Sometimes, the headlines write themselves.
Gov. Sarah Palin owes more than a half million dollars to an Anchorage law firm that has defended her against ethics complaints, and she may create a legal fund to pay the bill, she said Friday.
Poor Sarah. Being targeted by a “partisan witch hunt” during the Troopergate scandal has set her back a cool half a mil, it seems. Sadly, it seems that capitalism is alive and well at all the most inconvenient times, doesn’t it? Gosh, Sarah, shouldn’t you just buck up to your “personal responsibility”, and knock off this socialism garbage, what with getting other people to pay your legal bills?
Of course, there’s a really good reason for all this- right?
“Now, it seems in order to do this job as Governor, with the political blood sport some are playing today, only the independently wealthy or those willing to spend their income on legal fees to defend their official actions in office … can serve,” Palin said…
OR- and I’m going to go out on a limb here- you could, just, uhh… not do anything to cause yourself to be investigated for ethics violations. Maybe that’s too much to ask for? Anyway, you know the story’s not complete until you see some Republican spin on the situation- blame Johnny Mac/teh eveil libs!