Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania (Part Deux): Sept. 11 to Sept. 13

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings diaries give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

First diary: Sunday through Thursday early morning

In lieu of daily check-ins, which have gone on hiatus, Welcomings diaries will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning) and then, if necessary due to a large number of comments, again on Wednesday or Thursday to close out the week. To find the diaries, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?


  1. Diana in NoVa

    And That Person (a meteorologist who so far hasn’t got it right even once) says we are expecting rain this afternoon. Oh, no, I’m sorry, make that a “rain event,” not just plain old rain.

    Just read about the stupefying atmosphere caused by the volcano in Iceland. Those poor Icelanders! Visited the place a long, long time ago but it certainly wasn’t smokin’ then.

    Beginning to wonder whether baby care is too much for us, but on the other hand, I hate the idea of anyone else’s looking after him. They wouldn’t do what I do. I don’t want him to have care that is merely custodial.

    This anniversary of a sad day in our history is depressing. What a lot of horror grew from it–Bush’s war, the subsequent collapse of Iraq, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Bush and Darth Cheney should be in jail for life. Sometimes I actually wish I believed in hell so people like them could go there.

    On a more frivolous note, I’ve known two people whose birthdays are today and I do feel sorry for them. Who wants to celebrate this date?

    Hope everyone in Mooseland will have a good day!

  2. anotherdemocrat

    High of 97 again. But they swear a cold front is coming.

    Eating breakfast, drinking tea. Same earworm as yesterday. Actually, I did that deliberately – I was listening to the album in the car & the song about Bono’s mother came up & I should have skipped it & didn’t. It’s a great song, but I’m not in a place to hear songs on that subject. So I forwarded it to Song for Someone & just kept hitting repeat.

    We’re re-arranging our office starting today. This afternoon, I get to shift files for an hour. Yay.

    Still, happy Friday Eve! (that’s what the traffic reporter on the news station I watch calls Thursday)

  3. princesspat

    It’s still dark! Today is my day at the surgery center…..thanks to the Coumadin removing whatever is growing on my back, catching on my clothes and then bleeding (how annoying!) needs to be removed with more care than an in office procedure. So I’ve got the fasting headache and even though I know I’ll be fine, the Surgery Center Jitters.

    I’ll check back in later today.

  4. bfitzinAR

    I’ll probably turn the A/C off when I get home tonight, unless there’s too much rain to open the windows and cool the house down.  Got the OK for the non-tenure position search so I’ll be dealing with that all day today.  Got another Budget Committee meeting tonight – 1st one since we got the bad news Tuesday night (projected revenue for 2015 $5 million less than for 2014 – which I truly don’t understand considering all the high-end apartment building going on around here – somehow the assessments for 2015 have gone down instead of up – it would be unfair of me to suggest it might be because the current assessor is running for County Judge, wouldn’t it).  I am looking less forward to it than I already was.  Sigh.

    As to the date, I have always had sympathy for the families of those killed – but I have always been really pissed at the attempt to equate 19 religious nutjobs being allowed (no CT here – commercial airlines had been recommended to secure the doors to the cabin years back and decided it was “too expensive” – and the biggest most expensive military in the world didn’t have a couple of fighter planes to bring down those highjacked jets – those are facts)  to highjack multiple commercial airplanes and fly them into buildings with the 12/7 attack on the Naval and Army Air bases in Hawaii by the full force of the Japanese fleet – something like 6 flattops, with the accompanying crusiers, destroyers, etc. and hundreds of planes in multiple waves.  It’s right up there with Mitt Romney knowing how hard it is for people on short grass because he had to actually sell some of his portfolio given to him by his daddy to get through school.

    So.  {{{HUGS}} to the Purple People and to Moosylvania where folks can come, vent a little, kick back a little, and basically feel at home.

  5. It is 43 degrees here on its way up to 49. Showers in the forecast.

    Some new polls out of North Carolina and Colorado show our incumbent U.S. Senators up. Even Nate Silver had to revise his forecast of Republican Takeover down (following Sam Wang the Princeton guy, who has us holding on right now). Kay Hagan is up by 20 points with women over personhood amendmenter Thom Tillis. Mark Udall is up over personhood amendmenter Cory Gardner. See a pattern? Those big sloppy kisses to the anti-women movement, which had no chance of passing anyway, are coming back to bite them. Good. Words have meaning … and we have them recorded.

