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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Thursday Morning Herd Check-in

  Make sure you let your peeps

  know where to find you!  


    PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary

        Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are obligatory welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread posted to give you a place to visit with the meeses. Feel free to chat about your weather, share a bit of your life, grump (if you must), rave (if you can). The diarist du jour sometimes posts and runs, other times sticks around for a bit, often returns throughout the day and always cares that meeses are happy … or at least contented.

For those new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment threads grow, the page takes longer to refresh and the comment may not display right away.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, … or Meh. Just Meh. (p.s. Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does).

– The Recommended list has a prominent place on the Front Page because it reflects the interests of the Moose. When people drive-by, we want them to see what we are talking about: news, politics, science, history, personal stories, culture. The list is based on number of recs and days on the list. Per Kysen: “The best way to control Rec List content is to ONLY rec diaries you WANT to see ON the list.

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

You can follow the daily moosetrails here: Motley Moose Recent Comments.


Let the greetings begin!



  1. DeniseVelez

    looks like we have a really nice spring day here in the Catskills – its going up to 64.

    Getting ready for school.  Will check back in on my lunch break.  

  2. anotherdemocrat

    Chilly again, but it’ll be 80 this afternoon.

    President Obama is speaking at the Civil Rights symposium today. He’s leaving right after, so no chance of seeing him. Clinton spoke yesterday — there was a little stir over his criticism of voter id laws. Good for the Big Dog.

    Just over a week till my last visit to the lymphoderma place. It’ll really be a good Good Friday. The insurance company approved my compression socks, I only have to pay $16. I wonder how hard they’ll be to get on.

    Happy Friday eve, y’all – have a good day!

  3. princesspat

    My house is quiet this morning as Ryan stayed overnight with his cousins and Ron is in eastern Wa with his mom. She will be in a re hab facility for awhile with the hope regular oxygen and better PT will help her become stronger. Her assisted living unit is her home now and that’s where she wants to be.  

  4. bfitzinAR

    I had a nice walk home yesterday and looks like I get another one today.  No more QC until next week/Thursday so calming down a bit – and other tummy troubles also settling down.  Still on the “nibble” regime, but no longer restricted (any more than normal for someone with celiac and reflux) as to what I eat.

    Considering renting a room to a very environmentally and politically progressive woman about my age who wants to go back to school for a sustainability-related PHd – pretty much just for what the increase in my utilities would be.  She seems to be a nice person and just for “health and safety” another human in the house might be a good idea.  On the other hand (this is the phrase alerting you that you are dealing with a Libra 🙂 ), she has a dog (I have 2 cats) and I my celiac means I don’t want wheat in the house at all.  I met her last night and will meet her dog Saturday.  We shall see.

    Day 4 of priority registration.  Considering that I started on the comment well over an hour ago, I guess I’ll use JanF’s “Have a great day, Meeses”  and post.  {{{HUGS}}} bf

  5. DeniseVelez

    had a great class this morning – students watched 9500 Liberty:


    Full film is online

    We are examining ethnicity and current attitudes towards immigrants here in the US – the film is a perfect case study.

  6. Diana in NoVa

    Hi, there, meese!  What a day! Was getting Miss Pink Cheeks ready for day care when she suddenly threw up three times on the floor of her bedroom. Thank Goddess it was hardwood floors, not carpet. So had to clean that up, then bring her over here.

    She seems a lot better now but my goodness!  She had this last Thursday too.

    I’m behind in my work, but hey, that’s what life’s about, isn’t it? Will have to work tonight after dinner.

    Everyone have a good evening and a good Friday!

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