Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Nine Polar Bears at Risk of Drowning. Palin Applauds.

The GOP now has a VP candidate who thinks there are too many polar bears.  These furry mammals have made the egregious mistake of chosing to move to the area Ms. Palin and her oil buddies would like to start landcaping.

Fortunately, she won’t have to personally go shoot all of the remaining polar bears, since her oil friends are working on drowning them all.

Nine polar bears are at risk of drowning after the ice floe where they lived melted because of global warming, scientists have said.  The bears were spotted in open ocean off the northwest coast of Alaska, miles from their normal hunting area by US government oil survey scientists flying over the Chukchi sea.


Scientists who study the polar bear see this group of nine bears trying to swim 400 miles to safety as a bad sign.  In an area as vast as the unprecedentedly-large open waters of the Arctic, spotting one group this large and this lost means there are likely many others.

Column on Columns

The GOP and it’s leading spokespersons (well, Rush Limbaugh, but if it’s all you got…) are all ready to make a huge fuss over the stage at Denver’s Invesco Field.

Apparently there are columns in the backdrop.  Oh my.

What kind of hubris it would be to use columns in the background of a US electorial speech?  How assuming, how arrogant, gosh, how un-American can you get?!?

Here’s a sneak preview:


Ted Kennedy

I don’t have the words composed for this yet and don’t think I will for a while.  I was born after John died and while Bobby was still alive.  Tonight I watched the last great moment of the brothers that defined the modern era, the men that my the biggest difference in my young parents’ world and, though I did not know it, my own childhood.


Circle for Peace

Crossposted with permission from Blue Pagans

By Rita Moran


This evening, after a great supper at the Mercury Cafe (witchy, hippy hangout, great food, well worth visiting when you’re next in Denver), I had the privilege of attended a Circle for Peace in Downtown Denver.

As someone far more used to holding ritual surrounded by trees, I’ll admit I had a few misgivings. How could we create the same feeling of closeness to Nature in a downtown parking lot? No problem. If the people involved truly believe in Peace, and in each other….if those in the circle connect with Nature as it exists in that parking lot, the circle just might work.

And so it did.

Mormons Dismissed by McCain and the GOP

“The McCain camp has again chosen to ignore the needs of the Mormon community by failing to reach out to the supporters of Mitt Romney.  Mormons throughout American history have been persecuted by the established powers of the government.  The Governor of Missouri issued the infamous “Extermination Order” in the 1800s in which he declared: “the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State”, resulting in the slaughter by US soldiers of Mormon men and young boys.  Even in withdrawing to Utah under the leadership of Bigham Young to seek refuge from the murder and persecution they suffered, the Mormons were hunted by the established powers in Washington.  Despite this relentless persecution, the generosity of the Mormon people continued to be demonstrated again and again, including the selfless action of bringing food to the very soldiers who were sent to kill them as they lay trapped and freezing at Guardsmen’s Pass.

“Washington is again duping the gentle Mormon people of this country, assuming they will meekly follow John McCain and cast their votes for him despite the vile lies used against him during the Republican primaries.  Has John McCain and the Republican party even acknowledged the concerns of the Mormon population?  Has he done anything to earn the votes of the patriotic Americans, or does he like all past Republican politicians assume they will blindly continue to give him their votes?

“Mitt Romney is a dedicated father, a loyal American and a faithful representative of the Mormon people and their way of life.  His treatment at the hands of the party that so blithely takes the support of these hardworking people should not be forgotten come November.”

Biden is VP?

Well, is it true?

If CNN says so, can it possibly be wrong?

Blue Pagans at the DNC

Crossposted with permission from Blue Pagans

“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.” -Today’s fortune cookie. No joke.

Almost eight years have passed since the (s)election of our president. Through those years, we have seen the trust America puts in herself dismantled. What isn’t often spoken of is the fact that the percentage of people who support George W. Bush are in direct correlation to those of us who trust our country, and in particular, our government. The remainder, for the most part, have lost faith in government.


Ed and Rita on their way to Denver.