro-Palin rally yesterday.

Alaskan Women Reject Palin was, by this account, the *”biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state”*.  At least 1,400 people showed up, and to put that in perspective that would be akin to 100,000 New Yorker women showing up to a political rally in New York City (we can be fairly certain no-one took the train from New Jersey to Anchorage or drove up from Philadelphia for the event).  This compares to perhaps 1,000 Palin fans who showed up for her event that same day.


Alaska Daily News also has an article with 50 more first-hand pics.

Sunday Open Thread

Happy Sunday, folks!

It’s the Quiet Day, The Gulf of Mexico is slowly draining back into it’s normal confines, and SNL would like someone to ask Palin about Dinosaurs.

What, if anything, is on your minds today?

You Want a Fight?

So, the Democrats, the media and the Obama campaign have been the subject of untold blogosphere angst in the past few days.  There is no hope, there is no fight, The End Is Near and we should all consider sepuku now while we can maintain our honor.

Perhaps the folks running the current Democratic presidential campaign, perhaps the media, and perhaps even the bulk of the Democratic political machine has an idea of how to fight back.  Maybe, maybe even Senator Obama can throw a punch.

McCain/Palin Rally in VA Highschool Against Board Rules

The Washington Post is reporting today that the McCain campaign is going against the rules of the Fairfax VA school district by holding a political rally at a highschool during the school day.  


Political expediency once again trumps social concerns, community rules and child welfare for the McCain campaign.

Sen. John McCain and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, are holding a campaign rally at Fairfax High School tomorrow morning in violation of a school system policy, prompting some teachers and community leaders to question district officials.

Gov. Palin’s Staff Now Refusing to Talk to Investigation into “Troopergate”

Gov. Sarah Palin had recently promised to co-operate fully with the investigation into her alleged abuse of power.  The memo must not have reached her staff, her executive powers must not be all that effective, or, more likely, the McCain campaign legal team trying to quash the investigation must be in control now.

This piece Alaskan news just prior to Gov. Palin as the GOP VP nominee, after a recorded phone call showing her staff using the Governor’s office for Palin’s personal purposes was released to the public.  KTVA reporst that Gov. Palin reversed course this day on her original denial of any abuse of power:

Yes She Can!

Can Sara Palin unite the Democratic Party? Yes she can! I have been trying to watch the Republican National Convention this week and really the only thing I could force myself to take in, whilst heavily medicated, was McCain’s speech. I did choose coffee and chocolate as the main part of my regimen, but I am still on pain killers, and taking one was a serious error.

John McCain’s speech was the most boring, annoying, and inadequate speech I have ever heard a nominee of either party give. The only thing that helped me remain awake, was the chatter on mydd and the green screen. I had visions of all of the things Colbert will do with that green screen, and it made me smile.

That was good, because I must say McCain’s biography and Fred Thompson’s introduction scared me to death. McCain was thankfully boring and not frightening. However I did get these horrible images of Fred Thompson, Joe Leiberman, and John McCain in the White House for the next four years, and had a very nasty zombie nightmare early this morning. I loves me some zombie movies, but perhaps I need to cut back.

I did not watch Palin as I was out Thursday night. I am not yet prepared, to subject myself to Mrs Palin. What I find odd, is that many of the people who tried to say that Obama or Clinton are not experienced or qualified to be POTUS, are giving Palin a total pass. I feel that John McCain’s choice of Sara Palin to be a terribly shameful objectification of women for the purpose of winning the White House. Sara Palin is the only person running on the national tickets that has not earned her spot. For the republicans to use the worst kind of tokenism is disgusting. Does McCain think he could not die? How does he really think a President Palin would do?

Anne K in Alaska – Wisdom from Wasilla

You have all read the diary about the note written by Anne K in Alaska, or seen other articles about it.  Anne lives in Wassilla, has known Sarah Palin for many years and has an experienced opinion of Gov. Palin’s history that she wanted to share.  She had asked that her thoughts be forwarded with her name attached – she did not want to hide from the responsibility of speaking her mind – though she asked that they not be posted on websites: “there are too many kooks out there…” (you know who you are… ;~).


Somewhere along the way someone posted the email in its entirety as a comment on the Washington Independent.  Since that moment, articles and diaries have popped up all over the web (and here’s another: curious critters, ain’t we?).

There has been discussion about this comment, some of it along the lines of: “Gee, I dunno, I think this may not be real…”  So instead of just bantering about the veracity of Anne’s words amongst those of us who were reading them second and fifth-hand, I decided to give Anne a call.

Now I Know why Liberals Always Lose

Frankly, I’m amazed. Having heard for so many months that the Obama campaign doesn’t fight back against republicans, and having countered endless ad hominems about Rezko, Michelle, Ayers, Elitism, and Columns, I’m now being admonished by liberals throughout the blogosphere not to pick on McCain’s VP choice, and the contradictions in her family morality

Fine then. Hamstring yourselves. The republicans use Palin’s family values politically, as a key part of her appeal to an evangelical anti-contraception base. If those same advertised family values prove to be illusory and wrong, let’s ignore that  because we’re better than that…

Come on. We all know this argument sucks…