Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Feb. 1st through Feb. 7th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings diaries give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

In lieu of daily check-ins, which have gone on hiatus, Welcomings diaries will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning) and then, if necessary due to a large number of comments, again on Wednesday or Thursday to close out the week. To find the diaries, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?


  1. It is 20 degrees in Madison WI. Temperatures dropping with a daytime high of 19 expected. It is snowing: 4-7 inches in the forecast (we have about 2 now). Tonight temperatures will drop into the negatives.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Ten minutes after I click Submit, the temperature drops to 17 degrees and the Winter Storm Advisory becomes a Winter Storm Warning. Wind is gusting to 19 mph (I hear it lashing the snow against my windows).





    Good day to stay inside!

  3. DeniseVelez

    This is my favorite site for black history facts and information year round:

    is  Black – African American History Facts

    Today’s highlights include:

    Langston Hughes, poet laureate, author, and playwright, was born in Joplin, MO, on this date in 1902. His writings about experiences gathered from his life have undoubtedly influenced many other writers.

    NC A&T students: Ezell Blair, Jr., Joseph McNeil, David Richmond, and Franklin McClain staged a sit-in at the F. W. Woolworth segregated lunch counter in Greensboro, NC, on this date in 1960. This was the first of the many historic sit-ins of the 1960’s. They were honored on a U.S. Postage stamp on the events 45 anniversary

    Charles Lenox Remond, an antislavery activist and one of the first lecturers in the antislavery movement, was born in Salem, MA, on this date in 1810.

    Francis Louis Cardozo, South Carolina’s first Black Secretary of State, was born in Charleston, SC, on this date in 1837.

    John S. Rock became the first Black lawyer admitted to practice before the Supreme Court on this date in 1865.

    Jonathan Jasper Wright became the first Black judge when he was elected to the South Carolina Supreme Court on this date in 1870.

    Jefferson Franklin Long (Georgia) became the first Black Congressman to speak in the House on this date in 1871.

  4. Diana in NoVa

    (Please excuse the Brit. spelling, I simply like it better.)

    Was horrified at the latest ISIL murder of the other Japanese hostage. Those people are criminals, not warriors. They kill because they’re sadists, because they enjoy it, not for any other reason.

    Was annoyed by the latest rescue of three people off a snow-covered mountain. Glad they’re alive (although two are terribly injured), but simply annoyed they’d go on such a dangerous hike at this time of year. What are these people trying to prove? And are we going to pay the bill for their rescue?

    Spent the entire day yesterday trying to trade in my iPhone 4s for a 5s. As usual, there was an Apple ID issue. We had to jump through all kinds of hoops, including getting an override from one of the Apple store managers. I’m now considering writing a diary called “My Own Personal ‘Macdown.'” Apple has beautiful, sleek products but they’re very difficult to use. I might go to a Yosemite tutorial if we ever have a nice Saturday.

    Hope we get some good news about princesspat and wishing a good day for everyone in Moosylvania (and elsewhere).

  5. anotherdemocrat

    light rain & 60s

    Eating breakfast, watching news. Much football talk. So, after today I don’t have to hear that word again till August, right?

    Going to see my friend after church, will try to find out what’s going on. Between that & my trip to Best Buy to return the Garmin, I won’t be cooking. Might just go the yogurt & granola route for breakfast. Though that isn’t usually enough breakfast….. hmmm

  6. A ThinkProgress progressive take on the Super Bowl Ads with this excellent advice regarding the Budweiser Puppy Ad:

    Let’s be real, this is the only commercial on which everyone can agree. For maximum enjoyment, I recommend watching this video during kickoff and then replaying it approximately 240 times, so that you never need to view a single second of football and, instead, can focus on what really matters: this puppy:

    Needs kleenex!!

  7. princesspat

    Good morning everyone. It’s good to be home and in my own bed, but not so good to need to stay here. When the surgery options were explained to me I apparently focused on the advantages of robotic surgery and thought it would be painless…silly me!

    One of the steps with the surgery is to inflate the abdominal cavity with carbon dioxide. Doing so gives the surgeon more room, but it’s very painful for the patient. I agreed to be part of a study to see if a new machine would cause less lingering pain. I don’t know which machine was used on me but I sure hope it was the older one. If they used a new and improved method they need to try again!

    Each day gets a little better but I’ve got a ways to go. Between the super bowl and Downton Abbey tonight my plan for the day is to just rest and be entertained.

  8. bfitzinAR

    highs mid-30s, lows mid-20s for most of the week.  Overcast today (so much so I had to turn the lights on to read, cook, or dang near anything besides tend the fire) – will get maybe 1/2 KWH today.  Maybe.  Finished January with a grand total of 131 KWHs.  And it’s supposed to be sunny tomorrow, so maybe tomorrow is really Imbolc. 🙂

    Mostly logged on to see how princesspat is doing – glad she’s home and hope the pain goes away soon.  At least she’s in good enough shape to post an update.  That’s a good sign, right?  Got momentarily sidetracked by the dog-and-pony commercial.  Yup, need kleenex.  {{{HUGS}}}

  9. anotherdemocrat

    She’s having surgery Wednesday morning. When I asked about the accelerated timetable, she just said she didn’t have time for the 2nd opinion. I didn’t push further. She said she expects to be out of it or a few days, I said what about Saturday after my workout & she said that’s probably good.

    So now I’m just clearing out the dvr. Got breakfast & lunch next week sorted. Gonna walk in the morning – hope to leave super early so I can get in 2 miles.

  10. It is 4 degrees in Madison this morning with an expected daytime high of 15. Wind chill is 10 below.

    Yesterday we got about 8 inches of snow and significant blowing and drifting. Sorry, Northeast, but the storm is headed your way.

    This morning’s news is about the same as last weeks news. I am watching with interest the Walker Talkers, those who think that the doodieheaded governor of Wisconsin elected in two low turnout elections is presidential material. This morning’s installment was asking the question: does a president really need a college degree? I personally think yes but more than that I think that a president needs to have respect for higher education which Walker clearly does not have. Last week he proposed filling the hole in his budget created by tax cuts for the wealthiest with huge cuts to the university system including the University of Wisconsin-Madison. When he smirks and says that faculty, who already work an average of 62 hours a week, should just “teach a few more classes” to make up the shortfall, he betrays both his ignorance of how universities work and his willingness to tap into the lowest of the lowlife’s resentment of educated people. In the short term, I hope we can find enough Republicans who understand the value of a world-class university in our state … and in the long term, I would hope that the American people will reject this faux populist, anti-intellectual “man of the stoopid people” as a suitable candidate for the highest office in the land. Right now he is an empty vessel being filled up with the hopes of the religious right, the teaparty, and the whites-only crowd. The problem with an empty vessel is that there is no coherent message … let’s see how long that can go on before someone notices.

    I wish I had time to write about this!

    See all y’all later! Oh and Happy Imbolc!!

  11. DeniseVelez

    not even been cleared yet.

    Hubby staying home.

    The local schools in New Paltz are closed but SUNY is not.

    I just emailed my students.


    Well thank you President Obama for telling people to get their children vaccinated for measles.

    Obama urges parents to vaccinate children for measles


    Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun

  12. DeniseVelez

    A selection

    Samuel R. Lowery became the first Black lawyer to actually argue a case before the Supreme Court on this date in 1866. One year and one day earlier, John S. Rock was the first Black admitted to practice before the Court.

    In Mobile, AL, Ku Klux Klansman, Henry Hays, was sentenced to death for the 1981 strangulation/murder of 19-year-old Black youth, Michael Donald, on this date in 1984.

    James Weldon Johnson, diplomat, the first Field Secretary of the NAACP, and co-composer of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (Black National Anthem), was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp on this date in 1988.

    A 30-year ban on the African National Congress was finally lifted by then South African President F. W. DeKlerk on this date in 1990.

    Eric Holder was sworn in as the 1st Black Attorney General on this date in 2009

    Am working on a piece on Loretta Lynch who has been nominated to replace Holder.

  13. anotherdemocrat

    Well, I got in a mere mile & a half this morning. It is cold out there – I think 37 is cold to anybody. I think there will be lunchtime walking.

    My friend is in the downtown hospital, so I’m going to text her later that if she needs anything, I am literally across the park.

    I noticed last night that when I woke up, I was hot, so I may have an explanation for the insomnia. Unfortunately, I don’t think this explanation leads to any cures for it.

    Earworm: I finally got Take Me To Church out of my head, by playing If There’s A Rocket Tie Me To It about 15 times in a row in the car. Big, romantic…… I really like it.

  14. Diana in NoVa

    It’s raining here but the skies appear to be clearing. Babylicious and his sister are due here any minute.

    I am happy the Patriots won, even though I pay little attention to what’s happening on the field.

    Did NOT get my blog written for this month’s Web site update. Did edit my new story, “Mrs. Allen,” for the Fiction Cafe.

    Hope everyone in Moosylvania will have a good day!

  15. bfitzinAR

    Winter decided to move in again – actually while I was online yesterday afternoon although I didn’t notice more than the wind rising and the front room (where my computer is) getting chilling until I went outside to put out birdseed – the water dish was in the process of freezing.  We have little spitball-sized snowflakes at the moment, yes it’s 15 degrees but the windchill in single digits.  I know that’s nothing to you hearty northern folks but I really don’t have the shoes for this.  heh. It’s cloudy right now so that danged ground hog better get out, not see his shadow, and get his butt back to hibernating before it clears off. 🙂 Stay warm.  {{{HUGS}}}

  16. princesspat

    While I woke up to waves of pain, it’s less intense so that’s welcome progress. I’ll read and nap today and RonK will continue to get a workout carrying things up and down the stairs for me!

    He made a salmon risotto for dinner last night that was very tasty.


  17. Diana in NoVa

    Hope you can nap today. Do you like to fall asleep while reading? To me that’s as soothing as a lullaby.

    Wishing you a peaceful, pain-free day. That salmon risotto sounds delicious!

    Blessed be.

  18. Portlaw

    WASHINGTON – President Obama presented a budget on Monday that is more utopian vision than pragmatic blueprint. It proposes a politically improbable reshaping of the tax code and generous new social spending initiatives that would shift resources from the wealthy to the middle class.

    Absent from the plan is any pretense of trying to address the main drivers of the long-term debt – Social Security and Medicare – a quest that has long divided both parties and ultimately proved impossible. The document instead indicates that Mr. Obama, after years of being hemmed in on his fiscal priorities because of politics and balance sheets, feels newly free to outline an ambitious set of goals that will set the terms of a debate between Democrats and Republicans and shape the 2016 presidential election.

    “It’s a visionary document and basically says, ‘You’re with me or you’re not,’ and we can have big philosophical arguments about the role of government, and perhaps in 2016 we will,” said Jared Bernstein, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and a former top economic adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

  19. “Shush, little girl, the menfolk are talking”

    Trying to package Libertarianism in a way that cloaks the white male privilege: not so easy.

  20. (Why does it feel like Wednesday?)

    It is 2 degrees in Madison with an expected high of 20. A Winter Weather Advisory has been issued: snow starting at noon and dumping 2-3 inches over several hours. That is not a lot but it is expected to coincide with rush hour, making travel difficult.

    The president’s budget is an excellent reminder of why we vote for Democrats. Can you imagine what this president with this vision could have accomplished if he had not been handed the worst financial crisis in 60 years? Compared to the puny vision of the Ryan Budgets since 2011, this envisions an America that grows together, not just at the top income levels … waiting for some mythical trickling upon to occur … but across the board.

    By the way, I am not surprised that Republicans are coming down on the side of the anti-vaxxers. One of the greatest scientific achievements was immunization against diseases that used to decimate populations, including ours. When you have a party that is anti-science, this is the inevitable result.

    See all y’alls later!!


  21. DeniseVelez

    have no idea what the wind chill is – even my dogs didn’t want to stay outside for more than a few seconds.

