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Doctor Evil is Back *Updated*

Dick Cheney spoke to Politico’s Mike Allen this morning.

From the interview, Dick said:

Obviously I am one who believes it is a tougher world out there, and the United States needs to be not so much loved, as it needs to be respected, and we need to from time to time use military force or all of the resources at our command, in order to defend the nation and defend our friends. Sometimes that requires us to take actions that that, umm generate controversy.

I am not at all sure that’s what the Obama Administration believes. I think there probably are some who actually believe if we just go talk nice to these folks everything is going to be ok. I (audio blip? I assume=don’t) believe the world works that way.

More from MSNBC and Mike Allen.

Mike Allen observed;

If Cheney’s language was dramatic, the setting for the comments was almost bizarrely pedestrian. His office is in a non-descript suburban office building in McLean, Va., in a suite that could just as easily house a dental clinic. The office is across the hall from a quick-copy store. The door is marked by nothing except a paper sign, held up by tape, saying the unit is occupied by the General Services Administration.

Wow Dick. Two weeks out and you are piping up? Where is the outrage? If any former Democratic VP did this to a pug, he would be excoriated by the media.

Update I just caught this. This is why I love Rachel Maddow.

She said it so much better than me.


  1. LotusBloom

    to what Mr Cheney had to say on Jan 20.

    History will judge him in due course.  And he cannot, in any way, influence any events anymore.

  2. sricki

    And I never wish ill on anyone, but I was not upset to see him in a wheelchair. What an ass that makes me.

    I deserve a HR for this comment, and I don’t give a damn. I hope the slimy bastard rots in irrelevance.

  3. KLRinLA

    Pursuing policies that do not increase blowback, and not putting a target on your back,

    “Obviously I am one who believes it is a tougher world out there, and the The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected. and we need to from time to time use military force or all of the resources at our command in order to defend the nation and defend our friends. Sometimes that requires us to take actions that that, umm generate controversy.”


  4. Stipes

    If we bolted a couple of wings to Dick’s wheelchair, we could enter him in the next Red Bull Flugtag.

    I’d volunteer to help push.  

    Anyone with me?

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