Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


Overnight and Early Morning Thread: A Post Turtle versus a Pantsuit Heroine

Yes, yes, I know it’s probably only early evening over there, but it’s early morning here so I get a  pass.

Two things for your delectation. How great to see Hillary on the campaign trail. I’ve missed her. A lot.

And she comes out swinging in a vibrant bold attack on the years of Republican mismanagement

“Make no mistake about it. We’ve done it before and we will do it again. America will once again rise from the ashes of the Bushes.”


America can rise indeed. Especially with Hillary on the stump. Inspiring stuff. But it won’t rise with ‘post turtle’ Sarah Palin.

So hands up. Who remembers what a Post Turtle is?