Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for February 2009

Not for Dinner Tubes

I have been lazy and missed quite a few DAYS. Sorry;~( I might post an addendum or bonus tubes or some such thing to catch up. All I have to say, is teh menopause is teh big suck. At least I have a bunch of great chocolate left over.

Anyway, here is Monday, February 16, in 100 seconds. Anybody else getting that tummy ache again or is it just cramps?

Hmmm. I think it just might be the diarrhea inducing media that has caused my intestinal uproar. Sometimes I wonder if they are all on meth or crack, but perhaps it is just the pathological response to working in a 24/7 news cycle.

Friday February 13, 2009 in 100 seconds brought to you by the fine folks at TMPtv. Do I give them enough kudos? I am not sure that is possible. Please show ’em some love, but be sure to mention us as well. I got an e-mail from one of the tube makers I use on a frequent basis. They like us and really appreciate me posting them here.

What is that lovely  Adlai E. Stevenson quote?

“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.”

My only question is, how do we get the media to start telling the truth about us?

The GOP Eats Its Own

In a new article by Newt Gringrich – The Plan – the founder of the NeoCon movement turns his teeth on the recently departed Republican President.  Lambasting the Stimulus package just signed into law, Newt has this to say”

This isn’t the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Spending Frenzy , this is the Bush-Obama Spending Frenzy, Part IV.

image credit jmicheali

This is why you can’t put them in the same cage with each other…

ACTION ALERT: Tell Obama to Keep His Word on Social Security & Medicare!

(Proudly cross-posted at C4O Democrats, and many thanks to Chris Bowers at Open Left and Jane Hamsher at FDL for confirming that I’m not crazy) 😉

For everyone who thought I was some insane “boy crying wolf” yesterday, this should prove them wrong. Just as I warned and many folks “in the know” had previously reported, President Obama may be open to supporting the creation of an commission that could force some undemocratic, unfair, and unstimulative proposals including cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

However, President Obama still says on the White House web site that he opposes the very measures that supporters of this “fiscal responsibility commission” support, like raising the retirement age and any type of privatization effort. So what are we to believe? We need for the White House to clarify to us and to the entire nation what they intend to do on “entitlement reform”.

Please email the White House here or call them at 202-456-1111! And if you need any ideas on what to say, please let my comments inspire you.


I have been lazy and missed quite a few days. Sorry. I might post an addendum or something. All I have to say, is menopause is the big suck.

Anyway, here is Monday, February 16, in 100 seconds. Anybody else getting that tummy ache again?

Friday February 13, 2009 in 100 seconds. By TMPtv. Do I give them enough kudos? I am not sure that is possible. Show ’em some love. But be sure to mention us as well. I got an e-mail from one of the tube makers I use on a more frequent basis. They like us.

What is that lovely saying, “I will stop telling the truth about you when you stop lying about me.” Paraphrasing of course, but you get the idea.

What do you want to read?

One of the most common complaints about the Beltway media is that they are more concerned with process than with policy. That's why we get stories about Boehner improving his image by leading the House Republicans against the stimulus. We also hear about Republicans getting shut out of the debate. When it comes to policy, silence. That is why we never heard a discussion about the merits of the items in the stimulus bill that the Republicans opposed. All we heard were the Republicans belittling such items.

The media is sometimes part of the solution, but more often part of the problem. There are signs that the blogosphere is causing the media to improve their coverage. The signs are few and far between now, however that will change as time goes on. With that in mind, how should the Moose contribute to the discussion? In other words, what do you guys and gals want to read?


  • Health care
  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Income Inequality
  • Michelle Obama's Fashion Sense
  • Obama's Hidden Marxist Agenda
  • John Allen's Obsession with Cooking
  • ???
One subject I would love to see covered would be a comparison of health care systems around the world. What works and what doesn't?
Another subject I'd like to read about is what options we have going forward in Afghanistan.
Something I've started to write about is debunking Right-wing talking points and lies.
If we get enough ideas this diary could be turned into a static page that could be listed in the menu. Whenever you have what you think is a good idea for a diary, but don't have time to write it yourself, add it to the comments. This would be a handy reference for anyone looking for something to write about.
Let's hear from the rest of you. What would you like to read or write about?

My Case for Universal Health Care

I used to read Newsweek magazine; I loved the illustrations on the cover, the journalism present within, and the witty, insightful commentary from its many writers. That is, until I laid eyes on their most recent cover:

I can’t say as though I’ll be picking up a copy of Newsweek again any time soon.

The Nightbird: Alison Steele

There are a million reasons to be awake in the middle of the night in New York City.  Something magical happens there after dark.  The city changes.  It looks different.  It sounds different.  It has different people.

When it’s 3am in New York, you can suddenly find yourself in a quiet place with your body tired and your mind awake.  That place may be your car, your room or where you work.  It could be a food counter or on a sidewalk seeking shelter from a downpour.  Or, you could simply be lying in your bed waiting for sleep to come.  In those places, there is a feeling unlike any other city in the world.  In the dark quiet, you suddenly feel like the city and you are aware of each other and you catch your breath together for a moment of that deep silence.

Cross-posted at The National Gadfly

Have you seen this?

This isn’t really worth a diary, but it was too good not to share.

SNL’s Valentine’s Day skit about the Republican caucus.