    The Republican’s are jockeying on anti-vaxing

    NY Times

    Measles Proves Delicate Issue to G.O.P. Field

    WASHINGTON – The politics of medicine, morality and free will have collided in an emotional debate over vaccines and the government’s place in requiring them, posing a challenge for Republicans who find themselves in the familiar but uncomfortable position of reconciling modern science with the skepticism of their core conservative voters.

    I wish I had the time to compare their measles responses to their Ebola hysteria.  

    So anyone who has come here from “Africa” should be kept  outta school and quarantined, but un-vaxxed kids should be free to spread airborne – highly contagious  diseases to other children, teachers and school staff.


    Dug up this old Penn and Teller:

  22. anotherdemocrat

    Almost got to 2 miles – 1.88. So, tomorrow I do 2. It was cold, but not like yesterday. Still wore sweatshirt, hat & gloves.

    No thoughts in my head. Slow, drift-y earworm of Rise Up. Which I need to switch out if I’m going to stay awake.

  23. bfitzinAR

    heading for 50, even.  Yesterday cleared off and I got 7.13 KWHs – the most since 10/15/14!  That additional hour of sun in a day makes lots of difference – we’re almost halfway to the maximum my system can produce in a day (per my July and August stats from last summer).  Hope everyone is safe and warm.  {{{HUGS}}}

  24. Diana in NoVa

    Feeling thankful that I am the one to look after Babylicious until he is 15 months old. A baby in a Santa Monica day care has been diagnosed with measles, so it and all the other infants are now quarantined for three weeks.

    Have been reminded that infants can’t be vaccinated until they are 12-15 months old.

    Sorry to be late to the party, but this has been one of those days. My Web guy, who has been missing in action, finally emerged from the ether and said he’d do the Web site updates.

    Wishing all Moosylvania a safe, warm, pain-free, non-measly day!

  25. princesspat

    The foggy gray sky makes staying quiet easier. I can move a bit better this morning though, so I know I’ll be tempted to do something I’ll need to think twice about.

    The anti vaccination foolishness has made me remember how devastating polio was during my childhood, and how horribly sick I was with measles, mumps and chickenpox. We’ve become a nation fascinated by nitwits!

  26. It is 14 degrees in Madison on its way up to 19. Cloudy skies in the forecast. Temperatures will plummet tonight reaching 13 below zero. Our total snowfall total yesterday was 2.5 officially. Unofficially, based on what I shovelled, we got about 4.

    Terrible tragedy with the Metro train crash. People get on a train to go home from work and never make it home. What a nightmare!

    The teapartier who defeated Sen. Kay Hagan in North Carolina in a low-turnout election suggests that freedumbs extends to not requiring businesses to insist that food servers wash their hands after using the bathroom. He has a free market fix for that: post a sign that says workers aren’t required to wash their hands and let the customer decide whether or not to eat there! But wait a minute, if there are no rules, why would the restaurant even put that sign up? Another FAIL for libertarians.

    Oh and the House voted to repeal the ACA for the 56th time.

    Busy day here. See all y’alls later!

  27. DeniseVelez

    From The Root

    Someone Painted Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as a White Man

    They must have ran out of brown paint.

    See the tweets – the not official portrait, the “real” official portrait and the ensuing twitter ripostes

    On another note, also southern:

    Wonkette has a story – which I am now following:

    Georgia Senate Demands A.P. History Only Teach About Shiny, Happy America



  28. anotherdemocrat

    I did it – 2.14 miles! It’s 44 & drizzly out, but between my wool socks, windbreaker & hat, I was plenty warm.

    So around noon central, if you could spare goon thoughts for my friend & her surgical team, I’d appreciate it. I don’t know how long the surgery should last, but “brain surgery” so they can just take their time.

    Earworm: Black Keys Lonely Boy. Good & energetic for tired me. The video is weird, just a guy dancing.

