Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    30 degrees here in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for a high of only 39. Unseasonably chilly for these parts, but warming later in the week, hurray. Meanwhile it’s thermals for me, as my office will be chilly today!

    Happy Wednesday, Meeses!

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  2. It is 21 degrees in Madison WI on its way up to 39 degrees. The weather icon says “windy”.

    Travel day for me. Stay out of trouble, all y’all!!

  3. Portlaw

    of going up to 40.  Taking the advice of my betters, am about to go read Wonkette and Charles Pierce. And, of course, inhale coffee.

  4. anotherdemocrat

    Ok, really seriously – BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! It’s 35 34 degrees out there! It’s only going to get up to 56 this afternoon. wtf?? It ain’t February yet.

    I’m off site most of today, so I won’t check in much. The place where I’ll be is close to home, so I left the gym bag there. I swear I’m going.

    Anyway – hi. And how do you people who live where it’s like this for weeks at a time do it? It’ll be back to 50s for lows by the weekend, and that’s cold enough, this is ridiculous.

  5. DeniseVelez

    this afternoon.

    Sitting here pounding out a flaming response to Cohen and his “gag at interracial couples” conservatives.

    Brrrrrrrrrrr and Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  6. princesspat

    Heavy rain woke me up on the night, but the weather widjet says it will be clear…and when it’s finally daylight I’ll know!

    I have a physical therapy appointment this morning and my grand girls all afternoon so today will be a busy day. Since knee surgery is officially deemed to risky for me now my hope is that losing another 10 lbs and strengthening the muscles around my knees will make walking a bit easier.

  7. emeraldmaiden

    Laptop screen on my Vaio (DINOSAUR) died, so we went out and spent all our money on a Toshiba yesterday. Tonight, I finally got around to the Moose, and then realized I didn’t know my password! Thank goodness for the password reminder email function.

    So, I’m here. I’m kinda cold, and my arthritis is giving me hell about the weather.

    That’s about it at the mo’, hoping everyone’s well. I’ll check in earlier tomorrow, promise!

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