    Gotta go, see all y’alls later!

  6. Diana in NoVa

    The weather forecast for yesterday (“severe downpours, thunderstorms”) was so profoundly wrong that I’m beginning to think all the weather people are all on pot. Or something. They never apologize for being wrong, I notice.

    Feeling sickened by the way Oscar Pretorius is getting off. Message: Guys, feel free to kill your girlfriend if you’re famous! I despise judges who are influenced by celebrity. To me, this was an open-and-shut case of murder. If Oscar woke up in the night because he heard noises, and the other half of the bed was empty, whom did he think was in the bathroom? Bin Laden?

    It reminds me of the man who shot his daughter during the night. She had got up to comfort the family dog, who was ill. The father simply fired his gun without bothering to say, “Who’s there?”

    Jeez. Today I’m just going to think about the massive, swimming dinosaur fossil. I do not care to think about the news.

    Hope everyone in Moosylvania will have a good day, and princesspat, hope you will recover quickly! Wishing you good books to read, lots of lovely sleep, and green tea with lemon and honey.

  7. anotherdemocrat

    Today is supposed to be cold front day. I’ll believe it when I walk out the door at 5 & don’t melt.

    Ian Paisley died. I don’t actually believe in Hell, but for him I’ll make an exception. Lots of comments in the Irish papers along the lines of “Say hi to Maggie!”, but my favorite one said they hope his roommate is Cromwell.

    Today: get through the short-staffed day (our 2 part-timers don’t work Fridays), get home & mix my pre-workout energy drink for tomorrow morning & fill my camelbak. We’re not really doing distances that call for it, but I want to be in the habit of filling it on Friday nights for when we are. And if it really is going to be 65 in the morning, I want to find my longer workout tights. Don’t laugh — I haven’t been in weather that cool since probably April.

  8. bfitzinAR

    I wish it would either rain or clear up, one or the other.  We need rain so that’s OK, but just cloudy means very much reduced electricity generation with no rain to compensate.  My system created just under 2.5 KWH for the whole day yesterday and today is starting the same way.  On a sunny day this time of year I’m getting over 12.5 KWH for the day – a 10 KWH difference and about 5 KWH difference in net gain vs. net loss on my household energy use (or did – I don’t have enough metrics yet on how much difference my lodger makes).

    QC was long but not bad last night.  For one thing the Judge’s departments were already doing their best (as they always do) to bring in the lowest budget possible consistent with keeping all the County Services functioning efficiently.  For another we didn’t hear any of the contentious departments last night (don’t ask me why but if the Rs could shut down the IT dept and the Animal Shelter they would probably all go out and get drunk in celebration – and then pretend they didn’t because they’re “good Christians”), some of which are scheduled for next week.  Sigh.

    I’ve received one – count it, one – email (at my work email and not my personal or my JP email) referencing my overheard and reported comment regarding reversing the half-mil property tax.  Very upset as a “concerned resident” that I would suggest raising taxes a whole $15 a year for a $150,000 house (actually it’s closer to $10 a year, but even at $15 a year that’s about 4 cents a day) without suggesting cuts first.  I politely replied to her noting that we are doing cuts, the “increase” is a return to what we were doing 4 years ago, it’s more like $10 a year based on the $5 a year for my $90,000 house, and that the problem is Roads and Jails revenue sources not being enough and having to be augmented with General Funds.  I did not go into just how unfair it is to the other departments to have to cut to the bone and beyond because Roads and Jails funding sources haven’t been sufficient to run the departments since the 2008 crash.  Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.  Sigh.

    Happy Friday and {{{HUGS}}} to everybody at teh Purple 🙂

  9. Diana in NoVa

    taxes. Would they really like to live in a tax-free country–say an island somewhere–and die of typhoid because their bodily wastes contaminate the groundwater and therefore the springs and wells because there’s no safe, tax-funded municipal sewage facility?

    I certainly wouldn’t.

    Some people are just stoopid. When did they stop teaching civics in school? The concept that “we’re all in this together and should look out for each other” seems to have gone by the wayside.