  29. bfitzinAR

    though the forecast says that’s going to change.  Bunches of pieces of paper on my desk needing to be processed.  Depending on who shows up today to answer questions or approve stuff, we shall see how many of them actually get processed and filed.  I have high hopes of most of them being here though – there’s a faculty meeting today with lunch provided 🙂  Hope everybody has a warm and cosy (or at least interesting) pain-less day.  {{{HUGS}}}

  30. Diana in NoVa

    Awful tragedies–NY metro and the latest savagery from ISIL. OMG, it makes a person not want to get out of bed.

    The Web guy surfaced but appears to be ignoring my updates. He does one or two, thinks they’re perfect, and then emails me. English is not his first language so I wonder whether this is a case of misunderstanding. Totally wish I could do the site updates myself, but that’s beyond me.

    It’ll get cold again tomorrow. Wish I had time to get started on the income taxes or work on my novel but…that’s that.

    Hope princesspat’s recovery will be swift, and wishing everyone else a warm, SAFE day!

  31. princesspat

    It’s been a long week, with more waiting to come. My follow up appointment with the surgeon is on Feb 10th so I won’t have the pathology report until then. But he said he found “no surprises” so I’m going to assume I won’t have bad news. It will be a relief to know though.

    I can move with less pain this morning, but it’s ever so humbling to need so much assistance.  

  32. anotherdemocrat

    of course she’s not awake yet, but they’re as pleased as they can be before they actually test her cognitive functions

  33. It is 0 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 16. The temperature is dropping right now and the sound of the timbers in the house popping woke me up. The moon is just barely off Full and the reflection of moonlight off the snow covered lawns is stunning.

    I started a comment and it got too long so I will probably turn it into a post. The short version: Scott Walker stepped on what has turned out to be the third rail of Wisconsin politics … eliding the Wisconsin Way from the state statutes. Defunding the University of Wisconsin was expected (libruls like smart people!! GOP primary goers hate smart people!!) but striking “search for truth” and “to extend knowledge and its application beyond the boundaries of its campuses and to serve and stimulate society” from the mission of the university struck a nerve. While he was touring the state, talking up the new mission of the UW, social media had lit up denouncing his plan. By early evening, he had to issue a statement saying it was a “drafting error” and NEVER his intent to destroy 111 years of tradition in extending knowledge and truth!! So he is not only a disgusting right-wing tool but a terrible liar.

    The FCC is going to listen to the American people and declare the Internet a public utility (as President Obama had asked). That is good news for Net Neutrality proponents and both small d and big D democracy. The little people (that would be us!) need unfettered access to the cyber “airwaves”. It is the one place where our voices can be heard.

    See all y’alls later!  

  34. DeniseVelez

    I hope it ends before I have to leave for school.

    For today’s black History:

    Happy Birthday Hank Aaron!

    Henry “Hank” Aaron, baseball legend, was born in Mobile, AL, on this date in 1934. Aaron played for the Milwaukee (Atlanta) Braves over a 20-year span. He hit 755 regular-season home runs-more than any other baseball player.

    Amazing how long this took (though I was amazed that the conviction even happened)

    White supremacist, Byron de la Beckwith was finally convicted of the murder of Medgar Evers on this date in 1994, nearly 31 years after Evers was gunned downed at his Jackson, MS, residence. Evers was a civil rights activist and the first NAACP Field Secretary in Mississippi.

  35. anotherdemocrat

    WooHoo, 2.16 miles! And it’s cold out – 37, so hat, gloves, wool socks & big sweatshirt over my warm turtleneck. And my legs are still cold, even though I’ve been inside about 20 minutes.

    Earworm: Jackie & Wilson by Hozier (who will likely win the Grammy for song of the year for Take Me To Church). I defy you to sit still listening to that song.

