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Help me raise money for the Austin Children’s Shelter

I joined this group that’s training for the Austin Marathon & Half Marathon. I’m doing the Half – walking the Half. The team raises money for the Austin Children’s Shelter, and each of us pledges to raise $750. having just finished an amazingly successful fundraising campaign for AIDS Walk Austin, I’m fresh out of ideas, and that’s where you come in. Help me come up with another way to raise the money? Unless you just want to donate to my Austin Childrens’ Shelter page

Here’s what my team says about the Austin Childrens’ Shelter:

In 1984, a group of concerned citizens joined together to do something about the lack of shelter space for abused and neglected children in Austin and Travis County; thus the Austin-Travis County Shelter for infants and Children was born.  The shelter has continually grown in response to the needs of the children of Central Texas, adding new programs to help children lay a foundation to build upon.  Through the years, the Austin Children’s Shelter has received only the highest ratings on all inspections and evaluations.  Because of leadership’s strong commitment to providing high quality care, it gained a reputation as one of the very best agencies in the state for children in crisis, a reputation still held today.

For 27 years, it has been the dedication of leadership and staff, and the tremendous support of donors, volunteers and the community at large that has given ACS the ability to make a significant and positive difference in the lives of literally thousands of children who have suffered abuse and neglect.

As we look to the future, it is with the vision that we will, one day, be able to care for every child who needs ACS services.  We believe that we cannot turn our backs on our most valuable, and most vulnerable resource, our children. Helping these children is not only important to their future, it’s important to yours.

So – super worthy cause. What I was going to do was e-bay some of my schence fiction action figures, I have several that are still in the box, etc. Then I looked at what they’re going for. Not gonna get near $750 that way. (though, if anyone wants to pay more than $10 for an X-Files action figure, a Darth Maul from Star Wars, or $25 for a Star Trek Ken & Barbie, let me know — the money will go to this worthy cause, it just has to be worthwhile to sell them)

Anyway, what I need is an idea. I’m not very crafty, so that’s pretty much out. Throwing a party won’t work unless I can find a place besides mine, as there is no guest parking in my complex. I’ve asked people if they have stuff I could e-bay, but that hasn’t gotten very far. There’s a lot of people in this site — y’all got any ideas?

And just in case, here’s my Austin Childrens’ Shelter page

and in keeping with tradition, here’s something from my boys – it’s from the trailer for Long Walk to freedom:


  1. princesspat

    Would local small businesses who cater to families and children sponsor you? Bellingham has several excellent child oriented consignment stores so that’s the model I’m thinking of.

    How are you with dogs? Could you offer some dog walking in return for donations? The walks could be part of your training schedule.

    And then there’s the well used bake/donation sale. You always have interesting food ideas. Perhaps you could find a few volunteers to donate the goodies as well as make a donation themselves.

    $750.00 divided by $20.00 ea equals 37.5 volunteer contributions… wishes for your generous fundraising for the kids in need.

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