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Archive for August 2009

Karma's a Bitch.

Note: I originally wrote this one year ago and yet – it still seems more timely than ever.

With last week GM reporting a $15.5 billion loss in the second quarter, it is quite clear that American car manufactures are getting their come-uppance. published a list of the top 10 most efficient 2008 sedans available.  They ranked the cars based on EPA fuel economy numbers.  And sweet moses would you guess that not one from an American manufacturer made the list!  Even the Wall Street Journal, not known for its criticism to big business, has sharp words about American car manufacturers.

Friday August 7, 2009: The Day in Tubes

I noticed whilst perusing late night Showtime channels that there is a porn star named Holly Hollywood. For some reason I found this deeply disturbing;~J Please do not confuse me with Ms Hollywood as I spell my name with an i. Now that I have cleared up any confusion…

Friday August 7, 2009 in 100 seconds from TPMtv.

Perhaps the repug-nance these past couple of months has overwhelmed our perceptions with mind numbing stupidity, and in a bizarre way, they have won the summer so far. I think that is about to change. The right has overplayed it’s cards and the American people are beginning to

back away in horror. (thanks for the line Sricki)

Our Troops. Supported by Socialism!

As I was taking a shower the other day, I started thinking about this whole health care debate.  I haven’t really weighed in on it, and honestly, I have felt rather apathetic about the whole thing.  I started wondering why I wasn’t all hot and bothered like everyone else.  And then it struck me…I’m part of U.S. government funded SOCIALISM!!!


Daily Tubes for August 5 & 6, 2009

In a heart wrenching surprise moment yesterday morning, Former President Bill Clinton helped bring Laura Ling and Euna Lee home from what must been an absolutely terrifying experience in North Korea. The event brought tears to my eyes and I must say my extreme fondness for the Big Dog has grown beyond measure. And my admiration for President Obama and SOS Clinton’s deftness in this matter is bursting at the seams. Goodness, it is wonderful to have grown-ups in charge again. This is how it is supposed to work folks.

Wednesday August 5, 2009 in 100 seconds by the fine folks at TPMtv

Indeed. Welcome home Laura and Euna.

Thursday August 6, 2009 in 100 seconds by TPMtv

Welcome to the Supreme Court Ms Sotomayer. On a day like this, I am very proud to be an American.

President Clinton Secures Release of Captive Journalists

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton both played instrumental roles in the release of two captive American journalists who were stopped and detained by North Korean soldiers on March 17, 2009, after purportedly illegally crossing the nation’s borders. Journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee were convicted of “committing hostilities against the Korean nation and illegal entry,” and sentenced in June to 12 years hard labor in a North Korean prison camp.

Bill Clinton to the Rescue

In a heart wrenching surprise moment yesterday morning, Former President Bill Clinton helped bring Laura Ling and Euna Lee home from what must been an absolutely terrifying experience in North Korea. The event brought tears to my eyes and I must say my extreme fondness for the Big Dog has grown beyond measure. And my admiration for President Obama’s deftness in this matter is bursting at the seams.  

Goodness, it is wonderful to have grown-ups in charge again. And it is astonishing to me, to be so proud of our government again. This is how it is supposed to work folks.


Our military, of which I am a part, is socialist.  That’s right.  I said it.

Those “patriotic” yellow ribbon car magnet neo-cons created socialism in the great United States of America and gave it to the men and women proudly serving our country and protecting our freedoms.  They loved our military so much that they made sure to subsidize our basic needs!

More than one-third of my husband’s pay is a non-taxable housing subsidy!  I shop at the base’s commissary and exchange, which are government subsidized!  We also receive a monthly allowance (read SUBSIDY) for food and bills!  My husband also gets extra money each month because he is married to me (I’m a “dependent” according to the government).  MY VERY EXISTENCE IS GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED!

But wait…how could I forget?  I left one thing out of my list of socialist benefits.  We have FULL COVERAGE FREE HEALTH CARE.

I sleep very easy at night because I know that if I or my husband were to have a medical crisis, we would be okay.  We would not lose our savings.  We would not have to contemplate declaring bankruptcy.

When it comes to health care coverage, EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN should be as blessed as we are.

Let me tell you about my health care coverage.  I have a choice between receiving care in the private sector or on the base where we are stationed.  My choice mirrors the public and private option.  I have done both.  Currently, I am on the public option because I have ZERO deductible, and if my medical needs (such an E.R. visit) cannot be covered by the base, I can go to a local hospital and still have full coverage.

