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Sunday Morning Herd Check-in: Greetings and Grazings of the Moosekin

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

– Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does.

– Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment thread gets longer, it takes a bit to reload and the comment may not display as quickly. Clicking the Post button twice posts the comment twice. (h/t Khloe)

– When creating a new diary, remember to choose the Draft option (near the bottom) while you are working on it. Choose the Public option when you want to publish it. (h/t Khloe)

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab: Motley Moose Recent Comments


From our dead thread news team:

Open News Thread: President’s Weekly Address


And if you are a new moose (or an old moose) looking for a second chance to make a first impression, you can start right here.



  1. slksfca

    In San Francisco right now:


    Current: Clear

    Wind: W at 18 mph

    Humidity: 77%

    Our high will reach the mid-60s downtown, upper 50s out where I live.

    Up early today, but decided to go with it as I feel sufficiently rested (for now).

    What am I to do with St. Patrick’s Day? AFAIK my Irish ancestors were Protestant Ulstermen (and women), and thus would have sported orange. They got to this country well before the famine years, settling in the hill country of Virginia.

    Half-crazed musings aside, I’m glad this holiday is open to all (unless, in some locations, you’re a LGBT group that wishes to march in a parade).

    A happy day to all!

  2. pittiepat

    the snow is north of I-70 and all the rain is south of Columbia.  Cloudy and cold.  Need coffee and food so headed to kitchen.  Happy Paddy’s Day to all.


  3. iriti

    34 degrees, heading for 39 with snow starting this evening. Accumulations of 4-6 inches. They were NOT predicting this when I went to bed last night.

    I am celebrating the wearing of the comfy navy-blue sweats. We have traced my ancestry for 3 of the four branches of my family tree back to the Olde Worlde: I am 1/2 Norwegian, with the other traced quarter being half English and Half Scot. The final branch we lose the trail on amongst the county jails and barrooms of Ohio and Michigan. There might be some Irish in that branch but who knows.

    Even Norwegian Forest Cats (yeah, there really is such a breed and this is one) are tired of the snow!

     photo norwegian_zpsb5b0dac9.jpg

  4. I have a corned beef in the fridge, cuz they were on sale the other day. But I won’t fix it today. We don’t need that much food right now after a week of eating somewhat MORE than usual. Need to get our girlish figures back.

    Jim’s ancestry is primarily Irish, with great-grandparents from central Ireland. In 2011 we enjoyed several days in Ireland, seeing the property where they lived. Most of the time we spent on the west coast. This ruin was north of Galway.

  5. Jk2003

    In st Charles today.  Had a date with my husband last night. Both at was nice.  Haircut rocks and still negotiating on the house.  Fly tomorrow.  A bit nervous but ill never tell Jane.

  6. anotherdemocrat

    (am I the only Austinite here?) Gorgeous weather – 80s & sunny.

    After a super-busy yesterday: I went for a little while to my workout group, but my foot told me to leave. I got a breakfast taco on the way home. Then I went back to the grocery store for my real grocery shopping — I got brussels sprouts & mushrooms, going to roast them & have them with quinoa for lunch. And I got my car washed (you really notice dirt faster on a black car).

    I went to a garden shop & bought 2 mints (chocolate & grapefruit — who knew there was grapefruit mint?), and a broccoli plant & an artichoke plant. I might actually grow my own broccoli! And I planted some seeds that a friend sent me, these are amranth. I don’t think the broccoli rabe seeds I planted earlier are going to do anything, they’ve sprouted, but not done anything else. If all of the seeds sprout & do something & I don’t kill the broccoli or artichoke, I’ll have 32 plants.

    Then my best friend called & wanted to go shopping & out to eat. So I cleaned up (boy was I filthy) & we went shopping. I bought a $15 dress at Old Navy. And we ate, and I’m stuffed. And she gave me some granola that she got as part of a diet plan – pretty yummy flax seed granola.

    Then I watched the MHP show that I recorded. If you didn’t watch it — the most amazing discussion about the Steubenville rape case, and why our culture puts the responsibility on women to not be raped instead of on men not to rape. The former football player said that boys are taught that women are ornamental to men’s lives, and wondered that the boys involved couldn’t see the victim’s humanity. All of the panelists were amazing – Zerlina Maxwell should be elected to public office. What a day!

    So, this morning, I’m eating breakfast & watching Chris Hayes. I love that he’s getting a prime time slot, but cutting down to 1 hour will be a shame. I love the length of discussion they have. I love that he has Rep. Jerry Nadler on so often & wonder if he’ll be as available on weekday evenings. And of course, I’m concerned about the #UpPastryPlate

    Today: church, make smoothies, roast vegetables & make lime-tahini sauce. Rest.

  7. trs

    I made it in safely, an hour late. We were late leaving Chicago – waiting for a crew member, then they were deicing everything leaving O’Hare. Memorial service is tomorrow night, and I’ll get home late Tuesday night.

  8. blue jersey mom

    Everyone is Irish on St. Paddy’s day, but some of us are lucky enough to be Irish the other 364 days of the year. Have a wonderful day! We are going to have a nice meal, and then we have to take Rob back to school–sigh. We hope that we can bring him home for Eastern weekend, but it depends on his workload.

  9. nchristine

    out how to keep the dog off the bed at night – don’t let her on the bed while I’m getting ready for bed!!

    Laundry is on the agenda for today and that’s about it!!

    There’s a bit of Irish in my family line.  IIRC, my maternal grandmother’s maternal grandmother came from Ireland.  I inherited the green eyes and skin tone of a redhead (and freckles).  I also got the Irish temper and the German stubbornedness.  

  10. wordsinthewind

    it’s ridiculously warm, we broke the record yesterday when we reached the mid 90s. Today should be warm again and then we’ll drop back to more seasonal tempertures. The sky is brilliantly blue and there is a nice less than 10 mph breeze, shaping up to be a beautiful day.

  11. slksfca

    …I just want to say thanks to everyone. I really enjoy chatty mornings here, and it makes waking up at 5:00 AM a delight (if anything can!).

    Catch y’all later!

  12. dear occupant

    well the first day of the official ‘teen years’ couldn’t have been better, Little O has described this as her best birthday EVAH!

    the Korean spa and sleepeover was so succesful she’s planning another visit, this time with a friend. she was soooooo loosey goosey this morning after all that :::tranquility::::: i thought she’d snuck a shot, luckily just a natural high. i predict major naptime ahead for the 13 year old.

     photo thCA4P258R.jpg

    she left with lots of itunes money and the other half of her chocolate gnache cake.

    my project is up and running and keeeping me as busy as i hoped it would, oh and a photobucket report. i don’t recognize it, lottsa new options, horizontal scrolls which are much quicker, a page that has all my downloads in one day bundled as a pic file, etc. they must have gotten loads of complaints.

    Happy St. Pat’s and have a great day everyone  

  13. nchristine

    nothing to be nervous about.  I know that I can do the work, although it will take a little bit of time to get to full speed, but basically, it’s all stuff I’ve done for years.  It’s probably the social awkwardness I have – will I remember names, places, etc….  Then there’s the weather – it’s supposed to be snowy in the morning and it’s the time of year people are wishing the snow gone and forget how to drive in it.

  14. Abra Crabcakeya

    moo and bellow and baaaah anyway. Rain coming in , Tsula acting edgy about it , I’m up with creaking bones – all normal for here. Almost finished with “The Help” – rings dead -on accurate to this Southerner. Just before that read a very good biography of Ted Williams by Leigh Monville.Hope the weather this week doesn’t kill any of us , damage our homes , ruin our cars , heave our roads , kill our early plants , or anything else we’ve all had enough of in the last few years.

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