  36. bfitzinAR

    It clouded up around 11 yesterday and the temps started dropping from that unexpected high of 55 – but I still got just over 5 KWHs yesterday.  The guy who’s been promising me firewood since October (I’ve gotten 2 ricks from somebody else in the meanwhile) finally delivered it so I spent yesterday evening after work stacking it/getting it out of the potential mud (forecast of rain/sleet we didn’t get) – and I will admit it burns much better than the other stuff I’ve got.  Of course I’d already ordered wood from a 3rd person who’s supposed to deliver this week.  Ah, the apparently eternal search for a dependable supplier who has dependably good wood.  We shall see what we shall see.  Have a good, safe, warm day everybody.  {{{HUGS}}}

  37. princesspat

    I have a relatively busy day today….a hair appointment and then a blood test. I still can’t drive, but RonK will do the honors. It’s good to feel a change from the all medical focus is starting to happen.

  38. Diana in NoVa

    Dearly Beloved is having dinner out this evening, which gives me a free night to write or start on TurboTax. Babylicious stayed awake all morning so I’ve only now been able to catch up with the Moose and email.

    Having trouble with my Web guy. I realize that English is not his first language, but his reading comprehension is poor. I have to tell him the same thing three times. My theory is that he’s not reading my emails and is not checking his work. He’ll email me that he’s done thus-and-so, and then I visit the site and find it looks just the same, with the requested corrections unmade.

    I just emailed him to tell him if he’s bored with the monthly updates and wants to discontinue doing them, there will be no hard feelings.

    So that’s my input for the day–glad princesspat is up and about and that bfitz, bless her, stacked all that firewood. That’s not an easy job. Hope everyone is Mooseland will have a warm, safe day!

  39. It is 12 degrees in Madison with an expected high of 30. Morning clouds and afternoon sun in the forecast.

    The news is … odd. Right-wingers screaming “who owns your body!” over vaccines but who deny abortions to women who are raped (a double assault on her body). NBC’s Brian Williams lied or misremembered or something. Meh. A profession that is largely about egos and access-trumps-integrity, really has no credibility left to lose. The president is under fire for refusing to call the ISIL terrorists “Islamic extremists” because their religion is not the point, their acts of violence are. And right-wing commentators are saying “The burning of the pilot shows that ISIL is serious, why aren’t we?”. Are they calling for us to torture and burn our enemies? Holy mackeral!

    Here is a palate cleanser: Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) will NOT attend the joint session of Congress set up to poke the president in the eye. He is joined by the leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. G.K.Butterfield (D-NC), because they know damn well that this is disrespect that transcends the political. Good for them. I hope that Vice President Biden finds out that he is busy that day.

    See all y’all later!  

  40. anotherdemocrat

    Wore a coat & gloves this morning because it’s in the 30s but I won’t need them going home. And I won’t even tell y’all about the weekend forecast.

    Didn’t walk today, today’s a rest day before tomorrow’s 6 miles. Hoping my stomach will let me finish this week.

    Even though I still had Jackie & Wilson in in repeat in the car, my earworm is The Miracle of Joey Ramone. I added a Ramones song (I wanna Be Sedated) to my Race Day mix because the irony of having that song in it but no Ramones tune was too much.

    Going to visit my friend tomorrow after the workout. She’s in a regular room, her last Facebook update said she was doing well.

  41. bfitzinAR

    The winter climate of my youth, with all its ups and downs, has moved north to where I live now.  At least we still have 4 seasons here – and when we get enough rain at the right time, beautiful Fall foliage – which is much nicer than what I grew up with in Houston.

    Crazy Lodger almost got herself arrested yesterday going ballistic on an Animal Control officer who gave her a warning – not a ticket or anything worse just a warning – that she needed to keep her dog on a leash when outside the yard.  The only reason I know is that while she didn’t give them her name, she did point at the house she lived in.  They looked up my address and called me at work.  After firmly disassociating myself from any legal or financial responsibility for her, I did express surprise that it was Lodger and not the folks who turn their dogs loose every morning rather than Lodger who never lets her dog out except when she’s with her or the even crazier neighbor who probably called it in.  After a pleasant discussion of the problem of loose animals – and a confirmation that they would be patrolling more regularly – the Dept Head said he’d try to calm the officer down enough to let it go this time.  I am so glad she will be out of my house this weekend.

