Greetings Moose. Let me first wish all of you, and all of yours, Happy Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus/New Year/Birthday (I’m sure I’ve missed several) and the best of wishes for many more. 2011 was an interesting year for my family…both the highs and the lows will mark it as a memorable one.
I am beyond excited to be here in 2012…not only because even numbered years are my friend, but because we get to work to see Obama to another term. Thus far, it seems to me that the Republicans vying to be his opponent are helping further our cause more than anyone or anything else. Have you ever seen such a circus??
Despite the boost that Obama and the Democrats have gotten from the Republican antics of late, we WILL have to fight to see that Obama is a two term President.
It was during the 2008 battle to see a Democrat elected to the Presidency that most of us met…and I hope to find many ‘old-timers’ resurfacing to take up the fight again.
I want to see Old Moose and New Moose (and Lurker Moose!) engaged in the battle. I want to hear about ‘feet on the ground’, phone banking, door knocking, yard signs, and bumperstickers. I want to hear about donations and voter registration drives. I want to hear about the discussions held around the family dinner table. I want to hear what Moose feel is worth fighting for…and what is worth fighting against.
We have less than a year before we find ourselves in the voting booth again…I want to be pulling the lever (er, touching the screen?) with the confidence that I did everything possible to see an Obama victory.
I want us ALL to have that confidence.
And I want every step…every action…every frustration…every happy moment…and, ultimately, the joy of victory…to be shared here.
Any takers?
I guess it may seem a bit hypocritical for me to be calling for activity here. I’ve been in one of my Lurker modes for a couple months now. I had to make my preparations for the end of the world (it’s still supposed to end this year, right?). I do wonder though, why it is such a big deal that the Mayan Calendar is ending? Ours ends every year and no great harm results (other than the occasional raging hangover from the end of year party). What gives?
As to my absence, no, I was not really preparing for the end of the world (though, tbh, at times it felt like that might be a good thing). To put it succinctly…the latter part of 2011 was a bit rough. I think I have my feet under me again now…and I hope to be about more and more as the weeks pass.
I am one of the more ‘recurring’ Prodigal Moose…I have long had the habit of dropping into Lurker mode only to randomly join in on the conversation again. We have lots of other Prodigal Moose…sricki and Holz and Stipes! all immediately come to my mind (and I see another of my faves, Spiff, has been about in recent days)…all are ones I want to see more of in 2012. There are Moose that have not been seen since shortly after Obama was elected…and I also hope to see them show their antlers this year. I KNOW that there are Lurkers Lurking…and I hope that they too will join in on the conversation in 2012.
I intend to be better (much much better) about commenting and rec’ing and writing. I want to ask that everyone else do so as well. In order for others to join in on the conversation…there has to be one.
This is the Moose, while the Presidential election of 2012 is an obvious topic to write about, there are a zillion other topics that ‘fit’ here.
Write about what interests you…it will likely interest others. If you write elsewhere, cross-post here. I know many of our members are more frequently seen in Orange…it is a known fact that Purple and Orange go together brilliantly. Speaking of the GOS…Follow your fellow Moose (click the wee heart in their dKos profile), rec/rate and comment in their diaries, join the Moose Group (Moose on the Loose) if you have not already done so, and share what you have learned there here on the Moose. That goes for other sites as well…there are lots of sites (a fair number on our blogroll) that share Moose interests and ideals. If you read something you like, write about it and share it with other Moose.
For example, something I learned elsewhere today (while not originally from dKos, it is written about there too): Melissa Harris-Perry has landed her own show on MSNBC! I think that this is the best decision that MSNBC has made since they hired Maddow.
Moose have raved about her before…so I know she has fans here already. If you have not yet seen her on your TV screen, you need to give her new show a gander.
Her show debuts February 4th. t will be a weekend show, Saturday and Sunday, that follows Chris Hayes’ show ‘Up’ (another brilliant decision…great show) and will fill the 10am-12pm slot. I, for one, am thrilled to see more NEWS and less Lock Up on MSNBC weekends. I look forward to watching and supporting her show.
Something else that caught my eye in recent days? This comment from Geekesque over at dKos:
Sure, but you can see the flow chart (58+ / 0-)
that is used by some:
1: Did the President do the right thing or the wrong thing:
A: Wrong thing–this is proof of his character and his values;
B: Right thing: This is a meaningless attempt to pander and get himself re-elected. He will try to undermine this good action after the election
Spot the fuck on.
Hmmm….I think I am beginning to ramble…as is oft the case…I oughta wrap it up.
I just wanted to say “Hey! I’m sorta back!”…and to put the invite out for others to come to surface as well.
I have missed all of you…and I am very much looking forward to another election year with Mooses.
So, this is my shout out to my fellow Moose…what say ye?