Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

You Be Da Man!

Wow. It looks as though someone finally grew a spine in the Republican party. Micheal Steele told CNN’s DL Hughley that “he is the man.”

I guess it pissed Limpbag off something fierce.

Uh oh. And sorry about that smell.


How long have you been sitting out there reading this and other blogs? Have you spoken up? Have you ever participated in one of these political websites?

Years ago I would check in with Kos and read the front page. I never really considered getting involved. I did not have a computer at home so would occasionally surf whenever I had free time at work.

After purchasing a computer a few years ago, I began to take more interest in what the internet has to offer. This brought me back to kos, salon, politico and so on. Kos was too big for me to feel safe to post. Additionally, I found that I did not care for the tone at kos any longer. I finally found MyDD and felt at home there for much of the primaries.

Hollede :: Moosiness  

I am astonished that I did not start posting on MyDD until late winter of 2008. I finally felt I had something to say and to be perfectly honest, I am not especially proud of some of my first comments. Ah, the primary wars. Will I ever feel so alive again?

I enjoyed MyDD until is became apparent that it descending into a dysfunctional site and the unhealthy elements were pulling me in.

Motley Moose came along at exactly the right time for me. In July or August I was invited to join a group of amazing people to start this blog. I am still humbled that I have been given this opportunity and hope that I have been able to adequitely serve this community. All of you have given me gifts beyond articulation. I wish I could participate more and return to serious discourse again, but for now I will remain Hollede, and hopefully help people laugh, sing and dance.


A Late Christmas Gift

I have been watching Morning Joe again. For better or worse, I am hopelessly addicted to that show. Perhaps I am a bit masochistic to subject myself to such a blowhard fool as Joe Scarborough each morning, but I will admit that the show is fun, and they have a wide variety of interesting guests each morning.

I do find myself screaming at the tv, telling Mr. Scarborough what an idiot he is on a regular basis. Today I received a late Christmas gift from Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski who did my bidding this morning. Please watch this hilarious clip of the esteemed Dr. Brzezinski laying a fabulous smack down on a very silly little man.

YouTube Censorship?

I just met YouTube a few months ago and since then, I have started a love affair with this medium. While much of it is crap and parts are kinda scary, I have seen some of the coolest, most imaginative and responsive venues possible. As far as I am concerned, YouTube rocks.

So when a bit of a controversy broke out this past week, I was uncertain as to what was even happening, and before I could even investigate, it ended. So please, follow this strange little tubing tale and if you are so inclined, tell me what you think about these events in another part of the Internetsphere, in a place outside of Left Blogistan.

I won’t be commenting this time, as I hope the tubes will tell the story on their own. So please follow me down the rabbit hole, enjoy and I hope, think about this…

Joe-boy, “Oy”jevich and Other Musings and Rantings of a Madwoman [Updated]

Lately I have been watching Morning Joe. Joe-boy is a blowhard and is usually difficult to take, but I get a certain sort of enjoyment out of the show each day. I do however, find myself wanting to reach through the screen and strangle Mr Scarborough on a regular basis. It is annoying and sickly hysterical to watch the boys and Mika B. Now there is a dynamic worth a diary or two.

Joe was crying (again) about the positve treatment President-e Obama has been receiving, whilst his ‘lil shrub has been so pilloried by the media. Joe-boy was trying to assert that if Karl Rove had said one thing six months ago and then another about any connection to a Governor after he had been arrested, the media would be screaming “liar” from the mountain tops. Mika scored huge points with me today by pointing out that the shrub maintained a frightening stranglehold on the media for years (my characterization of her words), playing Nero while Rome burned (my characterization again). Oh and he has lied countless times to the American public, thereby losing credibility all on his own (sorry Joe-boy).