Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

justice is drunk

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 7/15/13


On this day long ago, Alois Alzheimer got a certain disease named after him. Would you want a disease named after you, even as a scientist?

What disease or condition would you name after yourself? (For instance, Floja Roja’s disease would be where the sufferers eat the entire carton of ice cream straight out of the carton without stopping.)

Did your ancestors fight for the North, the South, or both?

Gummi candies: For or against?

When was the last time you were in the doghouse?

The Twitter Emitter

This was one of those weekends where the twitter stream was like a fire hose. Today it’s all Trayvon, with more tweets on Trayvon and other subjects in the comments: