This moose can talk!
Motley Moose – Archive
Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics
A Fallen American Soldier
The New Yorker, Elsheba Khan at the grave of her son, Specialist Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan.
Humbled to Share this Veteran’s Message
Tom Udall, Democrat running for the U.S. Senate in New Mexico, has released this ad (“Humbled”) to help bring attention to the issue of brain trauma injury suffered by Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. As Steve Olson says in his blog on Udall’s site:
In the midst of months of 12 hour days, in the campaign bubble, it is really really easy to lose sight of why this election is so important.
Army Sergeant Erik Schei was gravely injured in Iraq and is now forced to communicate through a speaking aid.
Distract and Attack!: The Name Game Response
Rachel Maddow did a fabulous job pointing out the purpose of satire and humor in political discourse. This video is an excellent response in part to my earlier, more serious entry.
Distract and Attack!: Rhetoric of False Equivalence*
David Frum, former speechwriter to President Bush and columnist for the National Review Online, appeared on Rachel Maddow’s show last night. Maddow’s intent was to discuss the McCain campaign’s turn toward nasty rhetoric. Frum, however, turned the tables on her in true Republican false equivalent style, distracting and attacking.
The Lounge: Happy Birthday Brit!
So I noticed on the sneaky little “Quick Hits” side of the Motley Moose that our own British Moose has a birthday today!
So put on your thinking caps and dig out your creative pictures and videos to help me build a Moosey birthday card for Brit.
Please Share: Blue Star Families for Obama Video
The Moose has been an awesome community for sharing my thoughts as a military spouse on this election and what it means to military families like mine. I hope that you all will watch and share this video to help spread the message that Obama has a strong network of military families supporting him to be President and Commander in Chief.
Open Letter to Cindy McCain on her “Cold Chill” *UPDATED*
Cross posted at My DD and Daily Kos
Dear Cindy,
I noticed that you are now in the passenger seat with your husband on the Smear Talk Express when it comes to our military. Shame on you!
The one itty bitty teeny tiny piece of honor that your husband had left in this campaign is leaving your two sons, who are actively serving, out of the smear machine he’s conducting. But, you? Hell no.
2008 IAVA Veteran Report Card — Show Me the Love Refresher
The 2008 IAVA Veteran Report Card is out. Want to know who is working for veterans, military members, and their families in Congress, and who has a few too many yellow ribbon magnets on their cars? See you after the quantum leap…
Return of the Mac
Ah, Top Gun with Tom Cruise as LT Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. Those were the days…
But after reading the latest Rolling Stone article on John McCain, I’ve discovered a newfound appreciation for why the appeal of the Top Gun Maverick should remain a Hollywood storyline.