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Thursday Morning Herd Check-in

  Make sure you let your peeps

  know where to find you!  


    PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary

        Fierces on the Weather Critter Comment are obligatory welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread posted to give you a place to visit with the meeses. Feel free to chat about your weather, share a bit of your life, grump (if you must), rave (if you can). The diarist du jour sometimes posts and runs, other times sticks around for a bit, often returns throughout the day and always cares that meeses are happy … or at least contented.

For those new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment threads grow, the page takes longer to refresh and the comment may not display right away.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, … or Meh. Just Meh. (p.s. Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does).

– The Recommended list has a prominent place on the Front Page because it reflects the interests of the Moose. When people drive-by, we want them to see what we are talking about: news, politics, science, history, personal stories, culture. The list is based on number of recs and days on the list. Per Kysen: “The best way to control Rec List content is to ONLY rec diaries you WANT to see ON the list.

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

You can follow the daily moosetrails here: Motley Moose Recent Comments.


Let the greetings begin!



  1. Conservatives Complain That Obama Paid Tribute To Mandela, But Snubbed Thatcher

    Nelson Mandela – Iconic leader who spent 27 years in prison for daring to declare that black people must have a say in their own country. And this:

    There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.

    Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.

    Margaret Thatcher – Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain whose policies would make Ayn Rand proud:

    I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand “I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!” or “I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!” “I am homeless, the Government must house me!”.

    Well, I can see why President Obama might have skipped the Thatcher eulogies.  

  2. DeniseVelez

    19 degrees.

    Staying inside – but have to go to school tomorrow for a final exam.

    We seem to have snow in the forecast through Sunday.

    Well at least I’m not where you are Jan 😉

  3. bfitzinAR

    just 10 degrees up – and usually Austin, just 10 degrees down 🙂

    Maybe I’ll actually get some work done today, as in work I was working on last week when we went into “inclement weather policy” mode.  Maybe.  Heck, maybe I’ll manage to finish some of it and have time to read those fascinating-looking stories on the Front Page.  (Yeah, right.)  Stay warm.  {{{HUGS}}}  

  4. pittiepat

    winter-type precipitation.  That will end tomorrow.  It will climb to the 30s with rain and freezing rain, then the temps will drop to about 13 with rain/sleet changing over to snow.  Going to be very slick Saturday so will get my week-end errands done today.

  5. princesspat

    Just a normal chilly day in the PNW. I ::shiver:: for all of you living with real winter weather.

    From this morning’s Seattle Times…..

    Budget deal a high point for Patty Murray’s career

    WASHINGTON – Sen. Patty Murray has to think big while also thinking local, and that means curbing federal spending while keeping federal dollars flowing back home in Washington state.


    Murray says her mission is to promote responsible federal spending, not simply meat-ax budget reductions. Budgeting, she maintains, is a nuanced process, where not every federal dollar has to be treated the same.

    “A steady force”

    Murray’s role in the deal was no surprise to analysts. “She’s been a steady force, a calm voice,” said Peter May, chairman of the University of Washington political-science department. “She’s not a show horse. She’s not a bomb thrower. She’s a consensus builder.”

  6. anotherdemocrat

    Wow did I sleep in or what? I haven’t had breakfast this late in I don’t even know how long. Guess I needed my sleep.

    No plan for today, just hanging out. Maybe a movie this afternoon, maybe not.

    It is finally supposed to get above 50 today, and maybe even back to normal – 60s – by the weekend.

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