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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Here I am, Stuck in the Middle With You: A Moderately Open Thread

With the summer winding along and fall vaguely looming on the horizon, two great forces align to compete in the ritual fashion.

On the fringes of each camp zealots and True Believers burn effigies and dance to their gods. On the far right of the field of battle directionless Fear rules, on the far left unfocused Angst is emoted. Trembling fingers clutch spasmodically the china walls of genteel Tea cups in Faux colonial halls to the east, to the west scowls wreath the visages of Occupiers of empty lands.

The majority in each camp are at rest, healing from a hard road behind and focusing on a better road ahead.

Who will win, come the chill of November? Will it be the Tea-sipping shut-ins of the Right, the invective-hurling Occupiers of the Left or the vast majority in the Middle?

Consider this a Moderately Open Thread.


  1. As a post-trauma mid-term election it remains my contention that the majority will vote for stability and continuity, leaving the risk of horse-switching to another day.  

  2. The decent human being or the plutocractic robot?  

    The exotic Other or the man from central casting?

    What will the middle go for?

    I know where I’m going, but damned if I can say where everyone else is headed.

  3. creamer

    I find a little bit of false equivelency between the tea party and the occupiers, but leaving that aside I tend to agree. One thing that strikes me as kind of crazy is the message of the GOP. They represent radical change. End Social Security as we know it, vouchers for Medicaid, upending a fairley moderate health care plan, bomb Iran. Nothing particulary “conservative” here.

      The thing that scares me: is America ready to reelect a black man who worked himself up from from a broken home over a man who started with all the advantages? Does America relate better to the man who started where they might be, or to the man they have no hope of being?

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