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We Apologize, Governor Palin

Crossposted at MyDD and DailyKos

Guys, please Rec this one up!

Governor Palin, we would like to apologize.  Some of us among the Netroots have been, shall we say, overzealous in looking for ways to turn your nomination into a liability for your party.  It seems the world has no shortage of wood-be Woodwards and Bernsteins.  The saner among us have been hitherto unable to restrain those wanted to believe in these scurrilous rumors.

If we have hurt your family we are truly sorry.  We are better people than these stories would have you believe.  We wish you and your family nothing but good health and good times.  Alaska is a great place for a family, no?

Again, the families of the candidates should be off-limits.  What they do, where they pray, and how they relate have nothing to do with us, and should certainly never be used for the purpose of an attack.