Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Friday 2/14/14

Happy Valentines Day!  Just a little reminder, my favorite See’s candy is the espresso flavored creme filling. 😉


How many animals do you have in your home? Who has the upper hand, you or them?

The penny: A useful piece of currency or a total waste of resources?

Who was/is your favorite TV/movie/or literature sidekick?

The Twitter Emitter

It was white outside yesterday!

There was other stuff going on, too:

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 2/13/14


What do you require to get moving in the morning? Coffee, or worse?

How many things do you own that have to be plugged in? What are they?

Are you a birder? What are your favorite birds?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 2/12/14


When it comes to newer music, are you open minded, or are you the “Get off my lawn!” type?

What is the best Girl Scout cookie?

What is the first thing you see in the morning? Same as the last thing at night?

The Twitter Emitter

In the News: Oops!

Found on the Internets …

A series of tubes filled with enormous amounts of material

Walmart’s Labor Practices Backfire

“Walmart U.S.’s relentless focus on costs does seem to have taken some toll on in-store conditions and stock levels,” the note says in regards to understaffing. “[O]ur store visits over the last six months show a repeating pattern of stocking issues in many departments in the store.” When products aren’t on the shelves, that means Walmart can’t sell them, depressing overall sales. And if the shelves are empty and the lines are long, there may not be a reason for consumers to frequent the stores.[…]

The research report also points out that the labor struggles that have ignited around its poor practices have come with a cost, noting, “Today, Wal-Mart spends a good deal of time and money in hopes of easing Washington scrutiny, bolstering its corporate image and assuaging labor groups.” […]

Walmart says it pays full-time workers $12.78 an hour, on average, but other reports put average pay just over $8 an hour. Costco, on the other hand, pays workers nearly $22 an hour on average. Its sales are up 6 percent over last year.

Psstt!! Walmart!!! Spend some of that money to pay a living wage instead of fighting the regulators and maybe you will gain some goodwill (and business) from that. Just a thought.


Suicide Bomber Instructor Blows Up Suicide Bombers-In-Training

The commander of an Iraqi militant group accidentally killed 22 members of his unit Monday who were training to become suicide bombers after he conducted a demonstration with live explosives, the New York Times reported.

The Sunni militants belonged to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS, according the Times. They have been engaged in fighting with the Iraqi government army and conducted suicide bombings throughout the country.[…]

An Iraqi army official described the commander as a “prolific recruiter,” adding that he was “able to kill the bad guys for once”.


More …

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 2/11/14


Have you ever seen a streaker? Have you ever been a streaker?

Has anyone ever flashed you?

In any parts of your life where you are an authority figure (parent, classroom, office, etc.) do you think you are strict, or permissive?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 2/10/14


At this writing, I am listening to people on TV talking about various kinds of addiction, which leads to these serious questions.

Have you known many drug addicts? Have you lost friends or loved ones to drugs?

How about alcohol?


I’ve lost loved ones to all three, I’ll bet most of you have as well.

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 2/7/14


Are you touchy-feely or reserved? Do you hug a lot?

Do you ever fly the American flag? Any flag?

Do you often attend theatrical events (including ballet and opera)? How about museum exhibits? What is the last of any of these that you saw?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 2/6/13


Do you go along with the re-naming of stadiums and ballparks after corporations, or do you insist on calling them by the original names?

Do you think that the U.K. should dump their royalty, or are they worth maintaining?

Do you lend out things (tools, money, books), even if you know there is little likelihood of seeing them again?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 2/5/14


What is your favorite source for weather information? Do you have a weather radio?

Nutella: Love it or hate it?

What is your favorite game involving hitting balls with sticks? Are you any good at it?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 2/4/14


If you could travel to any fictional world, where would you go?

Miracle Whip: Good food or abomination?

Are you ever a klutz? Any embarrassing stories?

The Twitter Emitter