Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday September 2, 2009. The Day in Tubes

I have been a bit obsessed with Versus over the past few days. They are not posting all of their tubes at YouTube any longer, which bums me out. They have a couple at their website I would really like to post, but cannot figure out how. Technotard here.

This one takes me back to the last few months of the bush years.  

How many minutes until the 2010 elections?

TPMtv is back. Sort of. I still haven’t seen a Day all week:~( No pundit points here, but two clips that stretch across a chasm of disagreement.

Gingrey is an Asshole.

Trumka is not.

Tuesday September 1, 2009 The Day in Tubes

As it still must be summer vacation, I have had to look back and out again for new material. I was digging around in Versus and found this oldie but goodie.

If you like their stuff, send them some love from the Moose. Hell, send ’em money, everybody needs money.

Another episode of pundit points. How many points did Representative Weiner get on Maria Bartiromo and how many did he miss.

Actually he did rather well. I cannot stand Maria. Oh and TPMtv, where are you? I am really jonesin’ for more…

Monday August 31, 2009, the Day in Tubes *Update: A Day Without a Day…

With August almost over, it seems some of the funny is re-emerging.

Headzup has been busy, and is sharing with us, the growing bond between two of my favorite lunatics.

OMG. I just had an awful thought. The Sarah Palin and Glen Beck Show (SPAG BS). The horror.

Pundits are out again. 50 Holli points to whomever can make fun of them the best.

Ooh. Representative Wasserman Schultz got Pence about five times. Lets see 5 x 50 = she is winning.

Every so often this little toad comes out from whatever rock he has been sitting under, and I see him on my tv machine.

Oh wait. Sorry, that was Grover Norquest. He always looks like that. Can anyone understand what this fellow is talking about? Ever?

Thursday August 27, 2009. **Warning! Sensitive individuals may find tube content offensive due to

My thoughts have turned to zombie movies lately.

I am not much of one for funerals, as I prefer to celebrate the life that was. I thought I should do another serious tube diary in honor of Teddy, but instead realized the best thing I could do was get back to shredding pugs.

As for zombies, I was reminded last night of one of my favorite movie songs ever, Richard Cheese’s version of Down With the Sickness from the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead . I would encourage everyone to watch this movie as soon as possible. I wish I could post the movie clip with the song, but this will have to do for now. Thank you Happy Tree Friends and whoever made this tube.

Why zombies you ask? Well I was struck by the perfection of that song for Sricki’s evil professor, and then moved on in typical Hollede fashion to realizing how much people like Dr *** are like zombies.


Now play both at the same time and watch and listen to the town hall meeting. Hit replay as the song ends, and it fits the meeting to perfection.

Daily Tubes for Wednesday August 26, 2009

A moving tribute to Senator Edward M Kennedy by Vice President Biden earlier today.

The Vice President brought me to tears.

President Obama also had a few words to say.

We have lost a great American today.

Daily Tubes for Tuesday August 25, 2009

An Onion a day keeps the doctor away. Anything that keeps the doctor away is a very good thing.

I am now admitting (to you) that I have been ragingly angry this summer. When I find it difficult or impossible to watch the news; and feel the burning fire of hate simmering all around me toward ignorant fucktards that “want to keep the government out of Medicare and Social Security”; my brain melts away and I am left grunting inarticulately.

So I surf through the tubes and find the most pissed off person who makes a lick of sense, and feel a bit of happiness.

Wow. That helped a little. I still like Lewis Black better. Perhaps it is because he is so very funny.

Daily Tubes for Monday August 24, 2009

I have had a tough time finding the funny lately. It could just be me, but it feels like we are getting the poo knocked out of us this summer. It makes me think of that horrible bumper sticker that used to be (still is?) popular:

The proud parent of a kid who beat up your honor student

Headzup (yay) has a new tube out about the mercenary company Blackwater and Erik Prince. Come on everyone, say it after me: MERCENARY.

Why do the bush years feel like the beginning of a whopper of a Robert Ludlum novel? The only problem, it never gets published, because the premise is just too unbelievable.

Headzup! Bonus Tubes! Volume II

I have been catching up on some of my favorite tubes I missed during my intergalactic travels. I posted volume one about a week or so ago, which included a whole lot of May, 2009. I am strictly posting Headzup tubes as they are amongst my favorite sites. They are also one of the more prolific tubes I adore. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Volume II ~ June, 2009