Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Tuesday September 1, 2009 The Day in Tubes

As it still must be summer vacation, I have had to look back and out again for new material. I was digging around in Versus and found this oldie but goodie.

If you like their stuff, send them some love from the Moose. Hell, send ’em money, everybody needs money.

Another episode of pundit points. How many points did Representative Weiner get on Maria Bartiromo and how many did he miss.

Actually he did rather well. I cannot stand Maria. Oh and TPMtv, where are you? I am really jonesin’ for more…

Ah well, some of the other guys are back. An Onion a day keeps me on my toes.

Oy. Skeery thoughts now.

Uh oh. This doesn’t look good.

Neither does this.

I have been reflecting lately (when I am not pissed) on little bush and Dr Evil, and Versus had this song and…I thought I would share.

Pssssssst. Please give them some money or something as they rock.

And now for the hopeful return of the Day in 100 seconds.




Damn. It is 4:30 CST and no Day. What am I going to do?

Ok, so they just posted this. I will wait another hour and if they do not post the Day, I will move on again.

That helped, but still no Day in 100 seconds. I cannot remember posting tube diaries without the Day twice in a row. My heart is heavy.


  1. Hollede

    but there is this one thing that I cannot stand.

    Minnesotans love to fry everything. It is Fair Time, and I thought nothing could gross me out more than fried snicker bars.

    But this year is a year that can never be topped. Apparently some chubby citizen of the North Star state got the idea of selling deep fried butter. Deep fried butter.

    I think I am going to be sick now.

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