Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Do you Support Barack Obama? Glenn Greenwald thinks you would support him raping a nun

Do you think I’m being hyperbolic?  Did you read that headline and think; no surely he has at least a modicum of respect for supporters of the President.  No he doesn’t and he is completely illustrative of this new lean forward pro left.  

I’ve explained in a previous post why I haven’t been blogging as much as I once did.  I’ve fallen in love with the Twitter for the time being.  It is there that Glenn Greenwald showed his entire ass and by extension has damned anyone who supports him to support this point of view.

I heard a few of the old timers complain about the chirpstory the last time I did one, so I’m going to let Zerlina Maxwell of the MSNBC property The Grio tell the story  

Lounge: Hey Moose Wanna See a Chirp Story? Adept2u v Nicole Sandler


Ok so I’m becoming addicted to Twitter.   The thing that so fascinated me about the internet when I first achieved high speed access was the ability to almost instantly talk to mega watt smart people.  I chat with people from Astrophysicists to The Rev. Al Sharpton who read my tweet on the air Friday regarding Black conservatives.  

@TheRevAl a Black man voting conservative in this day and age is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders #southernstrategy

Heh, Anyhow as I jumped into the Twitterpool I pretty much rushed to follow opinion makers etc. from my side of the political spectrum I could think of but there were a few people who were pretty much always on my follow list and one was The Angry Black Lady.  A person I’ve pretty much always read from that magical high speed days, but more than that despite her name and reputation a truly sweet person who provided support for me when I got the ban hammer from the DK.

So anyway I’m following Nicole Sandler for the above reason and she’s going all in on the recent Defense Authorization.  Now I will admit and would have that I replied initially to the wrong tweet.  The tweet I meant to respond to actually asked the question am I wrong.  Anyhow it appears the ole Moose don’t want to embed the chirp story so here’s a link

You know what’s funny?  Had she not feigned ignorance of the English language at the start and merely stated the analogy hurt her feelings I would have apologized immediately.  I would have tripped on how a public figure gets so angry at being called colorfully wrong, but they don’t call them the “professional left” for no reason do they?


                           Look what I can do

Lets have some music

Oh and if you need to know exactly how I feel about the NDAA… found this dude on the twitters too!!

BOOM Goes the Dynamite in the Healthcare Law

It’s not often you’ll see someone advocate the destruction of their profitable business, but yeah I did it, and now the fuse lit with the passage of our healthcare law has hit the explosive.

You know it seemed a lot of the disappointment in the law surrounded the idea that the Insurance companies were making out like a fat rat.  Some of us (ME ME ME ME) who actually knew what was about to happen tried to state no they weren’t, but because like most things the President does this was subtle this was at the heart of the matter but not loudly just effectively people lost their minds.  

Lounge: America The Victim of a Drive By Shooting


I woke up this morning in the way back machine.  As much as I try and stay out of time machines (trying to focus on the right now!) Although I wrote this piece during the last Presidential election it feels like it could use some discussion again.

I like to pay close attention to the comparisons a politician uses for insight as to what they are thinking and more importantly how they think.  Today on Meet the Press John McCain was asked if the current 700 billion dollar package that included government ownership positions in banks, and his own proposal for the government to purchase mortgages at market prices was in effect asking those who pay taxes to subsidize the mistakes of others, and taken together was that not socialism.

Part of his response really got me to thinking and not for the regular reason-that he completely failed to address the original question and instead devolved into normal McCain talking points, but in how he characterized the people who have been hurt in the financial crisis.  He stated that they were the victims of a drive by shooting.

…In times of crisis, we go in and we try and help the people, especially in this situation where they’re the, the victim of a drive-by shooting by excess, greed and corruption in Washington and Wall Street.  And again, I and others said we have to have legislation to rein it in.  Senator Obama didn’t lift a finger.  Meet the Press Transcript

It’s not the first time I’ve heard him refer to the crisis as a drive by shooting, so it really got me to reflect on the nature of drive by shootings, and how although I doubt he meant it in the same way the description is apt.

Three Science Stories Making Me Say Holy Crap!


So as I peruse my reader this morning I’ve been presented with stories one after the other that are just tickling me to death!

There are seismic shifts going on in the realm of science and in a sense I feel like Salieri looking at Mozart, except I don’t think I’m fully appreciating what’s going on, but I know it’s tremendous.

So here we go.

Dear #OWS

May I suggest a change in tactic?  I understand people are considering this new movement an analogue and continuation of the civil rights movement, and so be it.  However if you’re going to do that at least take a lesson from the movement.  Engage your enemy and provoke an ugly response from them that the vast moral universe of the American middle will empathize with and support.

