I don’t seem to have much to contribute by way of deep meaningful posts but, OMG!, I had to share some of the goodness I found via The Mudflats.
Okay, so Sarah goes on a campaign vacation tour of historical American sites. She’s asked a gotcha question from the lamestream media:
“What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?”
(Thank you Little Green Footballs for the quote.)
Her response has been widely mocked while her fans tried to get Paul Revere’s wiki page updated to reflect the new history of this famous ride.
Twitter, being good for things other than sending junk shots, has the hashtag (I still don’t understand how those work exactly) to celebrate Palin’s whale fail: #palinhistory.
Below are some samples:
@DCdebbie: The Trail of Tears was John Boehner’s courageous tour of golf country clubs w/ lobbyists on his campaign trail. #PalinHistory
@CranialDecay: “During the Cold War,President Ronald Reagan told China to “Tear down this wall.”.” #PalinHistory
@Reilly4Sanity: Americans should remember the Alamo because Texans died for the right to upgrade to a mid-size rental. #Palinhistory
@HCookAustin: Palin Thinks “Roe versus Wade” were George Washington’s two choices for how to get across the Delaware River. #PalinHistory
@shutterblog: Columbus discovered America with his Nana, in a Pinto, near Santa Monica. #PalinHistory
@ninatypewriter: Tel Aviv is Israel’s biggest telephone company. #PalinHistory
@jawillie: The League of Nations consisted of Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and the Wonder Twins. #PalinHistory
@GottaLaff: I got lost trying to find Gettysburg Address. Should’ve used GPS. #PalinHistory
@shannynmoore: RT @Melangie: The Bay of Pigs happened when Noah’s Ark hit a sandbar on they way to Gilligan’s Island #PalinHistory
@lizzwinstead: Sarah Palin says soldiers were thankful for Spanx during The Battle of the Bulge #PalinHistory
I’m sorry, that’s some funny stuff. Take this opportunity to think of your own or talk about Pawlenty’s stirring economic speech from today. Or you could talk about Ed Rollins calling Palin “unserious.” Ohhhhh, ouch! Or Herman Cain planning on a three-page maximum for legislation. Or whatever…
OMG! Part 2 ~ I forgot one of the funniest things:
Teach Sarah Palin a History Lesson
During her bus tour, Sarah Palin was yammerin’ away to reporters about how Paul Revere rode through the streets, ringin’ a bell to warn the British to stay away and keep their red-coated hands off Americans’ guns. Huh? That’s certainly not the historical account WE remember.
If Sarah Palin’s going to be a presidential candidate, she needs to bone up on her American history, and we’re ready to help. We’re going to send her a copy of “A Picture Book of Paul Revere.” Would you like to help? Add your name, and we’ll be sure Sarah has you to thank for her newfound knowledge.