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Archive for January 2009

FoxNews ticker: "Let's hope the magic negro does a good job"

From The Raw Story this morning comes this gem:

As if Americans needed any more reminders of how closely aligned with the Republican party the Fox News network is, New Year’s Eve brings us this new tidbit.

During it’s broadcast from New York City, the network encouraged viewers to send in text messages which, if approved by moderators, would scroll across the Fox ticker at the bottom of the screen.


I realize that it was a viewer comment that “slipped by” a moderator, but still… c’mon, guys. Way to perpetuate your own stereotype!

Will Smith is Barack Obama

Barack Obama and Will Smith Pictures, Images and Photos

Will Smith was born to play Barack Obama.

Barack Obama has revealed if he had his way, Hollywood star Will Smith would be cast as him in a movie of the Democratic presidential candidate’s life.

“Will and I have talked about the idea of him playing me because he has the same ears as me!” Obama told US TV show Entertainment Tonight.

“He would be perfect.”

Some of the more pop culture oriented remember when the P-elect famously joked about having Will Smith ears. I recently saw a 7 pounds press junket on ET Tonight in which the Fresh Prince said he was very interested in the project. It’s fairly obvious Big Willie is perfect for the role.

Just like nobody but Tina Fey could of played Sarah Palin.

Nobody but Will Smith could play Barack Obama.

So this got me to thinking.

For this first Barack Obama movie.

Who will play everybody else?

michelle obama Pictures, Images and Photos


David Axelrod Pictures, Images and Photos

David Axelrod.


David Plouffe Pictures, Images and Photos


Hillary Clinton Pictures, Images and Photos


You get the picture. I just thought of this and I’m going to have to think a bit on this one before I make my picks.

What do you guys think?  

Auld Lang Syne

Looks like I’ll be ringing in the New Year hunched over my laptop, working like mad to beat a rapidly approaching deadline. You see, I’ve recently experienced what my IT guy euphemistically calls a “hardware failure”. A complete, utter hard-drive meltdown.  I lost everything. Not the least of which was months upon months of work, writing, and research. I’m now having to re-create it, some from whole cloth so to speak, in a matter of days. Also vanished into the ether: three nearly finished Motley Moose diaries. Sigh. And that, in a nutshell, is what I’ve been up to lately. Up to my supraorbital ridge, truth be known. I hope you’ll all forgive my general cyber-silence. It’s temporary, I assure you.


So, while working feverishly this evening. I caught an e-mail from a former supervisor with whom I’m collaborating for my current project (solar baby, solar). This guy’s more than just an old boss.  He’s a colleague, a mentor, and a truly great friend.  

Government FAIL: No Child Left Behind

Originally posted on MyDD on 8-21-08

(cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama)

“These reforms express my deep belief in our public schools and their mission to build the mind and character of every child, from every background, in every part of America.”

– President George W. Bush on NCLB, announced three days after taking office.

January 2001

In the midst of Bush’s war and our current economic insecurity, many of his less publicized failures are largely ignored by the MSM. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), which reauthorized the ESEA, has been vigorously debated among liberals and conservatives. Its stated purposes include increased accountability for States, schools, and school districts; greater choice for parents and students; more flexibility for States and local educational agencies (LEAs) in the use of Federal education dollars; and a stronger emphasis on reading.