Well since the election I have attempted to return to the progressive blogosphere full force ahead and the results have been mixed at best. Not at the moose of course 😉 It sort of seems to me of what I imagined people were feeling in Europe at the end of WWII. People hobbling out of bombed out buildings, reuniting with their families, etc.
However I have noticed a disturbing trend that was also seen in those post-war days. Bullying. From revisiting primary grudges to mocking progressive causes based on the opportunity to mock Clinton and Edwards (or their supporters).
I am not certain why this is of course, but mady over at MyDD had an intresting thought on the topic:
The last few days have been very odd. The election was a success for all Democrats but the most die-hard haters. We did well, very well and shared a hell of a campaign and a great night.
There is this colossal, post-election letdown going on (was almost going to write post-partum because it almost seems like that is what is going on) and folks are a bit nuts, floundering, trying to find the solid ground on which to take the next step.
Everyone wants to claim some ownership of the near-miracle that has just happened in this country. Everyone also has an agenda. We are not fighting the GOPs at the moment, but are looking for little battles to fight among our own.
I would hate, hate, for Brit to leave this site. I think the voices here to just disrupt will go away at some point or be overshadowed, as they usually tend to be, in the long run by saner ones. I think as any of us say anything right now we need to consider what brought us to this, where we are, and the massive job that needs doing now to fix the country and to heal the wounds of the primary (a lot of genuinely important issues that came out of that were put on hold but not addressed) as we continue to revel in what has happened, and how all of this is going to kind of be splattering all over the place.
I am speaking to myself first and then anyone reading this, forbearance and patience for the moment. All that rational exuberance needs to die down and we can get to the point where this is about how we are doing as a party, governing, but right now, well stress comes with major life events, the good and the bad and folks are kind of frayed.
Is this it? I don’t know. But one thing is for certain, in the dawn of a new political era we would all be better off to show more kindness to one another.