  10. princesspat

    The Borrowed Ground Landscaping company is coming this morning to plan and estimate the cost of making a PNW rock garden on the slope behind the upper patio. I’ll have to keep it simple to be affordable, so I hope they need a small easy project.

    RonK is going to Kennewick today to spend time with his mom and be part of a geology/lecture tour his brother is organizing. We’ll change each other’s bandages before he goes!

  11. I had to mute some people on my Twitter feed for ignorance. Another sports celebrity was indicted for abusive behaviour and was defended. This is not a black thing or a white thing: it is the product of our sports-obsessed culture that does not expect men, of any race, to behave like decent human beings. It includes commissioners and owners and coaches and players. Athletics bestows an outsized privilege on those who deliver sports entertainment and doesn’t require any responsibility from the people involved.

    For the record, anyone who hits a 4 year old with a tree branch to punish him … and that results in a trip to the hospital because of the extent of those injuries … has bigger problems than whether he will suit up for an NFL game. He is not just flogging his son, he is teaching his son that floggings are how to discipline children … and how to deal with women who just won’t listen!! Violence is learned, anger management is not a required course for college athletes, and being able to run into the end zone with a football is a get out of jail free card.

  12. They overturned the stay put in place by federal Judge Adelman in Milwaukee blocking the Wisconsin voter id law. That law will disenfranchise 9% of our citizens, most of whom are traditional Democratic voters.

    Republicans found a way to win — suppress the vote so that they don’t need the consent of the governed any longer. They know that when we vote, we win. And sadly when they take away the vote, they take away our ability to fix these wrongs. We need a national right to vote law. NOW. Before there is literally nothing left to save.

  13. Diana in NoVa

    And we have gray skies. I’ve learned not to believe them when they say it’s going to rain.

    Very troubling about the voter ID law in Wisconsin–hope the local Dems will redouble their efforts to get voters registered, furnished with IDs, and taken to the polls. The Rethugs should change their party slogan to, “If you see something you want, take it.”

    This morning–wash hair, mail cousin’s birthday present at the P.O. (it will be late), and pick up a few things at Trader Joe’s. Then, writing for the rest of today! Tonight is Vegetarian Night, but I think I’ll pick up something at TJ’s because I don’t want cooking to interfere with my writing time.

    Still seething over the fact that the Obama government threatened the Foleys if they attempted to raise the ransom money. There was no need to do that. No one can raise that kind of cash unless they’re named Koch or Adelson.

  14. Portlaw


    Saw a very disturbing documentary movie last night, Last Days in Vietnam. Harrowing with tales of betrayal, indifference, heroism, brutality and enormous suffering. And, of course, there they were, Kissinger, Rumsfeld and Company, all safe, planning their next career moves as others decide who will be evacuated and who gets left behind, who will live and who will die.  It was shown in a small theater and when we went to a nearby Mexican restaurant after and looking around we realized that our fellow diners were born long after the war had ended and probably would not be sure what it was or when, let alone the pain, enormous pain and the numbers of the dead before and after we left.

    Hope today is a good one for all Meese and for the world.

  15. anotherdemocrat

    Left workout after the walk but before the stretching & core work. Don’t laugh, but it wasn’t comfortable for stationary stuff. I’m not going to say “cold”, but it was cool & misting….. ok for walking but not situps & pushups & stuff.

    Watching MHP & eating a breakfast sandwich. Going to visit my friend later. And a party this evening. The host is my walking coach & she understands I’ll run by early & leave.

  16. princesspat

    Good morning…..My restless mind is in full gardening mode, but my creaky body needs to stay quiet for another day. Maggie (the small grand puppy) will arrive soon though so I’ll have some company. She thinks my lap is her home away from home.

    I’m mulling over my rock garden plan as it will cost more than I hoped it would. But I’ve wanted to do this for over 30 yrs and I’ve “temporarily” retained the slope with ivy which is getting very hard for me to maintain. If I do proceed I’ll have some steps, a path I can walk on, native plants requiring little maintenance, and the garden will finally have all the elements I had planned (oh so many years ago) in place. Hmmmm…I seem to be talking myself into something!  

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