I had “friended” a person on Facebook some time ago and have been commenting or “like”ing his status for some months. Not entirely sure how I ended up connecting with him, but he posts famous quotes regularly and it was a not entirely uninteresting snippet of the chaotic facebook flow. As an At Large Representative of the Libertarian Party the quotes were along not surprising lines, and as someone who has used the term “libertarian” to describe himself at times in my life there were some I agree with quite strongly. Others were further into the depths of anarchy than I feel is workable, so on those that I saw I would typically provide some commentary as honestly and politely as a Moose should.
Tonight, Mr. Wrights chose to engage me in “discussion”, if casting derision and personal attacks can be classified as such. I am not one to entertain that level of discourse with a troll on a political blog, but hearing it from a leader of a notable US political party was particularly interesting, however disappointing it might have been.
In response I have “unfriended” Mr. Wright. As a parting shot Mr. Wrights sent me a personal Facebook message, which I include below along with the Facebook thread in question and the introduction of my email to Bill Redpath, Chair of the Libertarian Party.
It is a sad day when any leadership member of any recognizable American political party behaves like an unruly schoolchild in public.