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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for September 2008

The Washington Post asks, “What’s the Pig Deal?

(Cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama)

An editorial in today’s Washington Post takes to task John McCain’s campaign for it “cynical use of the gender card” and calls the lipstick on a pig controvery, “unusually silly.”  It points out the many grave crises that face the nation:

1.  “looming deficits and a grim economic outlook”;

2.  a faltering stock market after the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and

3.  Bush’s refusal to budge on our future in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Open Thread, 9/11 2008

Photobucket Image Hosting

I’m watching the rerun of the NBC coverage from seven years ago.  

Here is room for your thoughts.

Under the Fallujah Sun – A poem and the thoughts behind it.

This poem was written during the Fallujah campaign in 2005. It is also listed on the Poets Against the War web site.  

under the fallujah sun

The body lies there,

bloating in the heat.

Down the street,

the battered street,

lies another.

A lonely figure,

sprawled in death.

No one near.

No loved ones.

No friends.

Only the body,

lying in the gutter.

The marines,

in their body armor,

crabwalk past the body.

Eyes constantly moving,

spying every tiny movement.

The scrap of paper,

blown by the wind,

draws instant attention.

As does the dust devil,

swirling near the mouth of the alley.

The only thing beneath the notice

of the constantly vigilant eyes

is the unmoving body of the woman,

slowly rotting

beneath the searing Fallujah sun.

John Allen – March, 2005

John McCain on the Issues – Part 1 – Women’s Issues

Before the end of the Democratic primary process there was much speculation about Barack Obama’s support among women. The fact that Obama’s support amongst women was weak while he was running against a woman candidate gave many pundits all the excuse they needed to suggest that support would remain weak once the primaries ended. They were obviously wrong, as the current polls show.

Another premise put forward by some pundits is that women vote more with their emotions than on the issues. They are as wrong about this as they are about Obama’s weakness with female voters. All that is needed to disprove this claim is to look at women’s voting patterns over the years.

Women have always favored the Democratic Party over the GOP. The Democratic Party is also the party with the best record and issues platform when it comes to women’s issues. Put those two factors together and it becomes apparent that women have been voting on the issues all along.

Right Now…

This election is more of choice than Barack Obama, John McCain, Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.  It’s more of choice than pro-lifers vs. pro-choicers, the evangelicals vs the agnostics and the NRA vs gun control.

This election, under the direction of the American people, is the opportunity to send a strong, direct and clear message to future congresspersons, senators, governors and other officials.  To let them know in no uncertain terms that we will not stand for Rovian-Style campaigns no longer.

Bad Disney Movie

Chris . . . this is my first post at the MOOSE, so let me know if I tracked in any droppings!

I can understand why many Americans don’t want to get lectured by Pamela Anderson about animal cruelty, or Chuckabee Norris about immigration reform. They should stick to saving swimmers caught in TV riptides, and kicking ass in TV Texas.

Tonight I watched a video that, while a little snarky, was actually a refreshing take on the potential Commander-in-Chief from Alaska.

LINK to the video

ActBlue Moose- Candidates that stand out from the Herd

Over at the right side of this page, you'll notice the spiffy ActBlue donation link. Right now, we've got four candidates on that list:

-Barack Obama, President

-Ronnie Musgrove, MS-SEN

-Tom Periello, VA-05

-Sam Rasoul, VA-06

But we want to know what other candidates you think represent the ideals we espouse here at the Motley Moose.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Hurricane Palin and The Real McCain

I really do not like Sarah Palin. That being said, this really is not a diary about Governor Palin. It is about my much greater dislike for bush and Cheny, and even Reagan for that matter. In 1990’s I used to think that John McCain was one of the few decent republican. Chuck Hagel is another. While I absolutely believe that Al Gore actually won the election in 2000, I thought McCain would have been the better choice over bush. I also thought that McCain got a very raw deal during the 2000 primary from bush’s minions.

Any previous respect I had for John McCain has evaporated over the past eight years, as he has moved closer and closer to an administration that has (almost?) ruined our country. My dislike, intense distaste, and disgust for him has increased phenomenally over the past few months. As of late, I have wondered if we are just seeing the real McCain, after all these years. The most credit I can give McCain, is that he made a decision to sell out to the bush league in 2000.

You Want a Fight?

So, the Democrats, the media and the Obama campaign have been the subject of untold blogosphere angst in the past few days.  There is no hope, there is no fight, The End Is Near and we should all consider sepuku now while we can maintain our honor.

Perhaps the folks running the current Democratic presidential campaign, perhaps the media, and perhaps even the bulk of the Democratic political machine has an idea of how to fight back.  Maybe, maybe even Senator Obama can throw a punch.