Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 10/30/13


[channeling the HUAC]: Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party? Republican Party?

Not to get too personal, but do you still have all the parts you were born with? (circumcised males need not mention that)

Candy Corn: Food or flavored wax?

For Haunted Refrigerator Day, assuming yours was haunted, what would it be that haunted it?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 10/28/13


If you were invited to a really fancy dinner party, would you know which fork/knife/spoon/glass etc. to use, and when? If so, would you be able to engage in sparkling conversation at the same time?

What is the most recent book you finished. Was it good?

Where was your family (parents, grandparents…) during the Great Depression? How did they make ends meet?

Are you a fan of boxing? Have you ever boxed?

The Twitter Emitter

Suzanne Somers from that old show “Three’s Company” wrote an anti-Obamacare op-ed for the Wall Street Journal:

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 10/28/13


How many U.S. States have you been to? How many countries have you been to? Which were your favorites?

Are you good at chess? How often do you play?

Do you actually read every word of the terms and conditions for software updates and various memberships?

When you were in grade school, did you ever have to make goofy presents for a parent as an art project? What did you make? Did the parent like it? Did the parent keep it?

The Twitter Emitter

This one is satire, unfortunately:

I can’t resist a pun:

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 10/25/13


It’s National Greasy Foods Day. None of these has to be greasy if cooked right. What is your favorite food in the so-called “Greasy Food” category?

It’s International Artists Day. Do you have a favorite artist, and if so, who is it?

Speaking of artists, what is your opinion of Banksy?

What is your favorite building in your city? Why?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 10/24/13


Last week when I asked about places that no longer exist that you’d like to visit,  the Library of Alexandria was the most frequent answer. So, IF you could visit it, and IF you were able to read the contents, what section of the library would you head for first?

What is your favorite internet search engine. Why?

What is your favorite online photo upload site? Why?

Licorice: A good thing or a bad thing (the black stuff, the red vines are not really licorice)?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 10/23/13


Do you have a staircase at home or work? How many stairs? Do have have any issues with stairs?

Did you ever cheat at any kinds of games or sports? How?

Have you ever been on a cruise? How was it? Would you do it again?

Do you use candles in your home? For ambience or necessity or something else? Do you have scented candles? What scents?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 10/22/13


When you first started using the internet, what newbie mistakes did you make, if any?

What is your favorite nut? Do you prefer to eat them out of the shell, or some other way?

It’s National Color Day, what’s your favorite color? Does this change over time, or has it remained the same?

Do you throw away things like towels when they start to get frayed and tattered?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 10/21/13


Married or former marrieds among you: What kind of wedding did you have? Big or small? Religious or civil? Who did the planning?

It’s Reptile Awareness Day. What reptiles do you need to be aware of (the Lizard People, maybe?), and are you afraid of them?

Are you currently boycotting anything? What?

Do you drink tea at all? What kinds? What’s your favorite?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 10/18/13


Did you ever have a transistor radio? If not, what forms of portable music have you had?

If you have an iPod or other digital music player, how many songs are on it?

What’s your favorite kind of cake/frosting?

Has there ever been a product you liked so much you’d do a commercial for it?

Have you ever bought anything because you saw a commercial for it?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 10/17/13


Who is the stupidest Republican in the House? In the Senate?

Where do you do your banking, bank or credit union?

What is your favorite pasta dish? Do you fix it yourself, or is it from a restaurant?

What’s the oldest piece of electronic equipment that you own?

The Twitter Emitter