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Archive for March 2009

You Be Da Man!

Wow. It looks as though someone finally grew a spine in the Republican party. Micheal Steele told CNN’s DL Hughley that “he is the man.”

I guess it pissed Limpbag off something fierce.

Uh oh. And sorry about that smell.

And the budget grows…

As Obama bails out AIG and Citicorp and  probably all the automobile companies,  we are still not sure where the new jobs will come from… or if they will come at all. We wait to see the massive hirings to fix bridges and highways or the “shovel ready” projects from the states get started.

Yes, It’s been about a month and only a couple of weeks with the legislation in place. However, saving AIG seems to be much more important than employment, and maybe it is.

Overnight Open Thread

GOP Chairman Michael Steele caved like a rain-soaked paper bag to Rush Limbaugh immediately after showing a semblance of a backbone- who’s surprised? Anyone?

The Ghost of Ronald Reagan smiles on you, Mr. Limbaugh. You are truly the new light of the party. And I, for one, am ecstatic.


Not Me!!!

Have you ever noticed that some people get really worked up about GLBT issues? Have you ever noticed how others couldn’t care less about these concerns? Ever wonder why?

Years ago my nephew was in a youth church group that he really enjoyed. That is until they got a new youth minister who was extremely homophobic. My nephew knows that his aunt is lesbian and not one member of my family has a problem with me. It did not take long for my nephew and all of the other members to drop out of this group. Leaving, I would imagine, the minister and church to wonder why.

My nephew is straight but his attitude is one of live and let live. His only concern, really, is that his aunt is not discriminated against.  

My Birthday Wish

(Proudly cross-posted at C4O Democrats)

In case you didn’t know, my birthday is tomorrow. Yay. When I was little, I’d always be excited about a day full of celebration, gifts, and sheer bliss. Now, I just notice myself getting older… And hopefully a little wiser with each passing year.

I guess one reason why I haven’t been excited about my upcoming birthday is that I have far too much on my mind to be caught up in any self-celebration. I have personal and family issues to deal with. I have to think about how President Obama’s economic recovery package will affect my family and how to take advantage of that. Oh yes, and there’s that other issue… The issue of my own civil rights.

A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To The Polyamory Movie

This week, I attended Clarisse Thorn’s Sex+++ Film Series at Hull House in Chicago.  This feature was a film on polyamory, entitled: When Two Won’t Do.  The film is a documentary created by two people exploring polyamory for themselves.  There was a discussion group afterward.  The response to this film series has been overwhelming and Tuesday was no exception, with upwards of 70 people crammed into a room that expected maybe 40.

(Cross-posted at The National Gadfly)

GrOPe: Republicans Get Their Freak On

Perhaps the social and religious conservatives who compose the base of today’s Republican Party aren’t as out of touch as we thought. Sure, they’re wrong on the issues and are essentially clueless about what most Americans need and want, but at least they’re not out of touch with their own genitalia.  


As it turns out, folks who live in red states tend to get their digital freak on more than residents of blue states. A new study finds that Republican voters spend more time and money on online pornography. You hear that noise? It’s the sound of Republican moral authority groaning under the weight of its own hypocrisy.  

'Back Off and Stay Out Of Our Airspace.'

Four Canadian and U.S. fighter jets were scrambled to meet two Russian bomber planes found flying on the edge of Canada’s Arctic airspace hours before President Barack Obama arrived in Ottawa for his first foreign visit, Canada’s Defence Minister, Peter MacKay said yesterday.

The incident occurred Feb. 18, about 24 hours before Obama travelled to Canada for his first foreign visit.  Canadian CF-18 fighter jets were scrambled from Cold Lake, Alta., to intercept the long-range Tupolev TU-95s and signal them to back off, MacKay told reporters in Ottawa.  While he noted that the Russian flight took place when Canada’s security focus was on Ottawa, in preparation for the Obama visit. “I am not going to stand here and accuse the Russians of having deliberately done this during the presidential visit, but it was a strong coincidence which we met with the presence … of F-18 fighter planes and world-class pilots that know their business and send a strong signal that they should back off and stay out of our airspace,” he told reporters.

Silent Running


“The chief characteristic and strength of the submarine is its invisibility due to its ability to submerge. As a consequence, the submarine is distinguished, at the same time, by another special feature, the advantage of surprise. ”


Andrew Sullivan has an interesting take on the Obama strategy:

Every single symbolic act has been inclusive and sober. From that speech in Grant Park to the eschewal of euphoria on Inauguration Day; from the George Will dinner invite to the Rick Warren invocation; from meeting the House Republicans on the Hill to convening a fiscal responsibility summit; from telegraphing to all of us Obamacons that he wasn’t a fiscal lunatic to … unveiling the most expansive, liberal, big government reversal of Reagan any traditional Democrat would die for.

(more after the jump)