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Archive for April 2011

Open Thread: Shutdown, Schmutdown

As a Federal employee, I was paying pretty close attention to the looming shutdown of the Federal government. Don’t get me wrong, I love free time as much as the next lazy ‘gubmint Delta Bravo‘, but my family can’t really afford to go without my meager paycheck, dig?


Fortunately for me (for others not so much), an 11th hour deal was struck to ensure that I have the ability to continue to provide for my kiddies — at least for the time being. Was the deal a bad one?

Send in the Clowns Open Thread

Well it looks as if the government of the United States of America will shut down a portion of the it’s operations in a few hours. If this happens, I want the media to spend the next week to talk about nothing other than Planned Parenthood.  

A need to vent my anger

At first I just wrote this as a comment in the diary about DWS.  Then I decided it deserved a diary.  My anger right now is fierce, is deep and I wonder if people will ever wake up to the greed, the hate, the narrow visioned, bigoted view of the tea party.  

This is the time for those on the left to speak loud, speak clear and not back down.  Democracy is about compromise.  Obama wants to compromise. But enough is enough.   One cannot compromise with those who do not believe in compromise.  

This is why I believe in strong unions, in strong advocacy groups.  NOW is the time to speak out.

You're All Invited To Debbie's Party

President Obama made a surprising choice to replace Tim Kaine as head of the Democratic National Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party…Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Wasserman Schultz was born in Queens and raised on Long Island (WOOT!) and represents Fort Lauderdale and its southwestern suburbs in Congress.

She rose into the Democratic leadership in recent years becoming Vice Chair of the DNC and a strong ally of President Obama in Congress.  

Bye, Bye Glenn!

Glenn Beck is “transitioning” away from his daily Fox News program later this year.

Mashable is reporting that:

– More than a third of Beck’s Fox audience was lost after his “Restoring Honor” rally at the Washington Mall.

– After calling President Obama a racist, urged consumers to boycott Beck’s advertisers, ultimately resulting in more than 400 Fox advertisers saying they didn’t want their commercials on Beck’s show, according to Forbes. That cost Fox News owner News Corp. a cool $600,000 a week.

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

I don’t write a lot of diaries, but I’ve had a lot of ideas running around my head the last couple weeks about how to help put the economy and job creation right overall for the country.  

I really have two main interests outside of politics.  I enjoy reading about and discussing economic issues and education issues.  I’ll save the education ones for another day, but I wanted to kind of have an open discussion about some of the ideas I had and maybe fine tune them or throw them out completely.

So, as much as I appreciate pure opinion I would appreciate a more constructive approach to this diary.  If you don’t think it’s a good idea of course say so, but please say why and I’m hoping you would have some links to back it up.

If you do like the ideas, I would love to hear that as well and if you have some additional resources that would reinforce the idea I would love that too.

Some of the ideas aren’t complete either so if you know how to connect the remaining dots I look forward to that too.

Upper Big Branch Mine Tragedy was One Year Ago Today…

Here in West Virginia we are seriously interested in reforming the coal mining industry – whether easing it out entirely or at least improving the pollution of the air and water due to mining practices – but the most important reform necessary is mine safety,

There have been many regulations passed over the years to improve mine safety including inspections, improved methods and both labor and management responsibilites. One year ago today, however, a company called Massey Energy and an inspection system that was basically ignored, was responsible for an explosion in the Upper Big Branch Mine, Montcoal, WV (about 30 miles south of Charleston.)

29 miners died.

South Africa Today

By: Inoljt,

The World Cup has ended, and with it South Africa’s reputation has soared. The country has enjoyed a boost of free and entirely positive publicity from the event, in contrast to most reports from the Western media – which tend to focus upon the AIDS epidemic and the country’s complicated politics.

South Africa today is a product of Nelson Mandela’s work. It was Nelson Mandela’s continuous (and mostly successful) outreach to South Africa’s white minority ensured a degree of racial peace few dared hope would pass during after the days of apartheid.

Indeed, the more one explores the history of countries afflicted with similar problems, the more remarkable the man’s achievement seems.

More below.