Camping in the park is not it.  Fighting police over the right to camp in the park under the guise of “free speech” is not it.  

Unless the cities and municipalities who have to expend extra funds in extremely tight times are the enemy and I thought the bankers were this tactic is going to earn you the enmity not the support of that middle I was talking about.

So here’s what you do.  Occupy foreclosed homes.  Occupy them in the neighborhoods of the 1% and make the banks evict you through the legal process.  Now wouldn’t that be grand?  You would have the benefit of costing the actual entities of #OWS anger the banks money and time.  You wouldn’t have to meet the business end of night sticks defending a park, and here comes the sweet part:  The banks would have to prove they own the place in order to evict you!  Remember all those strange loan documents all the people who got their homes taken away through robo-signing?  All those documents would get fresh judicial review and as I understand it lots of #OWS folks have legal training that would make that an interesting adventure.  Why this tactic has the added benefit of almost being like the lottery you just might be able to stay in the house you occupy because the banks can’t prove they own it.

Dispatches from Ni**erhead Ranch UPDATED: Now He's a Birther


We had a spirited discussion surrounding Rick Perry and his Niggerhead Ranch.  If you recall we were waiting for him to make a further statement, maybe comment on why that symbolism would be so offensive perhaps do something to erase the legacy of a hunting camp run by White men called Niggerhead.  

So, the Perry camp didn’t do any of that of course.  Instead they launched a bigoted attack on the Mormon faith of Mitt Romney.  One of his hand picked pastors stated his opinion that Mormonism was a cult, and when questioned on the subject Perry disavowed the “cult” label pretty much the same way he disavowed the name on his hunting ranch.

Well my stars, look what we have from Talking Points Memo some leaked e-mails.

The Lounge: The Man Who Put DirecTV On The Air

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!  You know it’s funny.  After being banned I wrote a little blog with some links that I forwarded to the contact boxes of various media sources.  I did it because it amused me immensely to watch certain heads explode, and it really amused me that they were concerned I sent it to contact in boxes.  I could have sent it to my Rolodex.


When you’re a grown man and married yourself when your parents come to you and tell you they are getting a divorce I suppose it can be a shock, but for me it was more along the lines of what does this have to do with me?  I could tell my parents were unhappy and the idea of them looking for happiness elsewhere I couldn’t argue with.  Twenty five odd years later it did turn out to be a win for both sides, and a real positive for me as I got another fantastic lady to consider my Mom from my Pops, and an outstanding man as another father from Moms, the man who put DirecTV on the air David A. Baylor.

When Dave entered my life he had recently taken on the job of Vice President of Operations for NBC, having served in that role previously for the Public Broadcasting System.  While with PBS Dave was responsible for helping to implement the first closed captioning system for the hearing impaired as well as the first network satellite distribution system he also led the effort to put PBS back on the air in hours after a fire destroyed their broadcasting facility when estimates had the damage taking days to repair.

The Lounge: When The US Military Lost Primary Command and Control of 50 Nuclear Missiles


I was just checking the stats on my little blog spot and noticed the most viewed entry is coming up on its’ one year anniversary.  This entry has fascinated me because of its’ popularity.  It has had months where it has had 100’s of hits from Iran.  It has had months where there were the same number of hits from Russia, and it’s strange how country specific it is.  This month the people of Denmark are interested.  I get the impression the blog is rolling around intelligence agencies.

Anyhow I wanted a bit of an open thread too so I could show this.

That’s a previously unknown comet smacking the sun on October 3rd.

So let’s get on with the story eh?

The power to destroy humanity on this planet carries a great deal of responsibility.  One of the bedrock trusts the rest of us have to have in order to sleep well at night is that the security and reliability of our nuclear forces has to be 100%.

So when I got wind of this story I almost couldn’t believe it.

WASHINGTON – An equipment failure disrupted communication between 50 nuclear missiles and the launch control center at Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming over the weekend, an Air Force spokesman said Tuesday.

Lt. Col. Todd Vician said the break occurred early Saturday and lasted less than one hour. The White House was briefed about the failure Tuesday morning

Huffington Post link


The Lounge: Anybody Else Miss Richard Pryor?


Fair warning comedians swear.

I’ve been musing a lot lately over the petty and not so petty racial insults Barack Obama has had to endure over these last few years and missing Richard Pryor. Chris Rock you say? Chris is cool, but he doesn’t quite have the voice. Wanda, Aries, those comedy kings? Loves them, but could they do this?  As I’ve thought  about it lately I miss him even more.  I wonder how the idea of ARE YOU CALLING ME A RACIST would have stood up to someone who didn’t mind saying YES!