    On a nicer note, got my firewood and it looks good.  And it feels good to see the full cord there instead of the dwindled down to 2 cu. ft. I’ve been looking at.  He stacked it too which is truly worth the extra $5 I paid for that. 🙂  Hope everyone is safe, warm, and healing as needed today and has fun or at least interesting things to do.  {{{HUGS}}}  

  42. Diana in NoVa

    Was going to say something clever but now the baby seems to be waking up. Yesterday was a really good day (snort)–we lost or mislaid two dummies and my necklace, which I took off to distract him while I was changing his diaper.

    Anyway, I read that some RWNJs were seriously displeased that Obama pointed out at the prayer breakfast yesterday that Christians have also done awful things in the past–the Crusades, the Inquisition, and I think he might even have mentioned witch burnings, but I’m not sure.

    Yikes, I seriously have to go! Everyone stay safe and warm!

  43. princesspat

    Good morning……I got distracted reading around the internets and forgot to post this. And now I’ve forgotten what I was going to say. Oh well, my best wishes to all for a good day!

  44. It is 16 degrees in Madison with an expected high of 38 degrees. That is Above Freezing!! Woo hoo!!

    We sure were chatty this week … nearly 200 comments. The moose tech notes say that over 100 comments can cause serious degradation in the display. It don’t notice any speed issues when that happens – maybe a slight drag as I slide past a video – but otherwise workable. Is anyone else having problems? I like having just one check-in because the conversations can continue from day to day – but if people are having issues reading, let me know. We did split the check-in once and it seems clunky.

    The brouhaha over the president pointing out that many terrible things have been done in the name of religion continues. The guy-who-works-for-a-news-organization-which-feels-it-is-not-their-job-to-challenge-lies is still under fire for lying. Yawn.

    Bobby Jindal joins Brownback and Walker as right-wing governors destroying their states with starve-the-beast tax cutting policies. In Louisiana’s case, state support for their university system has been slashed, prompting their Republican Speaker of the House to say this:

    “Continuously cutting Higher Ed is the easy way out and it doesn’t make sense for economic development – which ultimately drives growth. We need to protect our schools!” He added in an interview with the Times Picayune: “Cutting higher education to that magnitude would not set us back years – it would set us back generations.”

    Well, duh. Are even Republicans starting to realize that killing off the universities, and putting college tuition out of reach for more and more young people, is bad for their states?

    And Joe Biden is added to the list of people who won’t be human props for John Boehner’s diss of the president. His staff “found” a trip that he needs to take the day of Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

    See all y’alls later!

  45. Diana in NoVa

    to 50 F.  Today is my youngest child’s 40th birthday! The baby they didn’t think would live through the night when he was born is married, a homeowner, and the father of two children.  He was supposed to be born around the time of my birthday but arrived a month early by emergency C-section.

    Sorry to overshare, but to me he is my miracle child. The neonatologist told me if he’d been born two years earlier they wouldn’t have been able to save him. For his birthday present, I’m looking after Babylicious at their house while he and DIL go out for dinner.

    Saw something HORRIBLE on my Facebook feed yesterday, from Fox News. Whereinell did that come from? I’ve never “liked” anything on Fox. It showed two photos of the murder of the Jordanian pilot. I immediately reported it and asked for it to be removed from my feed. One can well believe that Fox News is the propaganda arm of ISIL.

    Re the Moose–have not experienced any slowdowns. I like the weekly thread too, although I sometimes have a problem on the Mac when the thread gets really long. The Mac will hardly let me write anything at the end of a long thread. But it’s OK. Thanks for providing the Moose, Jan, and thanks, everyone, for being here. Wishing a good day to all!

  46. princesspat

    I had yet another lesson in recuperation and patience yesterday. The morning started great, but then severe muscle spasms developed around the surgery site so I had to lay very low and just cope. I’m very bored and have primroses on my mind, but I will proceed with caution today.  

  47. anotherdemocrat

    Rested after my 6 miles this morning. Clearing out the dvr. Gonna make the sweet potato/black bean dish tomorrow. And something with pasta. Right now, I’m just gonna stay awake till it’s dark enough to sleep.

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