Jon Stewart recently slapped neo-con Bill Kristol about the head using our military’s universal health care program as a rebut to Kristol’s nonsense.

STEWART: So you believe no public option, so even though that’s good enough for the military, not good enough for the people of America.

KRISTOL: Well, the military has a different health system than the rest of Americans.

STEWART: It’s a public system, no?

KRISTOL: Yeah, they don’t have an option, they’re all in military health care.

STEWART: Why don’t we go with that?

KRISTOL: I don’t know. Is military health care really what you — first of all, it’s expensive. I think they deserve it, the military–

STEWART: But the American public do not.

KRISTOL: No. The American public do not deserve the same quality health care as our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan deserve, and they need all kinds of things that the rest of us don’t need.

STEWART: Well, no, they can have that level of care, but are you saying that the American public shouldn’t have access to the same quality health care that we give to our better citizens?

KRISTOL: Yes. To our soldiers? Absolutely. The American public–

STEWART: Really?

KRISTOL: I think that if you become a soldier, you deserve–


KRISTOL: One of the ways we make it up to the soldiers, since they’re risking their lives, we give them first-class health care. The rest of us can go out and buy insurance–

STEWART: So you said that the public–


STEWART: Get this on the record. Bill Kristol said that the government can run a “first class health care system.” And a government-run health care system is better than the private health care system.

KRISTOL: I don’t know if it’s better.

STEWART: You just said that.

KRISTOL: I don’t know if it’s better.

STEWART: You said it was better! You said it’s the best. It’s a little more expensive…

KRISTOL: The military needs different kinds of health care…

STEWART: I just want to get this down: “The government runs the best health care.”

Pure poetry.  In addition to the overall smackdown of the neo-con argument against universal health care, what REALLY works here is that the Republicans and those opposed to health care reform cannot refute this argument without disparaging the military.  Either military health care is HORRIBLE or government run health care is AWESOME because it is good enough for our men and women in uniform.

So give me your best shot, neo-cons.  Tell me I’m wrong about universal health care!  I TRIPLE DOG DARE YA!

If any single one of them had the guts to reply that the VA has all sorts of problems with providing quality health care, then we could all jump in on them for NOT FUNDING the VA.  The problem has NEVER been with the military medical corps.  The problem is with the Republicans hero-worshiping while stripping funding from the VA.

In fact, our military medical corps is so awesome that they go on humanitarian missions providing FREE health care to people around the world.  First Lady Michelle Obama was just in Norfolk, VA welcoming back the USNS Comfort from a humanitarian mission and said about the Comfort:

But this ship has done more than just provide help to people here at home. It has also offered its services to those who suffer beyond our shores. For its most recent mission, Continuing Promise 2009, the Comfort brought medical and dental care along with engineering assistance and training programs to countries throughout the Caribbean, Latin America and South America. Doctors treated patients, Seabees built schools, veterinarians cared for animals, and the Air Force band delighted local audiences. The crew formed friendships with each other and with the local residents. More than 100,000 patients were treated on this mission, 1,600 surgeries were conducted, 135,000 prescriptions were filled, and more than 300 pallets of aid were delivered.


Our military is out in the world demonstrating what is best about America.  We provide comfort to those in need, providing health care in third world countries.  And all of it is funded by taxpayer dollars.  It brings tears of joy to my eyes.

So let’s call a spade a spade, neo-cons and Blue Dog Dems.  Your bullshit is about GREED and POWER.  It’s not about doing what’s best for all Americans.  You’ve done what’s best for our military and our military families by providing universal health care, so now it’s time to ante up and provide it to the civilian world.


What’s good for our military is good for all Americans!

Could it Be? Yes Indeed…Tubes Are Back!!!

Some of you may have noticed I have been gone for a while. I was off trying to find any advanced intelligence in our universe. No luck so far, and to my shock and horror, it appears that IQ’s have dropped suddenly on planet Earth while I was away. At least in the United States part of the third rock from the sun.

Monday August 3, 2009 in 100 seconds.

One could say it is merely a listening problem, but for the sudden, sometimes frightening, and often hysterical rise of the lunatic right. Birther’s, end of lifers, and now paid mobs to disrupt Democratic town hall meetings; make me wonder what the hell has happened over the past three months.

There is so much wackiness out there these days, one would need to devote an entire blog to adequately cover the vastness of crazy tubes. When Ann Coulter thinks you are nuts, it is a bad sign.

Tuesday August 4, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Happy Birthday Mr. President.