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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for December 2008

Iranian Blogfather Arrested.

(cross posted at kickin it with cg)

Hossein Derakhshan, an Iranian-Canadian blogger known as Hoder was arrested in Tehran on charges of spying for Israel and could face the death penalty, according to a number of media reports.  

Derakhshan, lived in Toronto for seven years and moved to the U.K. in 2007. Widely considered the most prominent Iranian blogger, Derakhshan has been writing on his blog since 2001 and it has been censored numerous times by Iranian authorities. His pioneering work has earned him the nickname of “Godfather of the Iranian Blogosphere.”  Hoder is also considered a controversial figure for his support of the Iranian regime.

Congratulations Governor Crist

On the evening of Friday, December 12, 2008, Florida Governor Charlie Crist will marry his girlfriend, Carole Rome, in a wedding ceremony at St. Petersburg’s First United Methodist in St. Petersburg, Florida.  As has been widely reported in the media, Impact Florida, a new gay rights organization formed in the St. Petersburg-Tampa area following voter approval of amendment 2, a ban on gay marriage, will be holding a demonstration at Williams Park, across the street from the church.


Dogs, Love, Religious Faith – The Twisted Path of Personal Enlightenment

Even after decades of self-inspection, I can still be surprised by a sudden insight. I would venture that I’m not alone in this. Bear with me as I re-enact the twisted path I took to my latest discovery.

This most recent breakthrough came about in the usual, very roundabout way. It started with an article in the Atlantic that posited the behavior of man’s best friend is entirely driven by genetics. I found little in that article to make me rethink my knowledge of canine behavior, but it provoked further thought.


The article really pushed the idea that humans mistake a dog’s instinctive behavior as a form of love between dogs and humans. What the article didn’t mention is that science is beginning to show that many, perhaps all, forms of love are driven by brain chemistry. One study found a chemical basis for the love demonstrated by elephant mothers towards their young and another study showed a real bond between human couples that share the sex act.

You Keep it Cool Tubes **UPDATED**

I am loving the way they make fun of President-e Obama. Keep it cool.

Mmm, mmm, mmmmmm.

Just in case you missed anything important today, 100 seconds of all the best news you can use.


Inspiried by this exchange; (with apologies to the Bard).

To troll, or not to troll–that is the question:

Whether ’tis nobler in the blog to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take to the keyboard against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them.
