Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


Did anyone see Bill Clinton on the TV this morning with Christine Amanapour? (or however you spell her name)

We caught the tail end and were glad that we did.

We’re still in Colorado, so TV is limited, as is the WIFI.

And btw, to brag to those in AZ, it’s freaking colder than hell here and we rejoiced that the sun came out today!

We’ve had 3 straight days of rain and snow and hail.

Love when it rains in Arizona, but when it rains here – not so much.

Former President Clinton said something that we’ve never thought about, and believe me, my husband and I discuss politics way too much and think about it way too much.

Bill Clinton said that Republicans ran on attacks and fighting at NOT working together or compromise and they were elected to do just that, and so they are doing just that.

Pretty much he said that we’re going to have to be hurt a lot more before WE THE PEOPLE change things in Washington DC.

Goodness, but it was so good to hear former president Clinton.

And I’ll never forgive Clinton for NAFTA.

My mother used to always say that “they’re all crooks”, and my mother was so right.

My father was a very dominating man, and he came over illegally from Quebec, and served during WWII and even received a purple heart and silver star, yet he never became a legal citizen and every single time that we went over into Canada, he had a very hard time coming back.

As kids, we were stopped for hours on the Ambassador Bridge on the way back from Canada and into Detroit.

My mother’s family came over from Austria, and my mother was born here, and she remembered her parents studying for tests to become American citizens.

My mother never wanted to vote and I remember my father coming home from work and asking her if she was ready to vote and an argument would erupt, with much yelling by my father, and my mother always said to him – “what’s the use because they’re all crooks” – and my father made my mother vote and that turned me off voting for a long time.

Don’t get me wrong, because I loved my parents, but my father was so domineering, and I had 2 brothers out of 3 that were gay, and one of those brothers, he tried to beat the gay right out of him.

I used to hide under the bed and I cannot tell you how much that affected me. Not to mention how it screwed up my brother that was beaten with wooden boards and my mother used to ask my dad afterward if there were nails in the board.

I am crying while writing this truth.

I still cry to this day remembering it all.

My father did teach me a lot of things and my father loved me, as the only girl and the youngest in my family.

Even though my father treated my mother as less than him, he pounded into to my head to never let a man rule me and do that to me.

And my brothers hate me for that.

They hated that my father talked to me and told me that men are not better than women – so imagine my life growing up and witnessing different.

I witnessed my father yelling and browbeating my mother to vote, and witnessing my dad beating the hell out of one gay brother, and witnessing my older brother who hates us all.


Families are very complicated things.

I do not know how to say this right or left as the case maybe.

I’ve still got to say, and I know you guys are going to hate me for it, but the Democrats are in on it, too.

We’ve gone beyond whereby the Democratic Party was the party of the working man, whereby the Democrats are weak, which leads to me to believe that they are in on it, too.

Did you ever think in your life time that you’d hear Democrats placing Social Security and Medicare on the table for cuts?

Who let the dogs out?

This is what I want to do to Tea Partiers –

Funny cat pictures

This is what I want to do to people who disagree with me –

Funny cat pictures

This is what I want to do to other people who disagree with me –

Funny cat pictures

This is who my husband wants to do besides me –

Pamela Anderson

This is who I’d do besides my husband –

George Clooney

And this is our woozle – Truman


And this is who Truman would do – LMAO

My dogs are lesbian cowboys

HPV vaccine – can we talk?

I am not anti-vaccine and just want to make that very clear from the get-go.

What I am is dubious about the safety of new vaccines and I’d like to explain my reasons and would like to ask for anyone who reads this to read it with an open-mind.

I’m very open to being told that I am wrong, btw.

Years ago, when I was in my early-30s, and this was way before the Internet and home PCs, I decided to research Hormone Replacement Therapy to try to make an informed decision of whether or not I would do HRT upon hitting menopause.

I worked for a large corporation and worked with lots of women.

Frequently I heard complaints from women both from work and in my social sphere about HRT and their regrets at ever starting on them.

Besides the weight-gain, there were other problems in which the women just didn’t “feel right” or “feel like themselves” and that’s what prompted me to research libraries and book stores about the subject.

To be fair, there were a few women, very few, who absolutely loved HRT as it stopped the dreaded HOT FLASHES.

The thing for women who despised HRT was that they were not easy to quit.

There was a weaning off of the hormones and the weaning off was difficult and made those who tried feel crazy.

There were warnings back in them days about cancer, but more, there was the promotion about HRT preventing bone loss or osteoporosis.

After researching HRT, I decided that I would refuse hormone therapy when the time came, and little did I know that the time came rather early for me – in my mid-30’s.

The doctors at my HMO were relentless in pushing HRT onto me, but I stood firm in my convictions.

I had doctors yell at me for my stupidity, but I was not cowed.

Roughly 10 years into the ‘change’, doctors did an about turn because HRT was found to cause cancers of the breasts and uterus, and the positives from preventing osteoporosis was minimal.

Suddenly, HRT was frowned upon and my doctors would ask me if I was on HRT and when I replied “no” they said good because I wouldn’t have to go through the misery of weaning off them.

Now, things are changing again, so I’ve read online, because the pharmaceutical companies are losing millions of dollars, so doctors are once again pushing HRT onto women.

In my research all those years ago, one of the things that stood out for me was when actual doctors and clinical researchers who authored the books stated that women were being used as guinea pigs when it came to HRT.

And that leads me to HPV and my wondering about that new vaccine.

Do they know the side-effects or actual results for say ten, twenty years down the line?

Or are young girls and women simply being used as guinea pigs once again?

The HPV vaccine does not affect me at all, but if I was younger and had a 12 year old daughter, I think that I’d research the HPV vaccines before having my child immunized.

Am I wrong?